Saturday, June 29, 2024


La Cebolla

MOSCOW—In an effort to strengthen ties with outside groups two years into Russia’s widely condemned invasion of Ukraine, an increasingly isolated Vladimir Putin confirmed Wednesday that he had tried joining an adult kickball league. 

“I found this intramural league that plays in central Moscow, and kickball might be a really fun way to get out there and meet new people, which I could really use right now with all the stuff that’s going on in my life geopolitically,” said the five-term Russian president, explaining that in addition to the opportunity to find friends and confidants after having become an international pariah, he hoped the regular practices and game schedule would provide structure and routine to an existence he acknowledged was “kind of rudderless” lately. 

“Maybe it sounds silly, but it’s nice to have a place where I feel like I belong at a time when it seems as if the whole world has turned against me. They go to craft breweries after every game to hang out, which is cool. There’s even a guy on the team who makes his own sauerkraut.” 

At press time, Putin had reportedly quit the kickball league in frustration after a lonely President Joe Biden also joined.


Anonymous said...

Hope that freak, Trump's close buddy, commits suicide.

Anonymous said...

Biden, LOL! How embarrassing this must be for all of you.

Anonymous said...

One of the benefits for Milky brain Biden having dementia is that he doesn't remember making a fool of himself at the debate! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

Hey Valley Mexicans...Dementia Joe got his ass kicked by the ORANGE MAN, the next POTUS you whiny ass losers.

Anonymous said...

Still voting for President Biden over the felon, liar, crook, disrespectful and despicable person. Trump had said that he will end the Ukraine war I believe it but it will on his master Putin's terms.

Anonymous said...

Pa la carcel idiota mamon and stay there with all the racist republicans y todos los COCOS del valle BOLA DE MAMONES Y LAMBISCONES. HE HATE MESCANS!

Anonymous said...

You all have such TRUMP DERRANANGEMENT SYNDROME. Seriously you think he is worse than Biden. Low IQ people can't do critical thinking. So you all think Trump hates Mexicans. No pendejos look at Bidens's history. He is the most racist president. He hates blacks. Called them predators.They passed a law where they put black males in jail for bullshit drug offenses. Like having nickel bags of Marijuana. Ah but you all don't know shit about it. Even Kamala Harris told him during the debates that he was a racist. But you all conveniently forget. Mensos y mas mensos. Trump did more for blacks and Hispanics yet you all don't see it. It was OBAMA THAT STARTED THE RACE SHIT. BIDEN said he didn't want his kids going to school with the black children.But you all can't see that its the Black's now that get the jobs with this Woke, DIE bullshit. Keep voting Democrat and you will all end up living worse than the illegals coming in. Doesn't it piss you off they are getting it all. Free cell phones, 5 star hotels, food, money, and on and on. Even jobs. They laid off all these hispanic workers at the meat packing plants to hire illegals. But you don't know about it. And guess what? Its not the Mexicans coming over. Its all the other people. But you have not a clue. Demented Biden needs to be in a nursing home eating ice cream.

Anonymous said...

Putin is a genius, Putin can do whatever the hell he wants to any NATO country. Sounds exactly like Putin's puppet

Anonymous said...

It's ironic how everyone who for years has been stating that Biden has been doing a great job is now criticizing him over one failed debate. Biden has always been an idiot who has never done anything for the people of this country. Now they want to remove the moron and put another moron named Michelle Obama. What did Barack Obama do for this country after being in office for 8 years? Only Obama Care comes to mind, which raised our taxes and insurance premiums. Nothing but lies from the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

He's a felon because our judicial system is corrupt. Biden should also be a convicted felon except that his corrupt Justice Department refused to charge him for his improper possession of classified documents. Try and convince yourself that the Democratic party is not a socialist party.

Anonymous said...

So, we'll we hear another 2016 "Russia if you're listening " claim by Trump so Putin can come to the rescue? Keep voting for this lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Looks like OUR city manager elena... fire her ass she's a russian spy.

Anonymous said...

Se parese a el de las patas prietas nomas que este esta blanco el pendejo de las prietas tiene nalgas prietas y hediondo como la chingada!!!

Anonymous said...

looks more like that pendejo that got fired from el puerto a donde anda ese pendejo idiota? who cares.... oh he's on welfare and snap!

Anonymous said...

Putin will be delighted to have his puppet back in the White House.
