As the defense attorneys for Ray Marchan set about their strategy for dealing with the government's charges against him in the Abel Limas racketeering trial, it has become apparent that the scope of the corruption investigation has spread far beyond the convicted District 404th judge and his family.
That came to light following the coverage of his trial by the Herald's Emma Perez-TreviƱo. Marchan's attorneys have provided the court a long list of witnesses they will put on the stand, including convicted attorney Joe Valle and even Rene Oliveira.
Valle's attorneys are saying their client – due to turn himself over to federal prison officials Thursday – say their client will invoke his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination because the issues in court may touch upon matters for which he did not get immunity in his plea bargain deal with the feds.
The agreement that Valle may have struck with the prosecution is, of course, of u

tmost importance to the Marchan defense since what he got in return fro his plea may touch on the ongoing investigation of others, including Marchan.
As the federal scope widens, it is getting difficult to find almost anyone in the local bar that did not – in one way or another – have some deal worked out with Limas' court or D.A. Armando Villlalobos' office.The picture that is emerging of Limas is that he was living way past his mean, even with the payments by local and outside attorneys allegedly in return for favorable rulings in their cases and lucrative ad litem appointments.
"Everybody is under the microscope," summed up a local attorney.
Marchan, who was dealing with the feds before the terms of the deal became untenable to his defense, now finds himself in the same predicament that former Cameron County Sheriff Conrado C
antu found himself in after his counsel convinced him to meet with federal prosecutors in exchange for a lessened sentence.
However, his counsel and Cantu himself later charged that even after he had reached a verbal agreement with local federal prosecutors and the federal probation department, the government reneged on the deal and did not speak out when he was assessed the maximum sentence.
It didn't matter that his counsel and Cantu himself submitted polygraph exams of their claims to the appropriate federal authorities backing their claims. Federal prosecutors and probation officers were mum at his sentencing.
According to affidavits submitted by his attorneys, local FBI and DEA agents were stunned at the federal prosecutors' tactics.
Now, the charge that the federal government has selectively targeted certain local elected officials in their zeal to purge the local political system may have become more believable since one of their targets – DA Armando Villalobos – is waiting in the wings to take his turn in federal court. Even the timing of Villalobos' indictment – exactly a week before early voting – smacks of political meddling in

the local political process. Villalobos was seen as the front runner for the Democratic nomination for the newly-created Congressional District 34. As Villalobos' fortunes plummeted as a result of Mando's fall from their grace, the son of a former law-and-order- federal judge, Filemon Vel
a Jr., reaps the benefits of the Villalobos scandal.
Someone has commented earier on this blog that
up to now the only attorneys and elected officials charged have been Hispanics, and Marc Rosenthal, a Jew. Add this to the fact that the Cantu prosecutor – Jodi Young – dressed up in a KKK hood and a Mexican peon sombrero before scores of astonished Customs and ICE agents and federal workers and the rumors running rife through this community that the feds want to control the political leadership of this community gather momentum.
Most of the attorney's in Cameron County are Hispanic. Most of the corrupt politicians under investigation are Hispanic. It's not profiling, its reality. We need to add Aurora de la Garza to the "corruption list" and others.
So, the Feds are only going after Hispanics and one lone Jew? Look around folks and see what percentage of the local legal community is Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic. What do you see?
The Feds trying to control the political leadership? Give me a break. The political leadership at whatever level is shot through and through with corruption, criminality and favortism. If you threw all of these folks in jail, there would be precious few left out on the streets.
I for one, am glad the Feds are trying to drain this cess pool we have down here. Local people are either unwilling or unable to do anything about it. It is accepted as normal by the locals. That is the core of the is accepted as normal and folks get pissed because the Feds don't see it that way.
What to do? What to do? Oh yes, now I remember, when your balls are in the vise scream racism and political motivation. That will get the natives all fired up and on the warpath.
A todo santo se le
llega su fiestecita.
Mandito Ya debia muchas.
there are plenty of attorneys in the local bar that had no underhanded dealings with limas or villalobos. that comment is prety ignorant nd insulting
I Disagree with you Juanito, kKK or not, our city is corrupt to the bone thanks to our compadre system, it is time to clean house, Villalobos is responsabke of letting the corruption run rampant and shameless while he looked the other way, I hope he gets punish for that
Anonymous said...
