Saturday, March 25, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: At first the criminal homophobic tagger was a mere nuisance. Hiding under cover of darkness like a sneak thief, he defaced the paintings of Latin artists and musicians local artists had donated to adorn the walls of the Capitol Theater in celebration of the Latin Jazz Festival.

Using his tagline "NY" like a skunk pisses to mark his turf, he wrote "slut" on the painting of Selena, and "fag" on the portrait of a Latin musician. The students, undeterred, came back and painted over the slurs. Not much later, he (we assume it's a he because of his homophobic use of the words and his insult to the woman) he returned and used a sharp instrument to mar them again. But there was a sick and hidden side to the twisted mind of this moron as well. He also penned racist insults to local Mexican Americans on the wall of a building on Washington Street calling them "Mexica scum."

It doesn't take a trained FBI profiler to determine that this is coming from some racist coward walking the streets of Brownsville after dark penning his venom on the walls when no one is watching. Obviously, he is not a happy person to be in a town where more than 90 percent of its residents come from an Hispanic cultural background. Why is he here if he thinks we're scum? Someone get this idiot off the streets before he ratchets up his actions to something worse or someone hurts him.)


Anonymous said...

Put Diego Lee Rot under surveillance.

Anonymous said...

The better question is, why are you here?

Anonymous said...

Crazy shit in a crazy town. where's Gavito?

Anonymous said...

That's just fucked up

Anonymous said...

I am afraid that if we ever catch this person it will end up being a self-hating mexican, ala Dagoberto Barrera.

Anonymous said...

El Cucuy did it.

KBRO said...

I bet a handwriting analyst would surmise that there were two culprits which is indicated by the differing stroke style of each scumbag. One uses six-single strokes to for "NY" (raising writing implement which looks like fat Sharpie) while other is done in a continuous stroke which maintains contact with surface without leaving it until "N" and "Y" is each formed. The writing in blue which insults the majority of our populace that hate the fuck out of themselves, each other and those who try to do good for the benefit of our community - could be done by same culprit(s) or others. Welcome to Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

It's gotta be one of them crackheads that hangs around in downtown. The BPD needs to start cracking down on these loser crackheads and hookers that make our downtown a bad place. Other than Charro Days, we can't attract people downtown, cause of these losers. Get them the hell out!

Nenny said...

It wasn't Diego!

Anonymous said...

Could be Valadez. He's unemployed, no?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he lived or visited NY at one point in his life?

Anonymous said...

We need stop and frisk in brownsville
Ironically just like in new York

KBRO said...

The perps are throwing us off with "NY" moniker to make us think it stands for "New York" when it really stands for "anoNYmous" just like the mutts that hang around this page.

Anonymous said...

And the suspect is most likely a Hispanic who wants to be white.

Anonymous said...

By Mexica he means Chicanos--many Chicanos refer to themselves as Mexicas or sons of Aztlán.

Geronimo Pena said...

I was at a bar downtown and saw a white guy running from something. Couldn't see what he had in his hand, tho. Might have been him?

Anonymous said...

I parked on 11th yesterday to run to the Dollar Tree and had to hurriedly run to cross the alley behind the Capitol Theater to avoid running into 4 vagabonds hanging around the trash can, using vulgarities and obscenities in bright daylight, so I can imagine what goes on during the night time. What would be so strange to have a constant patrol in the area by our illustrious police department to rid all those people running people from the downtown area. I will never return to downtown in Brownsville to face these vagabonds.

Anonymous said...

To the person that mentioned Dagoberto Barrera: Whatever happened to that man? Is he still a Brownsville "breathing" resident? I was surprised not to see him campaigning for Donald Trump. He would have made a PERFECT "press secretary" for Trump and his ideas.
Just wonder what happened to him?

Anonymous said...

Ja Ja Ja El pinche Javier ya se cree miembro del CSI: Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up , Diego ! What do you know about respect? It's probably you doing all this crap, pendejo !

Anonymous said...

It's the same guy who stole Brady's jersey!!!

Anonymous said...

El KBRO siempre tiene que meter la cuchara. Mutts? Tu madre, guey!
