By Juan Montoya
City of Brownsville commissioner Melissa Zamora's latest foray into the rightful purview of city management – the bidding process for selling services to the city – is raising eyebrows and suspicions about her motives.
Not only do our readers question her sincerity about her sudden concern for the activities in the purchasing department, but also about her interest in who gets such piddly contracts as demolition work for the city.
In the past, the precocious Ms. Zamora has fund her self in the maelstrom of controversy after she became embroiled in matters related to the doling out of city services and resources, often to people close to her or with whom she was known to be intimately associated with.
This latest brouhaha involves her questioning of city contracts to demolish condemned homes and structures, a relatively minor portion of the city's business.
Why she is getting involved in singling out this service is raising questions in the contractor communityand questions on whether she is running interference for those who may have bid and not received the jobs in question.
Zamora's perceiv
ed conflict-of-interest problems started soon aftershe was elected commissioner. Back in 2009 Brownsville, she announced that she had severed ties with construction giant HNTB who was doing business with the city so as to eliminate any question of possible conflicts.
The Kansas City-based firm with offices in Brownsville had been providing the city with engineering services on projects at the city’s Brownsville South Padre Island International Airport, the Brownsville Sports Park, and is in charge of engineering for the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority, which is working on numerous city projects including the West Rail Relocation Project, the now-abandoned West Parkway Project and other developments.
Zamora at the time told the local daily that said that she signed a contract with HNTB to provide it with media relations work from Aug. 10 through Nov. 30 of that year.She abstained from voting on a project for which the firm had performed engineering work.
Brownsville’s City Charter states that the mayor and commissioners cannot be interested in the profits or emoluments of any contracts, job, work, or service for the municipality. The provision reflects that, to the contrary, a mayor or commissioners would forfeit their offices if such conflicts exist.
Sossi pointed out that Zamora was not an owner or principal of HNTB nor was she an employee. "Commissioner Zamora provided work to HNTB as an independent consultant and therefore had no interest ‘in the
Sossi pointed out that Zamora was not an owner or principal of HNTB nor was she an employee. "Commissioner Zamora provided work to HNTB as an independent consultant and therefore had no interest ‘in the
profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work or service for the municipality,’ " Sossi told the local daily.
At the time city contract attorney Mark Sossi came to her rescue and said his reading of the charter exonerated Zamora.
(HNTB, by the way, was recently named in a report by the government that charged that it had overcharged $9 million in its fees to allocate disaster money in Texas.)
Just as her personal relationship with HTNB raised questions in 2009, the following year she also got into a controversy after she tried to get Brownsville Community Development Block Grant funds to build a Boys and Girls Club in Cameron Park after the charter for the Brownsville Boys and Girls Club expired.
The commissioner came up with the plan to build one in property in Cameron Park which she said had been annexed by the city. She planned to use the active charter of the Los Fresnos Boys and Girls Club to do it. The application was asking for $1.5 million dollars.
City Planner Ben Medina said that the city committee charged with disbursing the funds reviewed $7.3 Million worth of CDBG proposals and recommended funding for $1,660,788 of infrastructure, $533,028 and $1,359,703 of commitments.
As stated at the time, the city would buy the property from the county, temporarily come under the Los Fresnos B&G Club and later come under its own name when the Brownsville club regained its charter.
As stated at the time, the city would buy the property from the county, temporarily come under the Los Fresnos B&G Club and later come under its own name when the Brownsville club regained its charter.
But it wasn't until Zamora said that the architectural firm listed for the project, Gomez, Saenz and Mendez, was willing to donate the architectural work that suspicions about her personal relations with the principals arose that the questions arose.
At the time, David Mendez and Zamora were an item and were seen at numerous civic and social functions, arousing suspicions that there was something more than civic-mindedness behind the proposal.
At the time, David Mendez and Zamora were an item and were seen at numerous civic and social functions, arousing suspicions that there was something more than civic-mindedness behind the proposal.
(That firm, by the way, was named in a forensic audit performed on the multi-million cost overruns – initially $45 million that rose to to $64 million – at the Veterans Memorial High School and the audit staff recommended that it be prohibited from bidding on future construction projects with the district.)

been privy to extensive talks going on with AeroMexico to provide the same service.
