Drama Queen and blogger Robert Wightman has grown fond of throwing wild accusations against everyone and their mother.
To him. if you hold a different opinion than his, you are a moron, an idiot, or any number of choice insults.
But this latest drivel stating that the creation of the Justice of the Peace 2-3 court that JP-elect Mary Esther Garcia won in a runoff with former constable Pete Avila makes her a "welfare queen" goes even beyond his wildest rantings up to now.
If Pete had won, would Wightman call him a "welfare queen," too? I dare him.
We all remember that it was former Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez who was behind the creation of the new JP office saying that the new court should be located at Veterans Bridge so that the traffic violations levied by the Texas Department of Public Safety could be handled there.
When the late Tony Torres died and Erin H. Garcia beat Yolanda Begum for the JP 2-2 position, Hernandez changed his tune and started campaigning to do away with the JP 2-3 court he helped to create. To make matters worse, Erin Garcia didn't even make the runoff in 2014 primary for JP 2-2 between Begum and Jonathan Gracia.
But' let's examine the accuser and the accused closer.
Ms. Garcia has worked in county offices (including Road and Bridge office and county court-at-law courts as an administrator) and in legal offices as a paralegal.
Wightman, on the other hand, alighted in Brownsville after he was disbarred in Dallas. He has made his money initiating litigation to intimidate people and businesses into giving him money to get him off their back.
For example, Wightman has the nerve to call someone who has been working all her life doing honest work a "welfare queen" while:
He then claimed that he had no money and was medically disabled so he could have the loans forgiven. In his motion for the discharge of the loans he claimed he hadn't worked in 12 years. A loan analyst with the Dept. of Education said Wightman's earnings disqualified him from having his loans discharged, which triggered the lawsuit. According to Delfin Reyes, Wightman owed the government $40,340 at the time he filed the lawsuit claiming disability and asking to have his loans forgiven even though he earned $17,053 in 2003, which exceeded the poverty guidelines of $12,120.
Nonetheless, Wightman persisted and after more than a year of threats and litigation, the U.S. Dept. of Education threw up its hands and agreed to discharge the $40,000 in student loans.
*Wightman – after spending less than two years in the peace-time Army and getting a discharged based on a psychiatric condition – claims a 100 percent service-related disability and gets a 100 percent taxing exemption on his $109,000 residence from the Cameron County Appraisal District..
The information request to the Cameron County Appraisal District sought the VA disability rating only and the number of the claim, and not any specific private medical information.
The CCAD asked for a Texas Attorney General's opinion on the matter and the AG sided with Wightman on the districts' decision to withhold the information from the public. Based on whatever documentation Wightman provided the district, he continues to receive the exemption from paying taxes and allows the rest of the county's taxpayers to shoulder the tax load. Wightman fought the release of any information tooth and nail and labeled the request for the information on his claim an assault on the rights of all veterans.
So, someone who stiffed the taxpayers from paying the $40,000 he borrowed from them to pay for his education, and who now claims he has a service-related disability and unloads the burden on other county taxpayers, now calls someone who earned the trust of the voters who elected her to office a "welfare queen?
So, someone who stiffed the taxpayers from paying the $40,000 he borrowed from them to pay for his education, and who now claims he has a service-related disability and unloads the burden on other county taxpayers, now calls someone who earned the trust of the voters who elected her to office a "welfare queen?
ha ha
this guy has no validity to any statements.... Montoya , why even mention him... He is of no importance.... a guy that just wants attention and is probably getting information from people that are as Delusional as He is.......
Now the the fat fag bag is crying about the company he keeps! That pathetic short piece going after Elizondo,was pathetic! With all the rants about his estate going to Utep students, and him giving back to veterans, etc. Just makes the round mound of ass pound appear guilty of exactly what you are calling him out on. You struck a nerve Montoya! Perfect! His response prices exactly what a, "WELFARE QUEEN" gay bob really is!
What do you mean by "Welfare Queen" .?
You sound so ignorant. ...just like Valadez. .
Why resort to homophobia and fat shamming when there are so many real reasons to go after this egotistical hypocritical bully? Is there a reason?
No, Bobby hit the nerve right, that's what for you upset. Ha ha ha
Unfortunately, Brownsville and Cameron County have too many "welfare queens", both male and female. The local Democratic Party promotes this system and our elected officials manipulate things to benefit their family and friends. Aurora de la Garza found "welfare" jobs for many of her family members, and even found a county position for her son Joey after he was found defrauding a local non-profit hospice out of big bucks. Sofia, like others, is taking care of her family using this "welfare" system.
Montoya, your buddy Dan "The Man" Sanchez voted against the pay raise for county employees but he had no problems taking a pay raise when they voted for it? This is the county commissioner that takes high fees to represent clients in criminal cases but takes a hefty raise from his fellow commissioners? Now, he wants to use the Democrat/Republic approach to speak against the raises? Pretty ignorant if you ask me? I don't remember that he used the Democrat/Republic crap when he got his raise. I will vote for Carlos Cascos and not because he gave raises but because he does his job.
The JP 2-3 is completely unnecessary. Not only is it going to cost the taxpayers money on the wasted salaries. They are having to uproot the existing JP offices and relocate them in order to accommodate Queen Mary Ester. The plan is to relocate them to the elections office which is going to involve extensive remodeling. The original intent of the office was to be at the bridge or at the jail. If that idea fell through, then do away with the position it is not needed.
Dan Sánchez, the poster boy for Garcia-Cambodia .
Caya te el osico perra!
Because out it's my god given american right! First amendment! Idiot! Faggot Bob fought for me to express my freedom of speech! Don't you remember? He reminds us of it daily! If you don't like it, GET THE JEWEL OFF THE WIRE. Better yet leave to a country that infringes upon your right to have freedom of speech!
Your mother is a welfare system!
The Ernie & Erin Hernandez Family might be upset cuz she lost and her father got indicted....mmmmmm.. THey still hang around with Delusional people that post slanderous comments on other blogs... This is the same slot her father supported.. but since she lost... now, they are enviously upset... I am sure Jude Linda Salazar and Lesbian Sylvia Rodriguez are missing Erin .... lol.... PURA ENVIDIA.......
????????? You need to urgently take Spanish lessons....
Caya el hocico perro roñoso !
You might want to read up on the first ammendment before you continue with your hate rant and be careful about all the words you are posting and saying to third parties. ..you might just find out soon that you are the idiot.
Please use another line.. you are boring us with the same shit over and over in all the blogs.Lame.
Somos familia
Chinga tu madre! How's my spanish now? Pendeja!
I challenge you to provide provide proof that my hate rant is not protected under first amendment rights! Idiot!
"Pior", your "spanich" is low class; tal vez te convenga nadar de regreso a Mexico o quiza mudarte a las prietas para que luzca tu folklorico lingo..,
De eso se trata no? If you're bored get into knitting or go to other blog and stop complaining...
Please permit me to suggest from first-hand experience that Ms. Garcia deserved to win the JP position. (Recall that the county settled a six-figure sexual harassment suit against her opponent and the county shortly before the primary).
In her own right, Ms. Mary Esther Garcia has proven herself a valuable and honest county worker. I daily interacted with her as defense counsel when she was criminal court coordinator for a county judge. She never missed work. She was unfailingly kind, even to one like me without any special connections. She was organized and accurate. I never experienced a mix-up on dates in her courtroom.
As for the office or space issue -- guess what? -- the county is growing. Space is a never-ending question. Remember that the law library was (shamefully) reduced to a closet to make room for the 357th courtroom.
In sum, the county will be getting good value for its money from the JP services of Judge Mary Esther Garcia.
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