Thursday, June 20, 2013


By Juan Montoya
In last Sunday's history whitewash column by Herald mainstay Carl Chilton, he wrote at length of the way people used to travel in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
He included the picture of the convoy at right without mentioning some of the local people involved in the endeavor.
Luckily, some of our readers had knowledge of the local people involved and we are told that their names read like a who's who of familiar local Hispanic names.
Since Mr. Chilton may not have been aware, or even bothered to list the names under the photo he included in his article, we'll do it.
The people who accompanied John Young as his drivers, footmen and midwife, were listed on the original photo. We cannot understand why Chilton did not deem it important to include them in his article.
Those in the ambulance convoy included Bernardo Tijerina, Simon Diaz, Susana(?) Diaz, Alberta Balli Young, John Young, and Juan Mata.
Those of us who have followed the writings of Mr. Chilton know that he is loathe to mention any accomplishments by any local Mexican-Americans, preferring to idolize old Anglo families instead of the common people.
In some cases, as in Chilton's column two  Sundays ago, he even went as far as to ascribe Dr. William Crawford Gorgas's "research" as leading to finding the cause for yellow fever when a Cuban-born doctor – Juan Carlos Finlay – was publishing research papers years before Gorgas was even out of medical school.
As newer generations of researchers and historians begin discern truth from fiction, we are sure that some of the mythology passed off as local history by Mr. Chilton will be seen for what it is, a continued effort to whitewash our heritage.


Anonymous said...

(Carl Chilton)

Just from the look on his pic (and it's most probably the best he could come up with), it looks like the reader is preparing to read an obituary.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get the picture of John Wood?

Anonymous said...

Here at the Herald, we white history.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Chilton needs to read the book "I'd Rather Sleep in Texas", It is a very detailed account of Brownsville history from the McAllen family. It starts from Spanish colonization through the 1900's with details about John Young's life. It is truly unfortunate how Texas has whitewashed its history.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mr. Chilton needs to read the book "I'd Rather Sleep in Texas", It is a very detailed account of Brownsville history from the McAllen family. It starts from Spanish colonization through the 1900's with details about John Young's life. It is truly unfortunate how Texas has whitewashed its history.

Anonymous said...

Pinched Chilton didn't give the animals names either. He is screwing us out of our history.

Anonymous said...

gringos were born to lie. lying by omission is how they do it nowdays...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Why is it local folks get all worked up about the historical writings of an old CPA and yet turn a blind eye to the deep systemic greed, dishonesty and corruption of their own people thet elect to public office ? How did the pinche gringos do that to you?

Anonymous said...

"gringos were born to lie. lying by omission is how they do it nowdays..."

If somebody said "Mexicans were born to lie". I would bet that person would be called a racist and hater, no to mention a distorter of history.

Neither the gringo nor the Mexican has a corner on either vice or virtue and comments such as above add nothing of value to our community.

Anonymous said...

"Neither the gringo nor the Mexican has a corner on either vice or virtue and comments such as above add nothing of value to our community"

Entonces mamasela al Carl Chilton!

mil mascaras said...

nothing but white talkies
