On the same day that The Mexican military has announced it’s sending an additional 600 troops to the border region of the troubled state of Tamaulipas across the border from the Rio Grande Valley, a coalition of border mayors want President Obama to fork over $6 billion.
The additional troops will join the 2,700 that were sent this summer to the state which has been plagued by a cartel war since early last year. The Mexican military said the new units will be concentrated on the border and will combat organized crime and take part in community outreach.Tamaulipas has been the battleground for some of the heaviest conflict and high-profile incidents involving the drug traffic and the turf war between cartels and organized crime since the Gulf Cartel and the Zetas split..
These incidents include the killing of a U.S. tourist, the assassination of the PRI gubernatorial candidate who was a shoo-in in the elections, and the gruesome discovery of mass graves numbering some 350 victims.

There have been, however, some victories in the war for the government. The Zeta plaza boss in Nuevo Laredo was killed and the military also arrested a man accused of running the Cartel del Golfo's operations in Miguel Aleman.
The Texas Border Coalition, meanwhile, has written a letter to President Barack Obama asking for an additional $6 billion to help local communities secure the border.
In a letter issued to the media today, it states that the organization's "white paper" urges that the government
"needs to provide another $6 billion in funding for infrastructure and technology and an additional 6,000 customs inspection agents to protect America's borders and promote legitimate trade and tourism with Mexico.
"We ask you to adopt these recommendations in your February budget submission to Congress," the group wrote.
"Our study shows that with apprehension rates of 90 percent for undocumented persons seeking to cross the frontier, we have won the border security fight between designated U.S.-Mexico border crossings. We are losing the battle at the legal border crossings, where the drug cartels are smuggling their drugs, cash and firearms because apprehension rates are only 28 percent caused by underfunding infrastructure and technology, and not hiring the appropriate amount of Customs and Border Protection inspectors...
"One out of 24 jobs in the United States depends on trade with Mexico," the letter continues. "Needless to say, closing the final security gap will depend on reforming immigration policies to provide sufficient visas for the workers our economy demands and that foreign nationals are supplying."
The letter is signed by Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey Cantu, president of the TBC.
Juanito, tu commissioner favorita is moderating the Cheezmeh forum. I guess your invite got lost in the mail. Maybe if your blog didn't endorse all the wrong candidates, people might want to be around you instead of her.
Fellow tax payers: A list went out today of notice to all police departments that a federal grant (Stone Garden) was awarded to all police departments in Cameron County. The responsibility of making this one million dollar disbursement was given to a Lieutenant in the Sheriff's Office by the name of CARLOS GARZA. Carlos Garza somehow always ends up using or overseeing these types of funding. I am sure the Sheriff is unaware of this fact but, I can say the Sheriff Office again is not doing the right thing and is going to probably get another visit from the federal government. For example, Precinct 2, they were awarded $70,000 dollars and a new vehicle by Carlos Garza. Precinct 2, (PETE AVILA), who does even allow his Deputies to conduct traffic stops is receiving Stone Garden? That is only one of others that do not deserve to receive these types monies. Residents, if elected County Sheriff I will ensure fiscal responsibility, not pass the buck to a third ranking officer who's integrity has always been in question. I can assure everyone the Reyna Boys didn't even share this information with OMAR LUCIO, the one that sits in the Sheriff's chair. Precinct 6. yes, a real department, only received $20,000 dollars. There is something definitely in the Sheriff's Office . Vote Rick Herrera "NOV. 2012". "A REAL PUBLIC SERVANT THE CITIZENS OF CAMERON COUNTY DESERVES."
Can you pls publish this?
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Brownsville Navigation District Meetings @ 7PM on Thursdays
As part of the KBSD - TV and BISD commitment to community service, KBSD - TV telecasts the regular meetings of the Brownsville Navigation District. The meetings are held on Wednesday at the Navigation District offices. The agenda of these meetings includes reports from the port director, the harbor master, discussion of items such as leases, governmental requirements and changes plus personnel matters. The Navigation District meetings can be seen on KBSD - TV:
Air Day and Time
Thursday @ 7:00 p.m.
Sheriff Omar Lucio is a puppet and not a leader. He sits on the throne, but is incapable of running his department. He should be invetigated.....along with all who have commissary contracts in Cameron County confinement facilities. DA Armando Villalobos will never take action...it would hurt his political ambitions. We can't expect justice in Cameron County as long as these men control justice. Sheriff Lucio is a lot like Conrado Cantu...except he can't sing.
Hating on the Sheriff, and Pete won't get you anywhere maybe they should close more arcades and then sell them back. To the same people who bought the arcades.
(Fellow tax payers: A)
You don't actually think anybody is going to read all of that, do you? Ha, ha, ha!
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