Monday, June 27, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: There a is such a blend of witty phonetic adaptations in the local lingua  that if one is not at least minimally bilingual or understands the nuances of both languages, something often gets lost in the translation.
Rustic pronunciations of English words or phrases is often colored with a modicum of wit such as when a local Spanish speaker asks another: "Sabes si va a llover? Que dice el Guero Chano?"
That is a reference to the cable Weather Channel that has been appropriated by the Spanish speaker, adorned with a little bilingual wit, and then becomes part of the local lingo. The tile of the program is personified in an elderly white meteorologist, el Guero Chano,
Above, Hot Cheetos have become "jachiro." On the other hand, there is no mistaking what a kid tells another that they should go buy a bag of Takis, the brand name of one of countless hot snacks.
Ese el el wassamara.
We thank one of our Rrun-Rrun Ondas Patrol operatives for this particularly spicy vernacular catch.)


Anonymous said...

Only in your neighborhood, Juan.

Anonymous said...

You love the Mexicanization of Brownsville at snack time, but can't help but think that having that around your neck keeps the Mexican down. It's true: I've never, ever seen a local Mexican with a Twinkie in his hands. Is it because you can't put chile on it?

Anonymous said...

The ignorant blogger Jim Barton wrote about "Adolph" Hitler! What an idiot. It's "ADOLF," loser!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Puro Cameron park phase 4 (Paseo de la resaca)

Anonymous said...

People to lazy or ignorant to learn. They take the easy way that requires nothing of them. No wonder we are the uneducated poverty Capitol of the country

Anonymous said...

Jim Barton wrote that he took a "deferment" instead of serving in the military. Nena served. What a pussy. Draft dodger!

Anonymous said...

The majority of the population in the Rio Grande Delta cannot speak Spanish or English without butchering one of these languages. When a person is illiterate in both languages, I guess you just start making up your own words.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you check out FLAMA videos on Youtube. Especially Joanna Housmann Joanna rants. She is an educated hispanic from Venezuela, living in New York. Her videos and the comments will show all the local commentators in these blogs that ignorance about the hispanic community extends NaTIONWIDE and also that you can say "curse" words and still be educated, not like some of the comments read locally where some people see themselves above others because they live in a better barrio and they don't realize the sound as trashy as those they criticize. Spanglish words in spanish speaking communities in the United States have been there FOREVER. New generations are just discovering it.

Anonymous said...

Jim Barton got a military deferment? What a coward. what was the problem, he scared, he has flat feet, overweight? Why didn't you serve, Jim? (This comment was submitted to Barton's dead blog, but he did not post it). COWARD!!!

Anonymous said...

Yawn! Go away Duardo ; and fuck yourself while at it you annoying lunatic !

Anonymous said...

We are not in New York puto liberal. We are in the bowels of Texas, a cesspool of humanity. Is there anything else you need to know?

Anonymous said...

The real Mexicans look down their noses at the Valley Nacos, because they can't speak Spanish. The Anglos look down their noses at the Valley Meskins because they can't speak English.

Meanwhile, the Valley Nacos/Meskins wallow in their ignorance, thinking it is such fun to speak gibberish rather than Spanish or English. They delight in their illiteracy and think they are cool.

Fucking pathetic...

Anonymous said...

I believe Duardo is away. Are you daft?

Anonymous said...

(Jim Barton wrote that he took a "deferment" instead of serving in the military. Nena served. What a pussy. Draft dodger!)

Al duardito, le gusta por el chiquito!