Then, after the announcement of the AeroMexico service was made in open session, Mayor Tony Martinez announced that commissioner Zamora was to be in charge of the public promotion efforts on this side of the Rio Grande. A caller at the time to Elite Promotions, where she is a marketing representative, was told that "Commissioner Zamora is in charge of that account."
Later, a livid commissioner threatened legal action against bloggers and said that she was donating the promotional work and that Elite Promotions had nothing to do with the project. And while the commissioner fought tooth and nail to prevent the city and the BEDC from providing incentives for any airline, she was strangely quiet after the Mexican airline started receiving that very thing after the dust had settled.
What motives are driving Mellie and Martinez to intrude in the city's bidding and purchasing process?
Contractors are mystified at their sudden interest.
"If there's something wrong with the bidding and purchasing process, fix it," said a contractor. "But Zamora's and Martinez's sudden interest in this is raising suspicions that there is an ulterior motive working here."
Fly Frontera was a start up bogus airline by a convicted felon. Thank God they were run out of town. Everyone knows how those Escobedo brothers get contracts. No contractor is going to bid on a project where they would lose money. Sure buddy that's why you're milking the housing authority for millions. Surveillance and now suddenly a builder and demolition company out bidding local companies in the industry for years. You must really think your readers are stupid. If there's nothing to hide then write about the integrity of these companies you defend and their extensive experience.
So let me get this straight......the BISD board wasn't influence peddling when they dug into contracts and requested the audit since you mention it as proof that a local contractor did wrong......but the city commission and melissa dig into contracts by asking too many questions with talks about audit, cost, and qualifying contractors and you call it influence peddling. Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!
Juan, can you tell us, (Brownsville citizens) the reason you hate Commissioner Zamora sooo much?
Is it because she was pivotal on stoppining the Fly Frontera fiasco, and trerefore one of your bosses lost alot $$$ he was counting on winning, OR is there something more....personal????
If her brain was as BIg as her boobs I am sure she would do what is right for the voters instead of what is right for her and her friends.
Siempre mete la pesunia en el pinche osiko la vieja askerosa.
What about her outbusrt at our men in blue when her friend Rene's movida crashed. Yea a law abiding citizen by interfering and trying to use her egotistical influence.
I would have arrested her FAT ass.
Sue the bloggers? I had'nt heard that one. That is news. Why would she want to do that?
I bet I know who is
Juan is doing the job he is paid to do by the Escobedos. Why is that so hard to understand?
So JUANITO, your buddy enriquito escobedito wants to you pressure the city commish to get off his brother's backs. Sooner or later everyone gets caught when they are up to no good. Do you not agree?
All 4 comments were probably written by Zamora.
Melissa as a journalist fought for honesty and openess in government. As an elected official, she has reversed her positiion and now seeks secrecy and deceipt.... Melissa is for sale and never seems to stop looking for that special "sugar daddy". As an ally of Rene Oliviera in his campaign, she has exerted her influence to absolve him for an automobile accident on frontage road...placing blame on his female friend. Melissa tried to influence the police by using her position as get special treatement for Rene. Again, special treatment and special justice for politicos...and Melissa seems to support that. She is just as corrupt as Rene.
@ 7:44AM
I AGREE!!!!!!!!
Melissa isn't "micromanaging", she is interfering. The Commission hires a City Manager to manage the either leave it to Charlie or get a new city manager. Melissa doesn't have the skills to "manage" anything.
Aren't Commissioners citizens, too? Anyone should be able to ask questions.
Ya dejala, Juan.
Hope she blasts the Escobedo crooks.
On BISD and CITY tit.
She has it out for Robert Luna and some contractors because of their political support for Atkinson. Her strings are being pulled by those that are getting pet projects funded. She is aligning herself with the wicked witch of the commission, Tetreau.
Melissa if you want to discover more mierda on the escobedo brothers just call me, i'll inbox you my phone
Stand up to the ladrones Escobedo Bros.
Great job Melissa!!!!!!
i´d do her
I applaud Zamora for asking the questions. Someone needs to get to the bottom of the brownsville corruption
The Escobedo Bros. along with Cata la rata are by far the worst leechees this district has ever have.
same bullshit all over aagian, melissa you started great but ya you caught the bad bug of this slut filled political arean. good luck in your future y con el piggy de rene
According to Melissa, she and the company she works for are endorsing several candidates. I wonder if candidates that are running against those being endorsed are boycotting Melissa's employer?
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