Monday, January 13, 2025


By Jean Chrétien
Former Canadian Prime Minister

Today is my 91st birthday.

It’s a time to celebrate with family and friends. To look back on the life I’ve been privileged to lead. And to reflect on how this country we all love so much has grown and changed in my nine decades on this earth.

This year, I’ve also decided to give myself a birthday present. I’m going to do something in this piece that I don’t do very often anymore: address a major issue that affects the state of our nation and deeply concerns me and so many other Canadians. 

Of course, it’s the totally unacceptable insults and unprecedented threats to our sovereignty from Donald Trump.

I have two very clear and simple messages.
To Donald Trump, from one old man to another: wake up! What makes you think that Canadians would ever give up the greatest country in the world – and make no mistake, that is what we are – to join the United States?

I can tell you that Canadians value their independence. We love our country. We have built something here that is the envy of the world – in compassion, in understanding, in tolerance, and in finding a way for people of different backgrounds and beliefs to live together in harmony.

We have also built a strong social safety net – including public health care – that we are very proud of. It is not perfect, but it is based on the principle that the most vulnerable among us must be protected.

It may not be the “American way” or the “Trump way.” But it is the reality that I have witnessed and lived throughout my long life.

If you think that threatening and insulting us is going to change our minds, you really don’t know us. You don’t know that when it came to fighting two world wars for freedom, we signed up – both times – years before your country did. We fought and sacrificed enormously.

We also had the courage to say no to your country when it tried to drag us into a totally unjustified and destabilizing war in Iraq.

We built a nation on the most rugged and difficult terrain imaginable. And we did it against all odds. We may appear easygoing and gentle. But make no mistake, we are determined and tough.

A Message to Our Leaders
And that brings me to my second message, to all our leaders, federal and provincial – and to those who aspire to lead our country:

Start showing that determination and that tenacity. This is what Canadians want to see – this is what they need to see. This is what we call leadership. Canadians are ready to follow. You have to lead the way.

I know the spirit is there. Since Trump’s attacks, all political parties have come out in support of Canada. In fact, to my great satisfaction, even the Bloc Québécois is standing up for Canada!

But you don’t win a hockey game by playing defence alone. We all know that even if we meet one demand, President Trump will come back with another, bigger one. This is not diplomacy, this is blackmail.

We need a different approach. One that will break this cycle.

President Trump has accomplished one thing: he has unified Canadians more than ever before! All of our country’s leaders have come together in a determination to defend Canadian interests.

When I became Prime Minister, Canada was facing a crisis of national unity. The threat of Quebec separation was real. We acted to address that existential threat in a way that made Canadians, including Quebecers, stronger, more united, and even more proud of Canadian values.

Now there is another existential threat. And we must once again reduce our vulnerability. That is the challenge for this generation of political leaders.

And you won’t do it by using the same old approaches. Yes, telling Americans that we are their best friends and their closest trading partner is a good thing. So is the intense lobbying in Washington and state capitals, emphasizing that tariffs will also hurt their economies. As for retaliatory tariffs: when you are attacked, you must defend yourself.

Reducing our vulnerability

But we must also play offense. Let’s tell Trump that we have border problems with the United States, too. Canada has strict gun control laws, but illegal guns are flooding in from the United States.

We need to tell him that we expect the United States to act to reduce the number of firearms coming into Canada. We also want to protect the Arctic. But the United States refuses to recognize the Northwest Passage through the Canadian Arctic as Canadian waters and insists that it is an international waterway. We need the United States to recognize the Northwest Passage as Canadian waters.

We also need to reduce our vulnerability in the first place. We need to be stronger. There are more trade barriers between provinces than between Canada and the United States.

Let’s make it a national project to remove those barriers! Let’s strengthen the ties that bind this vast nation together – for example, by creating a real energy grid across the country.

We also need to understand that Donald Trump is not only threatening us, he is also targeting a growing number of other countries and the European Union itself. He is just getting started.

Canada should quickly convene a meeting of the leaders of Denmark, Panama, Mexico, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to formulate a plan to combat these threats. Every time Mr. Trump opens his mouth, he creates new allies for all of us. Let’s organize! To counter unreasonable, raw power, we need strength in numbers.

Respect for our adversaries
The challenge is not to wait in fear for Donald Trump’s next move, but to build a country and an international community that can resist him.

Canadians know me. They know that I am optimistic. That I am practical. And that I always speak my mind. I have made my share of mistakes in my long career, but I have never doubted the decency of my fellow Canadians – or my political adversaries.

The current – ​​and future – generation of political leaders should remember that they are not each other’s enemies, but adversaries. No one has ever loved the harshness of the political arena as much as I have. But I have always understood that each of us is trying to make a positive contribution to making our community and our country a better place.