Most of the attorney's in Cameron County are Hispanic. Most of the corrupt politicians under investigation are Hispanic. It's not profiling, its reality. We need to add Aurora de la Garza to the "corruption list" and others.
June 6, 2012 1:40 PM
HUMMM!!! SHEISNDLIST!!! Just a matter of time. Who do you think was FIXING the dockets for judges (limas) and Attornyies?
Maybe now Limas will say or has now said what role Aurora de la Garza played on getting her son Joey de la Garza probation for stealing 95,000.00 sunshine haven. Remember she was a unindicted coconspirator in the Limas caaelse. That doesnt mean she or her son wont get indicted. Just means the feds r getting more info against her. Shame on you Aurora. Then you have the balls to show ur face. Check her campaign reports and all these indicted people have contributed to her campaign. A Bribe? Im just saying
Joe Valle made a deal and took a plea to avoid a long prison sentence! Make him get up there and testify whether it implicates him or not? He should disclosed everything to the Feds long before his plea? If he held back then the Feds need to pull the plea and re-indictment on all the crap he was involved with along with those he purposely left out during his interrogation or interview? Whether Marchan, Villalobos or Lucio come out not guilty their reputations are damaged. All the Feds can do is "oops" and go about their business. First of all, Marchan, Villalobos and Lucio should not have put themselves in that position. When your in a position that you can be implicated simply by word of mouth, then you should have been very careful with what favors, promises or whatever to avoid something like this. Shame on all those who put Cameron County in this position of being a "corrupted county." One helluva black eye to heal!
thi stuff start back in the early 1980's early 1990's as gilberto hinojosa, juan magallanes, luis saenz, ben eruesti and others laid the foundation for their own little democRAT party platform and clique no one was allowed in just ask joe rivera, aurora de la garza and tony yzaguire as well. People why do you really think these elected officials are on the ballot year after year, cuz the intimate challengers, hurt the families financially, threatten them with losing their jobs, and it has happen to some, ask juan ortiz who ran for county clerk in 1990, he lost his job, joe rivera made sure that it happen along with help from democRAT party Leaders gilberto and juan magallenes. So thats why many dont want to run, pure dirty politics. It was a known fact and this is the final results. Thank God everyone is getting what is due to them, of Good Karma too.
more caca coming your way cameron county
(So, the Feds are only going after Hispanics and one lone Jew?)
So you're saying he's jewish? And I'll just bet he's circumcised, huh? GAWD!
OH Lucy Lucy ! ! The full story is now getting out . . .
when saying ... UNDERSTOOD, UNDERSTOOD, UNDERSTOOD REALLY MEANS I am with you and got your back . . . .
why didnt we know this before election day ?
Montoya Montoya please please get a copy of the transcript recording and play for the world to hear .....
work for word certain Judges in their own words . . .
go to and find the tapes . . . .
unbelievable unless you hear it in person in the courtroom .... unbelievable ...
thank you juan ..
"the truth will set us free . . ."
So now you call the race card!!!!!!!
Pathetic and shameful!!!!!!!!!!!
So now the FEDS are the bad guys for doing their job.
Dammed if you do-----Dammed if you don't!!!!!!!
GO FEDS!!!!!!!Clean this shantytown of all the corruption!!!!
They should all end up in jail specialy juan maganes and luis saenz pobres and they still have the balls to run jajajajaj vote for carlos masso 2012 district attorney change is coming
Revenge is mine says the lord, and these cats are getting their due, took a long time but im glad to see it happening Glory to God. amen. Time to clean out the cameron county courthouse and all the cesspool, slime and caca there.
limas tesified and says art nelson,alejandro, elia cornejo-lopez are crooks? y oliveria tambien, wow what a shocker to me, yea right, what about gilberto hinojosa, luis sanez, juan magellanes, ben uresti, and on and on and on. so does that mean that all the cases in limas former court were tainted and many convitions will be overturned, people set free? what a mess. for a few dollars more, chihuahua
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