Sunday, July 28, 2024



Anonymous said...

The Trump years are the dark ages.

I have tried looking at Donald Trump with admiration but it just doesn't happen.

His latest to me is the late "Hannibal Lecter."

Anonymous said...

Wasn’t a nightmare for me...fajitas were $3.99 a pound ($6 a pound today), gas was $1.79 a gallon ($3.15 gallon today). Do you really think people are going to believe your BLATANT LIES Montoya the Low Life Mexican?! The Rio Grande Delta votes DemocRAT in order to get their fucking Food Stamps because they are TOO LAZY to work!

Anonymous said...

Is that Trump lying down after being shot by democrats?

Anonymous said...

where is ese pendejo de las patas prietas y nalgas negras falso de las prietas idiota

Anonymous said...

If you don't know if that's Trump lying down then you shouldn't be voting.

Anonymous said...

It's because of liberal blogs like this, that the RGV is the armpit of the USA.

Anonymous said...

Democrats claim Republicans don't believe in Democracy Kamelhead got "Dedazo" and is now the presumptive nominee. What about the donors and voters who wanted Biden. There are others who worked hard for the nomination. Hypocrisy...
I was better off 4 years ago. If you can't stand mean tweets from orange man, get out of the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

(The Rio Grande Delta votes DemocRAT in order to get their fucking Food Stamps)

Fuck all tRump ass suckers. You all must just love literally eating his turds.

Anonymous said...

July 28, 2024 at 10:13 AM

The rich took their companies to other countries and the logistics became more expensive to bring your supplies, food, and clothes more expensive. The Covid 19 made many people watch their spending so now the big companies have to recoup all the money lost. How? By increasing the prices of things.... Americans should stop buying at those high prices.
Here we go to Matamoros and buy the items but this drives the Mexican economy crazy...the people in Mexico can not afford the low prices they have but Americans can.

Food Stamps are just to help the people survive a supplement, they still have to work to pay their groceries, their cars, their rent. Americans do not want other Americans to steal bread, to kidnapp people nor to rob people in the street for twenty dollars.
It is a system that works and sooner or later most families stop asking for food stamps.

Anonymous said...


You and Trump are the blatant liars. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices. That fact has been stated repeatedly on this blog. It doesn't seem
to register in that MAGA brain of yours. You don't seem to have a problem
with corporate welfare. America's most costly welfare recipients today are
Fortune 500 companies. Your "indoctrinated" alternative facts don't pass the
smell test. Also, your racist schoolyard monikers speak volumes about your
lack of intelligence. Peace

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris is definitely going to kick his fat ass.

Anonymous said...

I heard it was Thomas Mathew Crooks , a Republican, who shot Donald Trump ! Just saying

Anonymous said...

"10:13 post"
You are so right!!!!
How can people be so naive. Here in South Texas it's puro palanca. They know he is a Trump is the right choice but they would never admit it. I am open for a Democratic President if there was one that had all the right qualifications.

Anonymous said...

Everything was cheaper during Trump's presidency andvwe weren't on the brink of world war three. You're a dishonest journalist Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Since the Biden administration the cost of fuel, groceries, rent and basically everything has gone up. Dark ages is what are living now. You are either blind stupid or both.

Anonymous said...

bad mouth trumputo and all the hillbillies, rednecks, cocos jump up and down as if you said a bad work to their mommies. PINCHES LAMBISCONES Y MAMONES, DO YOU IDIOTAS THINK TRUMPUTO CARES ABOUT ALL YOU PENDEJOS??? OF COURSE NOT TO HIM YOU ARE ONLY A BUNCH OF MAMONES... FACT

Anonymous said...

We have been on the brink of WWIII since the inception of The manhattan project. This is just Trump propaganda to try and grease his MAGA followers. We are on the brink of a world wide conflict not because Trump says so but because the world and its inhabitants have lost their way. Society worldwide has embraced violence and division and that has allowed evil and chaos to permeate. Note: everything was Also cheaper when JFK, Johnson, G Ford, J Carter, Bush Sr and Jr. , Clinton, Obama etc —my point is the world has changed and the all powerful giant corporations and companies price gauging policies have made it much difficult to feed our families. This not only happens in the USA but throughout the world . ( look it up).

Anonymous said...

its ugly out there with all these politics from every corner of the USA, who do we believe honestly, ?

Anonymous said...

July 31, 2024 at 2:28 PM

I believe the one I identify with. Who's eyes do you see yourself in?

Which of the candidates do you think would identify with you? Which one would most understand what you are going through?

Example: I believed that Obama would help the people because his mother didn't have health insurance. He started Obama Care. Lots of people have benefitted from Obama Care.

Anonymous said...

July 28, 2024 at 10:13 AM
All gimme gimme programs were made for all hillbillies and rednecks so they would not starve. Now all of them vote racist republican, if they are not drunk or on drugs or both. FACT

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan, this blog is a MAGNET for TOXICITY.....MI papi decia...
Si no tienes algo Bueno que decir, mejor no digas nada