That spirit is more important than ever as we face this new challenge. They should keep that in mind.
I am 91 years old today and in good health. And I stand on the ramparts to help defend our country’s independence as I have done all my life.

Long live Canada!


Island Orgasmo said...

I always love posing for the man who's going to fock me. This is me on the beach in Corpus. I hope to meet other men who will enjoy me. Do you find me attractive? Can I make you happy and satisfied? Please let me know.

Anonymous said...

Not happening until President Musk says so. Fact.

Anonymous said...

the clown show is about to start! what the racist republicans wanted and they got it!!

Anonymous said...

The orange stay puffed marshmallow is not all there

Anonymous said...

echo that!!!

Anonymous said...

Jean Cheretie le metio una palisa a Trump with his letter. Wow!

He said "Thank you but no."

Anonymous said...

President Trump rules the world so tough shit democrat scum.

Anonymous said...

Why would Mr Trump wake up sleeping dogs
Canada is a reliable ally
El dia ke Kieran
Nos meten el venudo

Anonymous said...

Bunch of dumb ass democrats in here Lmao!!!!! No wonder the valley is the way it is. Lol

Anonymous said...

not even the smallest country in the world (Marino) would want to join the racist republicans clown slow... featuring el loco naranjo y sus parientes republicanos racistas.

Anonymous said...

It’s a distraction from pending failure. The Ukrainian war won’t be over in 24 hours, like he promised. The price of food and everyday essentials won’t
decrease, like he promised. MAGAs got shafted by orange Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Canadians know history. They will not give an inch to Trump, nor fear him. Hitler was given Poland so that he could be happy but he wanted more and more and more.

Anonymous said...

"All we are is just another brick in 🧱 wall."🎼🎶🎵🎶🎶

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Democrats use the word racist very loosely when they have noting intelligent to say.

Anonymous said...

But Biden is?

Anonymous said...

Who cares what Jean Cheretie has to say? He’s just another liberal who refused to commit Canadian troops to the U.S.–led war against Iraq in 2003. If they don’t have our back they are a risk to our security. Take them over by force before China does.

Anonymous said...

RACIST RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary?

Anonymous said...

Biden, the worse president of this great U.S. screwed the people of this country by his poor policies. Why didn't he reduce the price of goods which began to increase when he took office? He had 4 years. Why didn't he stop any of the on going wars? He had 4 years. Now you want Trump to work miracles overnight. I understand that it's your indoctrination that prevents you from thinking logically.

Anonymous said...

It has nothing to do with fear but respect which no one had for Biden. If Canada is a threat to our security we need to take drastic measures. Russia and China are both eyeing Canada and Greenland. Can you imagine Russia or China as our neighbor?

Anonymous said...

adolfo wanted to be king earth never gonna hoppon

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great orthodox!!!
(of a person or their views, especially religious or political ones, or other beliefs or practices) conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved:
"orthodox medical treatment" · "orthodox Hindus" · "the orthodox economics of HISTORY!!!

Anonymous said...

7:31. Even in hindsight, you’re oblivious. There was no need to invade Iraq. No WMD’s were found. The WMD’s that were there initially, were sold to Sadaam
by the US and UK. You have a warmonger mentality but I’m willing to bet that
you did not serve. The Canadians were not accomplices to the occupation
and genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. The Iraqis want
us out. Why are we still there? Educate yourself and then you’ll stop making
ignorant statements.

Anonymous said...

RACIST RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary?
RACIST RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary?
RACIST RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary? RACIST
RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary? RACIST RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary?
RACIST RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary?
RACIST RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary? RACIST
RACIST RACIST BORING! Can you learn another word? Limited vocabulary?

Anonymous said...

tu mam es la racista porque le gustan los negros

Anonymous said...

Price are up all over the world 🌎. We have it better than most. Now that you know about the internet use it to learn about areas outside the project you live in.

Anonymous said...

MAGA. It’s gonna be great watching you pussies b itch and moan. It’s gonna be great.😊

Anonymous said...

You talk like Trump, so you must be rich with a beautiful wife and a criminal too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

respect that is for the movies, the reality is that countries need good leaders to inspire their people to continue living a good life and not fall into despair, drugs, violence and poor choices.

Anonymous said...

The president was wrong. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, but the president did big business with the Arabs and created a family fortune for future generations to enjoy. Your security depends on your logistics and minding your own business. China is favored by Europeans to do business because they have so many workers. The Chinese work day and night. Nobody can compete with them.

Anonymous said...

A lot more than tRUMP.

Anonymous said...

tRump the worst president of the great USA is a convicted felon. He lied and people died of COVID under his failed regime. He lied about having bone spurs so he wouldn’t have to serve in the military. He said those that serve in the military were suckers and losers. The men and women that serve in the
military are heroes that protect our great country. tRump is a coward and the
biggest sucker and loser.
