Friday, July 12, 2024


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Up until December 2023, if you were a convicted felon, you could not run for city office or to be appointed to a board or commission in the City of Brownsville.

This was based on the city's Policy on Board and Commission Member Appointment and Eligibility
approved by the city commissioners August 21, 2018. 

It stated that:

(c) Criminal Check. No individual may serve on any city board or committee who has a felony conviction or who has, within the past ten years, been convicted of any crime of moral turpitude

All that changed at the second reading of a new (and improved?) policy during the commission's December 12, 2023 meeting that – upon the recommendation of City Manager Helen Ramirez and City Attorney Will Treviño – the commission unanimously approved a change to that section which stated that:

(f) Criminal Check. No individual may serve on any City Board who has a felony conviction from which the individual has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities or who has, within the past ten years, been convicted of any crime of moral turpitude.

Three weeks later – on January 2, 2024 – Gayle C. King, a local Realtor and close friend of Ramirez and a female relation of Mayor John Cowen, submitted her application to be considered as a member of the Brownsville-South Padre Island Airport's Advisory Board. City commissioner Bryan Martinez nominated her to the board seconded by Roy De los Santos during the January 16, 2024 meeting.

In response to what qualified her for the airport advisory board, she replied that: "My family was
always on airplanes since we lived on an island (Puerto Rico). We always flew on Pan American Airways, and I loved flying. The history of Pan Am as a historical hub in Brownsville and the famous pilots that flew here is enthralling to me."

In her application, King's answer to the question of whether she had ever been convicted of violating any federal, state, or municipal law, regulation, or ordinance, she answered "yes."  

In answering "yes." King is then asked to give details of those convictions and replied that in 1990 she was "convinced" to join a group "that later I found out was a promotional scheme" and had received 2 years probation, which she claimed were expunged from her record with the Texas Real Estate Commission after 10 years.

She also gave consent to the city to conduct a search of her criminal history records to ascertain the details of her conviction and attested that all the information for the appointment was "true and correct."

If city administration officials and attorneys had done their due diligence as required by the application process, they could have found out that (notice how "convicted" becomes "convinced."):

1. The first lie was that King was "convinced" to join a group to promote a "promotional scheme," in 1990 (34 years ago), but not the truth that she was "convicted" for being the principal mover and shaker in a pyramid scheme which bilked several participants starting in 2000 (10 years later than her assertion that it happened oh so long ago in 1990) in McAllen (CR-1698-02-D) when she  "convinced" others to join at $5,000 a crack which was exposed when she failed to deliver on her promise they would receive $20,000 if they recruited more people to join to achieve the return on their $5,000. 

2. The second lie by omission is that that record indicates that a jury in the 206th District Court convicted King of two counts of promoting a pyramid promotional scheme and one count of theft by deception, all felonies, in 2002.

The jury found her guilty and the court sentenced King to three concurrent sentences of two years in a State Jail facility, probated for five years, imposed a fine, and ordered restitution. (when you click on to the link, click on criminal, enter enter CR-1698-02-D to go to the case docket for the case record)

In her application, King blandly states that she received a two-year probation but never mentions that she was convicted of three felonies. 

3. The case stemmed from King's promotion in late 2000, of a program referred to as Women Helping Women ("WHW"), Original Dinner Party ("ODP"), or "birthday club" which became popular as a "gifting club." Women who wished to join WHW would pay $5,000 for a "plate," designated as a "gift," with the expectation that their $5,000 gift would be increased to $20,000 as they convinced other women to join the club and paid their $5,000 "gift." 

4. No court record exists that supports her misleading claims that the convictions were ever expunged from her criminal record, and in fact, her 2003 appeal was decided in August 2005 by the Texas 13th Court of Appeals which upheld her convictions and can be accessed online. 

Aside from challenging the constitutionality of the law against pyramid schemes, double jeopardy, and vagueness, she also asserted that the conviction must be reversed on grounds that she was singled out for prosecution based on her race and was denied equal protection on grounds of invidious discrimination. (

Her claim that the Texas Real Estate Commission ordered the her criminal convictions "expunged," after 10 years is a red herring since only the trial court, not the TREC, can sign an order of expunction of her criminal record. Further, the court is prevented from issuing an expunction order if the defendant served probation, or if the Texas Department of Public Safety objects to the request.

The TREC can – after a hearing to determine whether the individual proves that he or she can be trusted to handle real estate transactions honestly in the State of Texas – allow her to reinstate a license to operate in the state.

Then, after failing to overturn her convictions – and before her five-year probation period was over – she petitioned the trial court on March 2009 for early termination of community supervision and requested judicial clemency. This was granted by Judge Fred Hinojosa on March 16, 2009.  

