One of the candidates has gone as far as to take a polygraph test and challenge the other to take one too and answer the same questions he did.
The other turned around and interviewed the technician who administered the test to his challenger and got him on tape saying that he knew the other had lied when he took the test.
Meanwhile, as an amazed electorate looks on, the runoff contests between incumbent Pete Avila and challenger Abel Gomez spirals violently toward early voting (Monday) and election day (July 31.)

2."Has the FBI ever questioned you regarding the Judge Limas case?"
3."As a constable, have you ever protected any drug dealers?"
4."Have you ever fixed a DWi case of any bondsman?"
It didn't take long for Gomez to come back with a challenge of his own. In an ad that has been circulated and is scheduled to appear in the newspapers serving the Pct. 2 Constable's jurisdiction, Gomez takes Avila to task charging that while Avila "has campaigned on his integrity versus that of his opponent," he has "failed to inform the citizens and voters of Pct. 2 that he has been sued for sexually assaulting his former secretary."
Gomez said that while Avila has responded that he hired the woman in spite of knowing she had lied on past applications and records, yet he still hired her. What woman," the ad asks, "would want to get exposed to a public scandal."
This type of behavior, the ad continues, cost taxpayers money to defend and settle. Stop Abuse Against Women!! Say No To Avila."
Meanwhile, unsigned and unattributable mail-outs in blank envelopes have started to appear in some local voters' mailboxes identifying Gomez as "Conrado Chiquito," a reference to convicted former Cameron County Sheriff Conrado Cantu. The card indicates that if you vote for Gomez he will;
...continue to take bribes within the DA's office
...continue to fix cases with the DA's office
...continue to extort money within the DA's office
...continue to protect 8-liners within the DA's office
...continue to protect drug dealers within the DA's office.
But, the card reads, "None of the above has been proven YET."
It's been a while since such vigorous campaigning has been witnessed for this relatively low position on the political totem pole. However, if you have read some of the other posts on this blog, the trend seems to be towards a no-hold barred approach to politicking as the last days of the election approach.
We doubt that Gomez will take Pete's offer. And we doubt that the sexual harassment case will come to a court before July 31. For now, however, the fireworks have begun and there is no end in sight.
I really wish we had a republican in this race and I would vote for him. After all this why would we want either of these men.
Lying Abel says Pete didn't inform the public about the sexual harassment suit, which Montoya and el RRUN RRUN SHOULD HAVE TAKEN HIM TO TASK ON. Pete made this public to RRUN RRUN himself because he has nothing to hide. Gomez allegedly paid Henderson to file the suit. Gomez WON'T take the test because he's corrup, crooked and chweko!
Call him out on this Juan
We had a similar "plain envelope" mailre from an unknown source linkin Carlos Masso with Mando Villalobos, Abel Limas and all sorts of others. My question is "Why has Sheriff Omar Lucy not gotten any publicity about his comment that he didn't pay politicqueras, but he gave them benefits when they were charged for traffic offences. Does our sheriff enforce the law equally...obviously not. Corruption at every level in Cameron County
Talking about people in the DA's office...very good!!! Do you people remember Refugio 'Cookie' Cobarrubias? he was running for JP2for the 3rd time and did not make it, why do they keep giving this guy money to run for JP when he's not even an attorney? just for the record of the city and all community, this man USES THE MONEY TO GO DRINKING, PARTYING AND TRAVELING WITH HIS LOVERS!!! He's a looser and corrupted also and he works at Villalobos office.
We should give Abel Gomez another chance, he has my support.
After months of Pete's mud slinging Abel finally responded with facts. But Pete's loyal supporters will justify anything Pete does no matter how illegal. Juan I heard the tape of the polygraph examiner and he clearly stated Pete lied. Then he posted the ad again but excluded the questions Gomez busted him lying on. I relealy don't know what Pete was thinking. Why would he continue to attack his opponent if Gomez was not saying anything about Pete's skeletons. I think as voters we can see who the dirty one is. I wish both good luck.
As a retired fire fighter, rest assured you will be hard pressed to find a fire fighter that will actually vote for.Pete. The "Conrado Chiquito" flyers sounds just like something Pete would do. He is going to laugh at all the voters that fell for it and brag about how he screwed Abel after all is said and done.
