By Juan Montoya
Among some of the more amusing things that one finds in an officeholder's contributions and expenditures report are expenditures that appear out of place for a political campaign.
Take, for example, the report filed by District Judge Benjamin Euresti for the period of July through December 31, 2011.
Apart from the usual campaign meeting expenditures
at local restaurants in his district or the occasional donation to the Friendship of Women, among others, we also find that Ben has donated $594 to the Companion Animal Hospital at 2600 F.F. 802. Now, we don;t know if Ben has a dog or a cat that was treated there and helps out with his campaign with the animal rights vote, or whether that specific sum was something the hospital needed.

Be that as it may, a good turn for our furry friends is probably looked upon favorably in most quarters.
But the expenditure that caught our eye is the one he made on May 3 did raise our eyebrows. It seems that the Honorable purchased a handgun for the price of $681.96 at the local Academy store.
Da judge listed the expense under the "other category" as "security" for his campaign. Now, we know that being a judge exposes one to the vituperation of bad guys and others. What we didn't know was whether that also applies to the use of campaign contributions to buy a six-shooter. At that price, it seems that Ben bought something more akin to a .357 Magnum.
We can just imagine a confrontation with a bad guy while Ben is out on the campaign trail: "Go ahead, punk. Make my day. Do you feel lucky?"
you can't blame him for wanting to have some protection given the area and his job.
These days and times, carrying a gun is part of life down here on the Border. Way to many thugs, gang bangers, cartel types and general ass holes not to have a good gun "on or about your person".
El Pinche Gringo
maybe its to protect himself from his wife? o la movida?
Because the way he protects himself from the exes of his exes, is by doing tavesty of justice on the bench, that's how he proves his HOMBRIA!
He's a joke!!
ben you should have gotten the 44 magnum and made everybodys day
That is the tip of the iceberg as to what he has purchased with campaign funds.
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