It's the kind of publicity that you just can't buy.
A border sheriff haunched over a microphone announcing to the world that the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept. will get $5.9 million in cash confiscated from the capo de capos of the Gulf Cartel.
The lawman, our own Sheriff Omar Lucio, said the money is meant to be used by his department as required by federal regulations to "hiring more officers, paying more overtime, or buying equipment."

Lucio added a little spice to the press conferecne by claiming he had heard taped recordings of Cardenas Guillen where he had ordered a "hit" on his Cameron County undercover investigator after he was shortchanged some $50,000 in a drug deal in Houston and the money never came back to him. In another confidential recording, Lucio said that he heard the Cartel capo threaten a Mexican citizen's family if the man did not help authorities capture the informant.
Now, there is no way that any reporter or neutral observer can verify any of this intriguing information divulged by Lucio to the media> But if it is true that the investigator had joined the department in 1994, it would be simple enough for someone to find out who he was by doing simple rpresonnel records search.But that was probably just a red herring of thrilling condiment to wow the readers.
It would seem that the only people profiting from the drug trade and the violence that is besieging the residents on both sides of the border are the drug dealers and now, law enforcement. Lucio's deputies now know that there is money for overtime at the bridge detail or for patrolling the remote areas of the county. Will there be enough to address the guard-to-prisoner ratio at the jails so that the county taxpayers won't have to foot the bill?
If there is, then it's a win-win-win situation for the sheriff as he seeks re-election. Not only does he take money away from the drug dealer and announces it in press conference with an oversized check, but he also assures his deputy force that there eis money in the kitty for overtime, a nice bone to throw out at election time.
On top of that, if he can promise tax payers that part of the money will be used to lighten the load on their wallets, you can't beat this kind of election-time propaganda with a nightstick.
When the cartel bosses lose money, they have to make it up by smuggling yet more drugs across the border to cut their losses. That means that the supply of drugs never ends.
When law enforcement gets a cut of the forfeited money taken from drug lords, they get more pay and goodies. And the spiral continues. Seems just about everybody wins here except for the people on both sides of the river who have to put up with the violence and social dysfunction that results from the give and take of resources by both sides.
The "legal" ratas must be salivating over the confiscated loot so they,friends,relatives can line their pockets. Money will probably disappear as it will be split among themselves.
Ask them where the money is in a year and they will have no clue. And the war goes on and on while we are all at risk.
You are right everyone wins here except the honest people.
Thank you,Juanito.
Sheriff Omar Lucio is one of the most honest sheriffs in Texas. He has a squeaky clean past and happens to have a doctorate in jurisprudence. He has done an excellent job as sheriff of Cameron County and over 40 years of law enforcement. I have been in law enforcement for 40 years. I have never worked for Omar Lucio, but I am proud to live in Cameron County and have a man like him running the sheriff's office. The 5.9 million dollars confiscated can be spent at his discretion, and I'm glad that he's the sheriff, because we know that the money will be spent to protect the citizens of Cameron County and the officers who work to keep us all safe. Congratulations, Sheriff, for a job well done. God bless you and your family.
but remeber lucio says he is not an employee of cameron county so then the county court should keep the money no? o esto loco?
"Sheriff Omar Lucio is one of the most honest sheriffs in Texas. He has a squeaky clean past and happens to have a doctorate in jurisprudence."
Y ya por eso se le quito lo pendejo y rata?
Ur mother is a rata puto
("Sheriff Omar Lucio is one of the most honest sheriffs in Texas. He has a squeaky clean past and happens to have a doctorate in jurisprudence.")
Agree. 100%.
Just because one has a DOCTORATE IN JURISPRUDENCE does'nt mean you will be honest. Look at all the rateros that are being indicted locally and all over our nation. Enough said!!!!!
Good job Sheriff our vote is for you................
We are lucky to have a Sheriff like u ,an that u are running.
To the Jan 18,@8:51PM
You must be one of the Reyna's brothers!!!
" The legal ratas must be salivating"
I agree 100%
Wow, we talking about the same Sheriff ? IF THIS HONESTY WAS SO TRUE, he would not have the Pathetic Reyna brothers running the show. Or their cousins running the comissary. LUCIO GETS LOST THIS COUNTY IS NOT SAFE! Lucio cant even say hi to Deputies by name without squinting at their name tags. Lucio has tried to compare himself to God by telling his Deputies" Im like God! AND YOU ALL ARE MY DECIPLES" The man is demented...
If checked on you will find that the monies can not be used for salaries take the monies and up date the jail and equipment.He has a doctorate but never able to pass the bar
Yes, he is demented, but we all know who has him there...Let's vote AOBL Any One But Lucio....
Did'nt pass the bar? I thought that is why he is sooooo honest because he has a doctorate. And we ALL know that if a person has a doctorate than they HAVE to be honest.(SARCASM)
Just look at JULIETA GARCIA.
Is'nt he like a hundred years old already and can bearly speak a complete sentence?
"can't barely speak a complete sentence"
Must be related to the recently removed BISD board
We need someone that is young energetic and remembers what Law Enforcement is about. Everyone knows the Reyna's run the show. Lets get someone in there that can remember to drive to and from the Sheriff's Office. The man is 78 years old!! 78 Years old!! 78!!! This year he will be 79!! if re-elected and he lives the full term. He will be 85 years old!! 85!! come on people... lets bring in some one new. The man was born in 1933!! He became a cop in the 60's The man does not have 40 years of experience, He has 50 years of experience!! Why do you think he says over 40 years of Law Enforcement ecperience. He doesnt want to sound too old!! funny huh
It makes me sick to know that the Reyna brothers in their ambition to get more and more$$$ they don't even respect this POBRE ANCIANO!!!!
This Sheriff needs to go now!!! They (Reynas) are trying to keep him there 'till right after election...then...
This what the deal will be:
After he gets re-elected??? (not the citizens choice, but bought votes) he would be certified as mentally incapable of heading the department. At this point commissioner's court would "appoint" some one to head the Dept, and guess who that would be???? Duh!!!
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