Just got off the phone with the Brownsvill Herald in reference to this Flyer. Herald said they will not print this flyer out due it not being a FACT. THIS FLYER WAS GOING TO BE IN A3 Nothing came out DUMBASS!!! Vote for Pete Avila oh and you have the same smile like CONRADO!!! LA SONRISA DE UN CHUEKO
This flyer is a scam I am a current employee at the court house. I would see the Deputies hanging outside the Office.I asked them what are you all doing outside? One of them quoted " We do not want to get a false accusation on us" We all new it she would walk like if she had the body of a godess. This woman was not even wanted at the Dancy building. She got married with some rich white guy later we heard she got a divorce in less than a month. RRUN RRUN has a story on her. This is a lie I truly honestly belive it.Now the other one is accused of Extortion and Drug Dealers so on the comment herse so IDK???
Neither of these men should have a gun and badge.
Gomez is a corrupt cop. Just face it. Pete offered to take a polygraph about the sexual harrassment case if Abel would take one about extortion, protecting drug dealers, fixing cases and being involved with Limas. He VERY OBVIOUSLY changes the subject on the comments. Hey Juan put up a pick of the other sides ad too. The Herald allowed Pete to run the ad because the Polygrapher is very well respected.
There was a post about this tic either here or on mean mister Brownsville about how nobody passes a polygraph 100% because they must get you to lie about something in order to have a basis by which to grade the truth. Inform yourselfs folks. Pete passed all questions regarding CORRUPTION. Which is our largest problem and issue. I have been unable to get Atrocious Abe's link to work but spoke with mr Capuchina myself. This guy gets used by the Feds to conduct tests and would lose his state lic. If he lied.
Facts are facts, Abel (Villalobos right hand man in the DAs office right now) cant pass the test. He's been picked up and taken for a free out of town trip by the Feds for questioning in the Limas case. If that's who u want in office you might as well move to Mexico.
WOW, you wanted to know who Juan's supporting? He printed an ad the Herald wouldn't even print. No merit! One side states an unproven, yet to be heard case of sexual harrasment. It'll most likely be dropped.
The other side takes a polygraph given by THE ONLY ACCREDITED POLYGRAPHER FROM HERE TO CORPUS. HE THEN PASSES THE POLYGRAPH regarding CORRUPTION. Abel has used these polygraphs to convict people , now all of the sudden they're not accurate. Ok, give a sworn affidavit instead under penalty of perjury. I spoke with a friend that works as a Federal agent. He said YOU'D NEVER DO IT. That just leads me to believe you have serious issues in your future.
If this is all it takes to pass a polygraph test, even Clinton could have passed it. Why was Pete so nervous and sat so awkwardly when being tested. Who decide which questions were to be asked? There is so much that a person should know about Pete Avila's behavior, as well as Abel or as a matter of fact, all politics.
If Abel claims to be a more qualified candidate for the job, then why resort to mud slinging. Let your qualifications speak for themselves or shut up and take the test. Nothing to hid, I beg to differ. Only if those chicken plates could talk.
I heard from one of Ernie's workers that Abel is already looking for a job. Supposedly when he loses Ernie is going to make him a Park Ranger. Enough with the FILTHY HERNANDEZ' and AWEFUL ABEL. Vote people we can make them both go away. One now and the other soon!
Yeah both campaigns: Masso, Gomez....oh and Erin have run dirty campaigns based on lies. Vote these losers out Forever. Folks remember Gomez is in the DAs office RIGHT NOW. VILLALOBOS RIGHT HAND MAN. HE'S BEEN PICKED UP AND QUESTIONED BY THE FEDS, WHO WANTS THIS GUY IN OFFICE. Masso is the same but without a badge. And Erin is a fraking IDIOT. IT'LL BE MORE OF HER DADS AGENDA. just like cartel leaders hand power down, this is what Ernie wants.
Its amazine how two GROWN MEN who WE the people will vote for are acting. In regards to who is lying is beyong me. All I want to know is what they are going to do when they are elected officials not what happened a couple of months ago. I understand Its good gossip but come on............GROW THE FK UP AND MAY THE BEST MAN WIN........THE BEST MAN NOT THE TATTLE TALE...or the one who likes to point fingers. REMEMBER PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES.........GOOD LUCK
Gomez just take the polygraph test. Show us how honest you are you coward.
I dont beleive this accusations against Avila are true. Gomez is just scared of taking the polygraph test because everybody is going to find out how chueco he is.
Voting statistics are so low because of situations like this. I will be early voting today and I do not know for sure how I will vote except when it comes to Celeste and for Denise. The rest I will flip a coin and heads will determine which idiot I will support, which will make me just as much an idiot. I am strongly contemplating skipping the positions that have candidates who have not shown they are true statesman and not politicos.
WHAT PRINCIPLES????? I do not think you mean principals.
A vote for Gomez is a vote for corruption!!
jajaja como si hubiera de donde escoger!!! todos son corruptos y sinverguenzas RATAS DE DOS PATAS!!!
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