Sunday, November 16, 2014


By Ishaan Tharoor
World News Report

In a televised speech in Istanbul, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Muslims had discovered the Americas three centuries before the voyages of Christopher Columbus. He was addressing a summit of Muslim leaders from Latin America.

"Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher Columbus," Erdogan said. "Muslim sailors arrived in America from 1178. Columbus mentioned the existence of a mosque on a hill on the Cuban coast."

Erdogan is not shy of making provocative statements, whether it's about his political rivals, ethnic minorities or social media Web sites. His latest remarks are, in comparison, less incendiary.

They echo the research of a small coterie of scholars who believe there's archaeological and documentary evidence of Muslims in pre-Columbian America. Erdogan is apparently citing the disputed work of Youssef Mroueh, an academic affiliated with the As -Sunnah Foundation of America.

In a 1996, Mroueh referred to the presence of a mosque spotted by Columbus along the Cuban coast. "Columbus admitted in his papers that on Monday, October 21, 1492 CE while his ship was sailing near Gibara on the north-east coast of Cuba, he saw a mosque on top of a beautiful mountain," writes Mroueh.

Most scholars insist the "mosque" mentioned was a metaphorical allusion to a striking land feature. There have been no archaeological discoveries of Islamic structures pre-dating Columbus's arrival in the New World.

To read the rest of the article, click on link below:


True blooded American! said...

So what is this fucking rag head trying to prove or say? Who give a shit if they did or not? Obviously, they did not want the land for whatever reason or Allah told them that the infidel was going to prosper and that there would be too many citizens with guns? Either way, thank you Muslims for not staying!

Anonymous said...

In 892 A.D. , a camel caravan crossed the great seas and discovered a new world. The caravan loaded with spices and other goods were commanded by the great Arab explorer, Abu Ali Babba and his forty Camel jockeys. . Da Mayor was disguised as a camel Shiek for Imagine Brownntotown. The discovery was confirmed when the city was working on street pot-holes found camel chit in them. The evidence was certified by the NACO Intelligence Service NEA, DEA, and other insiders. For his heroic discovery Da Mayor was awarded the Order of Camel Fleas.

Anonymous said...

Hope your therapist doesn't read all the nonsense you post.

Anonymous said...

You like this nonsense chit do you ? The Truth will set you Free .

Anonymous said...

Camel Jockeys just destined for a nuke !
Three nukes and they will ALL shut the fuck up.
Iran, Turkey and Syria.
Please NSA allow martyrdom for all.

Anonymous said...

Yes. They will all go to Chit Paradise. They will all be met by 100 Hags , all will resemble Aunt J.
