Wednesday, January 28, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: We were surprised to see the three gentlemen in the photo filling up the Dumpster behind the Central Public Library to the brim with books destined for the landfill. We have been known to have a weakness for the written word, so naturally we inquired of the gents why they were throwing them away. After their initial mistrust, one of them said that the books were infested with silverfish and termites (?) and that the library management wanted to prevent the spread of the book-munching pests from the library's multi-million dollar collection. Granted, we don;t have X-Ray vision, but the ones we inspected on the top seemed to be new paperbacks. Once inside we were accosted by Juan Guerra, the Number Two Guy at the library and told that the books that were being thrown away had been donated by the public and that no books purchased by the library were included. We spoke to other people and they wondered why the books weren't donated to the county jail where they would infect nothing, or taken for recycling where silverfish would not be an issue and where they could have fetched a pretty penny and save space at the city landfill. Alas, that was not to be. So donors, beware. Inspect the books you give to the library or they might end up in the Dumpster.)    


Anonymous said...

what a waste. maybe some of our colonias or shelters could use a few good books. what a lack of thinking outside the box, literally.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe the Library destroys books. Give them the Veterans Clinic for instance; or the other charitable organizations. Sort of like what we expect in the book "1984". This will have an impact the next time the Library seeks my support for funding. This will have an impact on how I view public funding of the Library in the future!!!!!!!! But, in a community where the word "READ" is just another 4-letter word....its what we expect in our community.

Anonymous said...

These Ass-Holes could have placed these books on a bench outside of the library entrance with a SIGN : FREE ; but we are in NACO Town where most of the people just don't give a CHIT !

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this information. If these books were donated by the public and are being thrown away then the public should read this article so next time donate your old books to other areas of town. If you have books in Spanish or basic english books call a radio station in Matamoros (ANY radio station), they will come and pick up the books for free and donate them to elementaries, or secundarias in the poorest areas of Matamoros. Here? What about the Cameron Park center? the good neighbor settlement house, the Ozanam center. I know I am not donating any books to that place anymore.

Anonymous said...

Juan Guerra is a stupid moron. He has sexually and verbally harassed employees and is Jerry Hedgecocks puppet. This library receives plenty of book donations and the majority are thrown away. As a customer that goes there I see this a lot. What a joke of management!

By the way, therer are times I see roaches in the library café.

Anonymous said...

Where were central "librarians" to save the books? To busy chit chatting with the other staff as I see them when I go with my nieces

Anonymous said...

Remember this people the next time you make the mistake of giving your money to the library..

Contact Jerry Hedcock Juan Guerra Brenda Trevino for explanations!!!!

Anonymous said...

By throwing the people's books into the trash and not the librarys, is Juan Guerra implying that his patrons are trash?

Management must be very proud of themselves for running such a shitty library with shitty staff.

Anonymous said...

Good staff at the library. C'mon people.

Anonymous said...

Juan, you need to investigate why is it that central library cafe does not have running water as required by city code. The city requires restaurants/snacks to have sinks with hot water, why such double standards. Please find out.

Anonymous said...

The central library café is one of Hedgecocks illegal activities. Why is the health departmekt closing restaurant chains for one cockroach when this café has many violations? If you look closly you can see rodent traps behind the counter my cousin showed me and he returned the food.

Anonymous said...

It is not unusual for libraries to weed out obsolete or badly damaged materials. Do you really want the library to fill its shelves with titles like your neighbor's 1973 World Book Encyclopedia?

Anonymous said...


In this case the items weeded were donations, good donations. REAL libraries donate the weeded items.


Anonymous said...

The reality is that most people donate books with outdated information. Stocking the library with outdated books defeats the purpose of having a library in the first place. If we are going to donate books to anyone, they should be new ones. Most people are not interested in receiving old books with useless information. It is almost insulting.
