Thursday, June 20, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"A lingering question about Cardenas' residency was raised on a social media page after they checked voting records that showed Cardenas had voted in the primary (runoff) elections on March 20 (corrected to May 20) using his 4068 Lake View Drive address which had been sold two months before (March 15) to a Jason Starkey.

"Did Cardenas declare to the voting judge that he no longer claimed his residence there when records show he voted?"

A local blog reported that:
"On this very same morning, this blog received two anonymous comments, one suggesting that either city commissioner Roy De los Santos or Rodrigo Moreno's Pink Ape Media had financed a "hit job" on Cardenas (through Juan Montoya).

"Whoever wrote the first note references personal knowledge of when Cardenas voted and when he sold his home. Is that you Pedro?

"I would bet Santos or Pink ape paid for this mornings hit job on Cardenas. Early voting started on February 20th, which is before Cardenas sold his home.

"The elections office can verify the exact day he voted. Another hit job by Montoya and those who pay him."


Anonymous said...

I love being topless or naked and if people can see me, it makes me moist and horny. So here are some of those dressed/undressed pictures. Let me know what else you would like to see. Thank you for eyeballing me. xxx Lala xxx

Anonymous said...

read between the lines, if you can, everybody that is a crook is after this blog and wants to close it down, but they can't this is a free country. They have no evidence of nothing crooked being done here, if not they would be in the courts, believe me. They will do anything crooked and that is all they can do. Not even the crooked judges we have here will touch it, why? they will further expose themselves.


Anonymous said...

who gives a flying fart

Anonymous said...

Like georg lopez says, PURO PVC, Pinche Vato Culero. lol.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Real news? Looks more like fake news just like the rain forecast here. NOTHING HAPPENED. Its all geared for us to spent what we don't have MONEY

Anonymous said...

Is that a Conehead with Cardenas??? This is all a show put on by these motherfuckers. It just creates confusion and “so called controversy “ but in the end , its business as usual ( no consequences and no one held accountable). Year in and year out similar stories pop up , they are swept aside and the con game continues. THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE REST GET FUCKED. Brownsville politics at its best!!!

Anonymous said...

Pedro Cárdenas is for Pedro Cárdenas ONLY

Anonymous said...

I have to agree June 20, 2024 at 6:23 PM
Pedro Cárdenas is for Pedro Cárdenas ONLY. He has done absolutely nothing fue the city, but advanced himself $$$.

Anonymous said...

Can somebody please look into how Pedro got all his permits at his pastry shop so fast? The rest of us have to wait like normal citizens so how did he zoom through the process? I need answers? I had to wait nearly 8 months to get mine to open, how did he zoom through the process? Please someone look into this!

Anonymous said...

I saw him but holding a rifle not a guitar...

Anonymous said...

1:13 you are up the creek without a paddle my friend. This is Brownsville!! The elite and powerful look out for each other. The rest of us , be fucked. And this guy is a city commissioner, so forget about it, you’ll get your permits someday. Don’t hold your breath. Brownsville is the ATM for the rich and well connected. The rest of us are told to wait in line, wait our turn and to shut the fuck up!!!

Anonymous said...

Corruption at its Best. I also hear that regular citizens wait for months for permits to be processed.

Anonymous said...

Mi Pueblito restaurant has a huge infestation problem with roaches and rats but city health inspectors can't shut it down because of who the owner is. Patrons beware. Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

June 21, 2024 at 12:04 PM

June 21, 2024 at 2:15 PM

You are correct. The poor in Brownsville are not treated well. At the Brownsville Clinic the employees treat patients according to how they look. They yell at the patients. If it is a man: he gets treated well sometimes. The reason behind this: the employees are lazy and are not there to serve the patients. If its Monday...forget not go. Wait for Tuesday. They are also rude to each other: employee to employee.

The Pharmacy employees make people wait for 30 minutes or more...all the patients are waiting and only one employee makes the medication, handles the Drive by window and also calls in patients when the medication is ready. The employees do not have time to answer the phone.
Why does this happen? Because the people are poor and do not deserve prompt attention. Some patients leave. The patients tell the employees "I use the bus to get here, please help me." Very sad situation.

They do not complain because this behavior comes from the top and trickles to the bottom.
Poor people of Brownsville know how to survive this type of abuse. Most of the patients are elderly, so that is elderly abuse.

Anonymous said...

June 20, 2024 at 6:22 AM


Anonymous said...

change the name to whiteville and sent all non whites Y COCOS back to mesco. DO IT!!

Anonymous said...

June 21, 2024 at 4:12 PM

Their daily special at noon is colita de RATAS and breaded, served with a big spoon of frijoles re-fritos y aroz con lengua de RATAS, and it's only 1.99 centavos, mon-thur only. Call with your debit card and will reserve a plate or two.

according to some of the ex elected officals: "It's delisucio".

Anonymous said...

BISD is ordering robotic teachers for next year's budget they say they will save 75% of their budget and all on salaries for los huevones teachers. GOOD FOR BISD and lower our taxes 6%.

Anonymous said...

June 20, 2024 at 8:01 AM

flying farts are only legally allowed at all city commissioners meetings and only in browntown. flying farts hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Los mojados are experts in flying farts and they use a scope, so look out. They have mastered the art of flying farts FACT......
