Friday, October 14, 2016


To: American Patriot
From: Princess Abacha Wightman
Re: Help my Brother, a Disabled Nigerian Vet

Dear Patriot,
This will come as a complete surprise to you, but if you have a heart you will realize that I needed to reach out beyond my close circle of friends to assist a disabled Nigerian veteran.
That veteran is my brother and his evil siblings and relatives allied with the new regime have used the legal system to deprive him of his savings of almost USD $50,000.

They have used corrupt judges and the court system to deprive me of his Power Of Attorney to keep me from helping him move it from the Royal Nigerian Central Bank and out of the country so he can get the proper medical treatment he deserves.

I have been a continuing contributor to desperate people and worthy causes for as long as I can remember and it's broken me. I have had to close both my bank accounts and I am now living day to day and cannot see a way to help my brother retrieve his savings and remove him from the deplorable conditions which he is enduring as a result of his inability to get at his savings.

I am not even using my private swimming pool anymore or taken the occasional jaunt to Peru or other exotic locales as I used to. I even cut down on my social relationships because I can not count on any disposable income anymore.
All I need is USD $2,000 to go into a Nigerian federal court (I was once an attorney) and have standing to help a relative get a federal judge to release the funds to my brother. Won't you help?

If you do, I will make available a full accounting of how the money is spent and you can have the satisfaction of having helped a disabled Nigerian vet who put his life on the line for our people and our country.
I feel ashamed and dirty to have to recur to the assistance of compassionate strangers, but I see no other way to do this.

If you have it in your heart to help a red-blooded Nigerian hero, please email me so I can send you the appropriate routing numbers that we may extend him the assistance he so desperately needs now. When we needed him to stand in front for us, he did so willingly and without reserve.
Isn't it time we stand up for him?


Anonymous said...

All that shit this vato talks about living the high life and being hoighty toitghty but the vato baboso is begging for money like a prostitue on a corner. Juan, this menso wants handouts but brags about being a chingon rich blogger with the biggest casa en el valle. No vale madre!

Anonymous said...

Don't talk about Blimp that way. he gawna get mad atcha.

Anonymous said...

We have to wonder if Judge Elia Cornhole Lopez has a hand in this effort. She was so pissed when the BISD Administration wouldn't bend over for her daughter who failed to get her application for an AP class turned in on time, that she seeks redemption. Elia is a first class power monger and seeks special consideration for everything.