Hinojosa did not "pardon" King, since only the state governor can issue a pardon. Judicial clemency differs in that it allows a defendant to claim that the convictions have been "dismissed" or "set aside" and claim that she was not convicted.

Clemency is defined as leniency granted for a crime. It does not mean that the crime gets overlooked or forgotten. In short, it is a legal subterfuge to deny that she had three felony convictions and claim that the court has "dismissed" them.

King may have been allowed to recover her license to practice in real-estate by the TREC, but that has nothing to do with "expunging" her criminal record. It remains on the books.

No matter how you try to sugar coat it, the bottom line is that we have a thrice convicted felon on the airport advisory board and that she lied about when it happened (the year 2000, not oh so long ago in 1990), and fudged that the criminal record was expunged by the courts.

Must be nice to have friends in the right places.


Anonymous said...

Ho hum. This does not affect me or my family. Tell me about jobs and the cost of groceries and PUB electricity, bro.

The lousy politicians here will do what they want to do, regardless of what you say. One would think you knew that already, Montoya. Como andas, guey?!


Anonymous said...

Rrun Rrun just attacking this woman because she is white.

Anonymous said...

The biggest political convict ever is running for the presidency. This little convict here is small papitas.

If Helen Ramirez and Cowen's wife invite this convict to their home and something is missing they should know who took it. Right now she is taking their reputation.

Anonymous said...

If she is from Puerto Rico she is a Latina and not white. But good try to make him look racist.

She is a felon. Plain and simple. She needs to be taken off the board. They are all corrupt.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think anyone is attacking anybody. They are just EXPOSING these people for what they really are. And maybe because they’re “White” as you say, is because they think they can do as they please. My friend says its not about race creed or religion but about being corrupt and thinking they are above the law. That seems to be the new thing now. Good job Cowen , showing your true colors or is it just “ happy wife happy life “. Bunch of losers. Nothing will ever change in this town.

Anonymous said...



They can do that because of people (pendejos) como tu idiota and the sad thing here is THAT THEY KNOW IT AND CAN COUNT ON YA'ALL PENDEJOS, not to do anything. Gracias pendejos del browntown keep up the good citizen work by adoring your RATAS AND to run this pendeja ciudad. BOLA DE JOTINGOS/AS ESTUPIDOS.

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2024 at 7:02 AM

otro idiota!!

Anonymous said...

wow a white RATA familia y en browntown. Oh well most mescan familias are RATAS, COCOS WANNA BE WHITE y mamones, say like 99% that live here in this RATA city.
whites try to at least hide their RATISMO, mescans don't. NO TIENEN VERGUENZA BOLA DE JOTOS/AS.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya, great job getting to the bottom of this appointments. It just smells bad, right or wrong. It looks like the City changed the rules to help Cowen and this appointment just like it looks like the City appointing their compadres. For a long time the appointments have been by the book. We used to follow the rules. Read the ordinance. Each member of the airport board shall be a resident of Brownsville, or own property in or have a business interest in Brownsville. This rule has always been followed up until recent. The mayor and city commissioners appoint citizens of Brownsville that pay Brownsville taxes to the city board NOT people from out of town. They could also appoint people that own businesses in the town and pay taxes to the town. Or you had to own a business in town the business you owned had to pay taxes. When I worked at the city it always meant that person owned a business in Brownsville not just took a dump or a piss or are lunch in Brownsville because they worked in Brownsville. Now you have commissioners like Pedro Cardenas appointing his compadres that live in Rancho Viejo. Go and look at the applications and how many Brownsville residents you had applying. Then last minute someone from Rancho Viejo gets appointed. Why? Compadrismo. These appointments to these boards just smell bad. Why after all these years is this city commission not appointing people that live in Brownsville or pay taxes in Brownsville or own a business in Brownsville. There are many of us that are qualified that own business in Brownsville or pay taxes here. Now they are saying they can appoint someone from Nebraska that spends money in Brownsville but does not own a business in Brownsville is qualified to serve and give advise to the Brownsville citizens. Who did this? Pedro Cardenas and the city attorney that does not have the guts to tell them they are wrong. The same person that does not live in the district he is supposed to be representing. Look it up Mr. Montoya. Keep digging.

Anonymous said...

Zeke Silva is still not wanted and will not got appointed to any board. He’s the real felon of Brownsville! I think what should be questioned is the person who motioned to appoint this person. Bryan needs to be questioned as well as Roy as to why they appointed this person?

Anonymous said...

