Now that we know that Erin Hernandez Garcia will be in charge of the Justice of the Peace 2-2 position, can we expect the same kind of performance from her that we are getting from her kindred soul Linda Salazar?
Courthouse regulars report that the modus operandi of the Salazar court consists of dodging cases filed by the Cameron County Sheriff's Department, constables and Department of Public Safety troopers against offenders.
They say that Salazar – who has been on the campaign trail for the past few months – at all costs tries to avoid and reject these thorny and unpopular cases and has her staff steer them toward the court now headed by Kip Van Hodge. Kip, a workaholic who – since he did not run for the office –doesn't care about the political fallout that results when he applies the law equally to everyone.

Hodge, who is known to apply the rules by the book, has borne the extra load because he is not in competition for the money-making functions of the office like marriages as is Salazar next door.
The fact that Salazar was busy running for office against Libertarian Marlene Daughtery simply shifted more of the case load to Hodge's office.Troopers, sheriff deputies, and constables have now started to turn in tickets only to Hodge's court because they know he won't dismiss them, as Salazar is wont to do.
We have commented on Ms. Salazar's affinity to money-making marriage cases, but the lengths to which she has her staff hunt them down in the halls has reached the point where it has become embarrassing to courthouse employees. She reportedly sends her employees to look for likely couples and guide them to her court lest they knock on Hodge's door.
Salazar even has instructed the employees at the county clerk's office to physically walk them to her court if they happen to ask for the Justice of the Peace office to make marriage arrangements.
In the picture at right, an employee from Salazar's court was photographed sitting and waiting to steer potential matrimony cases wandering down the courthouse corridors to Linda Salazar's door.
Come January, will Erin Hernandez Garcia allow this potential windfall to be steered past her door or will she insist that Linda share the pie with her, unlike Hodge is doing now?
Another example of how the Dumbokratic Officials in Cameron County take advantage of their positions to benefit themselves. The public loses.....Yet, the public elected these mental midgets; so who should we blame.
Both of these women came into office on the backs of politiqueras and stolen votes.
Yo por eso no voto por ningun mendigo de estos sinverguenzas!!!!! Por rateros y pendejos y sinverguenzas, bola de ratas de dos patas.
So why not print about the rudeness and the unprofessionalism from Hodges office the staff needs training and customer service skills...
Both are garbage but here they are now our elected garbage. No valen dick.
So who is the gordo, cholo, looking, goatee sporting, panzon in JP Hodge's office. He needs a couple of classes in how to deal with the public and not come across as a rude, condescending asshole.
The courthouse will always be full of bacon from now on till their terms are up? To you idiots who got suckered in by Miss Piggy, The Snake, Abel "Very Questionable Cop" Gomez and others, shame on you!
As always talking shit, why do you refer to that guy like that, he is a very smart and knowledgeable individual actually knows his stuff,I wonder why ur so upset
. oh shit perhaps cause u never got it your way. Our company has worked with that office for years and have always been treated with courtesy, respect and professionalism. Pinche genre mal agradecida.
People call rude when they don't get their way...Judge Hodge is by the book and by the book is his staff, is it pretty obvious that when people don't get "favors" dismissals, reductions etc they will say; "Oh, that bitch at the window is not willing to help". Orders come from a boss above who refuses to favor no one!!! And who refuses to engage in all this u said I said kinder games. Mr Hodge is a COMPLETE PROFESIONAL GENTLEMAN who has been picking up cases to the point where he has no place on his docket for more...I seen his work up close since I file with him every day and have nothing but good things to say about him and his profesional staff, who do nothing more than follow Mr. Hodge's modus operandi, which is completely dif. from Salazar's and the late judge Tony Torres..that said, we hope that Garcia does not change the way this staff runs the office...
creo que nosotros como publico merecemos respeto,yo fui a pagar una multa con el juez, con Hodge y pues si uno se molesta porque tiene que pagar pero tambien me informaron de como yo le podia hacer para que la multa no afectara mi record que al final es lo que importa, asi que ademas de ser profecionales las personas de ahi no solo estan para chingar, es su trabajo lo tienen que hacer pero a la ves lo ayudan a uno. Yo me lleve un buen sabor de boca de una mala experiencia error mio por supuesto....ah y para el que el esta hechando cagada al muchacho que trabaja ahi, el fue quien me atendio y lo hiso muy no queremos que nos traten mal tambien a que entender que si estamos ahi para empezar es por nuestra culpa...mi expereciencia fue rapida y buena, no que el la corte de la salazar habia una filona y nadie atendia a la gente...ese si es no tener tacto para la gente...
SCAM-O-RAMA !! Why doesn't the County do something??? The SILENCE is deafening.
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