Sunday, May 22, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: You have a colony of ants, a swarm of bees, a riot or troop of monkeys, a pod of whales, a flock of birds, a clutter of cats, etc., But what do you call a group of Border Patrol cyclists rolling down the streets of Brownsville?  If you don't have papers, you might cal it a Migra Migraine, a No-Papeles Pesadilla, a flock of Legal Rollers, a Not-So-nICE, Border Butts on Wheels, a Herd of Border Ss, a gaggle of Donde Nacios, a Rump Parade, a queue of --------?. We know. It's Sunday. But think about it.)


Anonymous said...

Mexicans should parade against this "occupation shame." The Border Patrol is not here for us; it's here for White Boy! Fuera, pendejos! GOD DAMN YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Most of the BP are Hispanic and THE RGV is overwhelmingly Hispanic as well, so what the fuck you been Smoking.
Parade again this "occupation shame", the only prade you will get off your Ass for is a CHEESE LINE.
Ni modo.

Anonymous said...

looks like they were going to lunch!

Anonymous said...

why weren't they on the bike path that is on the other side of the expressway in that area?

oh, they choose not to live in brown town, so they don't know about the "miles and miles of trails"

...that no one uses and/ or cares about!!!!