No sean Mamones. Quien chingados vive en Rancho Viejo. Cardenas Tumlinson o Villanueva o los tres????? No mamen. Porque chingados? Y los tres comen fajitas tambien o Que pedo? Cardenas es el Que Voto Por el de Rancho Viejo? Quien es?

Anonymous said...

Montoya you said it. Cardenas, who has publicly announced that he is between residencies and no longer lives at the place of residence he filed when he ran for office, says he now lives somewhere else in the district. (A search of the Cameron County Appraisal District indicates that his wife now lists an address outside District 4 as her place of residence. Why isn't Cardenas listing his residence there?). AND HE NOW APPOINTS HIS BUDDY DUMLINSON WHO LIVES IN RANCHO VIEJO TO THIS BOARD THAT SHOULD REALLY BE A TAXPAYER OF BROWNSVILLE. WHO DOES CARDENAS HAVE HIS LOYALTIES TO? BRING IT UP IN HIS ELECTION AND CARDENAS WILL LOSE HIS ELECTION. LETS GO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

if it was a mescan los cocos would revolt, but noooooo its a white gringa with a felony conviction she's ok don't mean nothing on any white gringo o gringa, let them be all of them are great people...

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2024 at 6:36 AM

anda con tu mama pendejo maricon, y yo tambien pinche bruja sin escoba, aaa pero muy buenota en la cama.

Anonymous said...

July 12, 2024 at 1:11 PM

the epidemy of a coco mamon y pidiche no tienes verguenza pinche pidiche.

Anonymous said...

She is a corrupt felon, knowingly, willingly, intentionally, purposely and maliciously knowing and acknowledging that past history would someday come to haunt her. She surely knew that she was a CONVICTED FELON before she was appointed to the South Padre Island International Airport Commission.
she was appointed by another Rata who was also appointed to the same entity, Carlos Casco, Question is, "was the relator who made the Boca Chica land theft possible in 2013? Was she friendly with the RATAS of Rene Olivera. Eddie Lucio and Tex. Land office George P. Bush to allow the selling of Public Beach a Texas Real Estate Commissioner".
she seems to have a tail that's miles long, This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Bryan the biggest disappointment Fairy Y Roy Huraches Guadalajara, por favor

Anonymous said...

I try to get on the board but was rejected because, no tattoos, not gay,I work too much in the community, volunteer all the time for other clubs, can read and write, I report stupidity and lazy city government officials. That's why the rats on city commissioners board don't want my kind volunteering for the city. I don't kiss ass either.

Anonymous said...

Really Juan? How much did you get paid to trash the people in your blog? Can you imagine a talented writer like yourself is lowering himself for pennies to buy beer. Buddy go to rehab and get your life back on track. If you don’t want to do it for yourself at least do it for your children.

Anonymous said...

If this thief ever goes to your house keep an eye on her hands. She has sticky fingers and believes in the five finger discount. 😱

Anonymous said...

OK, you did such a fine job of researching this incident, Mr. Montoya, so now it is time that you turn your interest to the follow-up trial date for the Gallegos Mobsters. When is that ever going to trial, inquiring minds want to know.


How about it, Juan? Que pasa con eso? Y la Atkinson? Que pasa con ella?

Anonymous said...

Y ke va pasar...

Anonymous said...

Juan i agree with 7.21 am, so now that this has been exposed, what will City management & the City commission do now? If she is a felon then she needs to be removed from the board. Period, no questions asked, now where or where are are city elected officials in this or are they trying to hide it under the RUG, now for Helen Ramirez, the so called city manager earning $330k per year do your damn job bitch and remove this felon or move the process so the city commission can remove her. Or are you guys just playing MONOPOLY and letting her pass go and collect the $200? just asking for a friend. CHUY

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

If this woman cleared with Cowen and Ramirez, what makes us think that Pedro will be penalized with any of his shenanigans ?!?! Luis Saenz doesn't give a hoot, because a lot of sh$t has happened under his watch and his friends get away with so much . Hey Cowan have you gone back to Southmost to play Loteria Chalupa? A new card can be added to "Chalupa" which can be called "La Rata". We have so many politicians or undeserving GRANT takers, in Brownsville, that can represent this card. Cowen , I really thought you were better than this, but you are in this position for yourself, family and friends.

Anonymous said...

All home asleep. The weather is terrible.

Anonymous said...

I was given a metal toy airplane maybe I should apply.

Anonymous said...

she looks pretty but she is a RATA dale baking soda or powder para que truene, puchi!!!

Anonymous said...

full body pic please, and not just uno manny

Anonymous said...

Did you check out her nose? Tiene cara de hocus-pocus y pelo como Trumputo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

July 17, 2024 at 8:36 AM

Be sure to take the KY Jelly tube because she is old, dry, and withered.
