The son of an elderly man who saw his father being herded unwillingly aboard a van and given a sample ballot with the ovals for three candidates filled at a local adult day care has filed terroristic threat charges against Norma Hernandez, the mother of JP 2-2 runoff candidate Erin Hernandez Garcia and her son Ernie Hernandez III.
The ovals on the sample ballot given to the elderly residents as they were boarded onto the vans by Hernandez and her helpers were next to the names of Carlos Masso, Erin Hernandez Garcia, and Abelardo Gomez.
Masso's name was marked with the biggest arrow followed by Erin Hernandez Garcia with a smaller arrow and then Gomez with the smallest arrow.
Masso is in a runoff race for Cameron County District Attorney with Luis Saenz. Hernandez is in the runoff contest with Yolanda Begum for JP 2-2, and Gomez is in the runoff with incumbent Pete Avila.
According to the police report filed in the case, the 43-year-old man arrived with his wife to pick up his father Tuesday at the Los Amigos Adult Day Care on El Paso Road when they saw the man's father being directed toward a blue van by a provider with the day care who was outside the building and directly in front of the ramp the elderly use to walk outside instead of to his relatives vehicle.When the man questioned the woman and told her that she could not force his parent to get into another vehicle, she responded that "her boss wanted her to get people and put them in another van to take them to vote."
At that time, the man reported that Norma Hernandez appeared and confronted him and "threatened to cause him harm," swinging a clipboard she was carrying with her. He further told police that Norma's son Ernie III later called him and told him he was, "going to beat him up and kill him."
What had started up as a disturbance escalated into a complaint of terroristic threats, according to the police narrative in the incident.
Both the man and Norma Hernandez called the police to report the confrontation and neither was arrested. However, the terroristic threats complaint was being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Division of the Brownsville Police Department and the man gave a taped statement later in the day.According to the initial report, when the man arrived at the day care, a convoy of vans was parked blocking the doorway and exit to the parking lot. The reporting officer reported that the man had "verbally harassed her while she was at the location trying to pick people up so they could go vote. Hernandez informed that she was parked at the location and that the suspect arrived while she was escorting people to the polling place."
She said the man was angry because his father was one of those who were being put in the van and that "it was a misunderstanding and that she thought the suspect's father needed a ride to vote."
She said she tried to apologize but that the suspect had gotten aggressive and verbally abusive toward her and her assistant Margarita Torres.
However, the man's version is very different.
He told police that when he arrived, the Hernandez group's vans were blocking the sidewalk where he was going to pick up his father who uses a walker and asked them to move. At the time the group was directing his father to one of the Hernandez vans and handing the elderly the marked sample ballots. He told police both Hernandez and Torres told him they could park there because they were picking people up.
Then, as the officers were taking the statements from both parties, Virginia Sandoval, the Los Amigos day care manager, arrived on the scene. As the officers informed her of the reason for the confrontation, "Sandoval informed (them) she did not give anyone consent to go and use the parking lot as meeting ground...(She) further stated that she does not want the complaintants (Hernandez and Torres) and to please remove the vehicles. Sandoval informed that the parking lot is only for the residents and the family of the residents."
Norma Hernandez and Torres then complied and said they would not be shuttling people to the polling place.
She said she tried to apologize but that the suspect had gotten aggressive and verbally abusive toward her and her assistant Margarita Torres.
However, the man's version is very different.
He told police that when he arrived, the Hernandez group's vans were blocking the sidewalk where he was going to pick up his father who uses a walker and asked them to move. At the time the group was directing his father to one of the Hernandez vans and handing the elderly the marked sample ballots. He told police both Hernandez and Torres told him they could park there because they were picking people up.
Then, as the officers were taking the statements from both parties, Virginia Sandoval, the Los Amigos day care manager, arrived on the scene. As the officers informed her of the reason for the confrontation, "Sandoval informed (them) she did not give anyone consent to go and use the parking lot as meeting ground...(She) further stated that she does not want the complaintants (Hernandez and Torres) and to please remove the vehicles. Sandoval informed that the parking lot is only for the residents and the family of the residents."
Norma Hernandez and Torres then complied and said they would not be shuttling people to the polling place.
Masso is a career criminal, plain and simple.
The man organizes and facilitates and outright OWNS AND OPERATES the vast majority of the 8 LINERS in Cameron County and even more up in Willacy County where he claims to be an Assistant District Atty. more like assisting in setting up more 8 LINER GAME ROOMS and ensuring their protection, through his working with the DA's office. Kind of like how he attempted to COVER HIS ASS AND ALL HIS ILLEGAL WORKINGS IN THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE CASE when DA VILLALOBOS his old best friend and boss put him charge of the 'white collar crime unit' sure leave the wolves to tend to the hen house, it'll be ok, what's the worst that can happen.....ohh I don't know how about the loss of 23 million dollars of Cameron County's dollars YOUR MONEY...YOUR TAX MONEY.
Masso with EVERY POSITION held has turned it into a way to continue to run his CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE whether it's his doling out OF MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 23 MILLION to be exact to his people in Mexico in the bridge to nowhere fiasco, or in Willacy County where he has set up a structure to open and protect his favorite ILLEGAL ACTIVITY of choice in 8 LINER GAME ROOMS.
His time will come as all that money, ALL THAT ILLEGAL MONEY IS NOT TAXED, UNTAXED and what happens to UNTAXED monies...well they attract the attention of UNCLE SAM and his nice little ARMY of TAX-MEN, and those guys well those guys DON'T LOOK TO FONDLY ON MONEY LAUNDERING.
Sleep well Masso....sleep well....and when you get that knock on your door in the wee hours of the morning don't be too-too surprised as we all know the FEDS COME KNOCKING PRETTY EARLY IN THE MORNING.
I hope when these people get older and become unfortunate enough to have to attend an adult day care, they too are harassed by next generation politiqueras. Leave the elderly alone, they done their part in society.
You aren't kidding, did they go to your house too?
Unfortunately, with a commission and judicial system corrupt and full of bad guys, nothing will change.
This article is confusing. You know what you are talking about because you wrote it. Can you repost making it more clear who "her" and "the man"
are? Who is "He"?
The Hernandez family has lived by the politiqueras for decades...why change now. Same with other members of the Dumbokratic Party who have lived with this corruption for years. Going into the homes of "shut-ins"; elderly citizens who have few visitors; has become an way of life for politiqueras. A few minutes of social interaction with these citizens will open the door for abuse. The politiqueras get the seniors to sign, the elections office gives out mail-in ballots like candidates and politiqueras. Our military members in foreign countries have a harder time voting that the politiqueras.
July 25 2012 2.48. Are you stupid or what? They are taking about the Hernandez's being themselves. They are pushy and desperate for their daughter to win so that Erin as dumb as she is can be their puppet. Erin you what to be a. JP because from the looks of it your degree is of no avail be your not a good attorney. Plain and simple.
Well, please do not leave Mrs Begum out of this one!!!!!!!!! My grandmother who attends La Plaza Aduld day care were also rounded by la seƱora Begam and as she told me pre filled ballots were taken to them all the way to the van!!! What's up with that??? Good thing I wasn't there...both Begum and Hernandez are a fucking joke, we all should just be safe and for a change vote republican this time...VOTE MR. LOPEZ!!
Everyone convince everyone you know to vote for Saenz, Begum, Avila
Denise is on the flyers now too...
Caca nothing but plain and simple caca these polticos in cameron county. Feds i hope you all are watching the public is tired of these shenaegans. Please put a stop to it ya.
Se estan ahorcando solos. The FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION has been established for such unfortunate events.
Arrest the Police Officer who killed the School Student.
Charge the "Nude Commander for Sexually shaking his pipito to a camera without the citizens knowing"
Indicte the Chief of Police, City Mayor, Commissioners, Judges, Former Judges"
Cameron County is tagged as backwards, corrupt, overspent, underbudgeted, delusional.
Between the citizens lack of awareness (DELUSION and DEMENTIA) of everyday activities of the city and community ADDING TO highest unemployment, highest crime, stupified children AND a good for nothing police force of convicts, the entire county is a ticking bomb for either one of these:
1. An all out investigation of all public posts by a senate mandate federal investigation.
2. An evident overspill of Drug Cartel Mafia Cameron County.
3. A summer time cold front so massive, it will freeze half the corrupt police/city/public officers to their bones.
4. Jesus Christ will show up pouring melting hot lava over thus cleansing all the evil wrong doing and leaving federal agents and authorities with less money to spend cleaning the mess.
5. Cameron County will finally get a Category 5 Hurricane. (This one I hope)
6. An all out Wild West Shootout.
(I know this shouldnt be said, however the desperation of the population for such an event is so massive, it is as if they desire it)
7. Cameron County may blink its beautiful South Texas eyes at Austin demanding its independence from the state. This would be great for Austin politics. Texas will just fence the county and call it MAXIMUM SECURITY JAIL COUNTY and save even more tax payers dollars on investigation, arrests, transportation, indictments, charges, et al.
8. The elderly and retired will wake one morning, transform and go into full blown apocalyptic zombie mode and protest, boycott and oust all public officers out of office and the elderly will save Harlingen and Brownsville from corrupt city officials, corrupt police officers, sergants, commanders, chiefs and former ones.
9. 5,382 Elderly and Disabled one morning miraculously cured, energized and enraged show up head to toe naked at the corner of Paredes Line and 3248 prepare an all out MARCH to the city to oust the INVADERS downtown. City and Police go into full FREAK OUT mode and receive absolutely no support from Austin, Federal Authorities, Coast Guard, Army or the politiqueros.
10. Walmarts and HEB refuse to deliver foods and services pallets for 1 month to Cameron County. An outrage that barricades Brownsville Police Headquartes, the Federal and County Court House. SPI, Rio Hondo, Laguna Madre, Port Isabel residents SURGE downtown and here is where their little assholes of the corrupt brownsville cartel begin to squeeze/tighten and stiff up.
Se estan ahorcando/ahogando solos en su propia mierda
August 1, 2012 1:57 PM
Very well said, muchos aplausos para su mensaje. Los policias no valen madre.
"Nude Commander for Sexually shaking his pipito to a camera without the citizens knowing"
lol, I bet allot of people were shocked that ex commander William Bill Ingram was taking nude pictures of him self, completely naked in locker/gym room at BPD!!! ohh and we heard that he would walk around completely naked at BPD, I wonder how he's co-workers felt about this? I bet ex chief Carlos Garcia is glad to be out of that post, too much shit, to much drama, people never learned from mistakes, to much drama, to many lesbian cops and gays also, too many work ethic mistakes that have cost the city money, too much bullshit going on, Orlando Rodriguez is the worst and ugly and nasty looking substitute chief I have ever seen, he has no class, no ethics and a complete looser, this is why we have so many problems in this department of BPD. think about it.
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