Thursday, June 25, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: It's often out-of-town visitors who see things we take for granted. This morning we were talking to a visitor from out of state when he stopped us as we walked along a resaca and commented on the beauty of the scene. As we turned and snapped a shot with our handy camera, we thought it was just the average bird on a tree limb watching the sunrise. Later, we looked at it closer and saw that the bird was reflected off the water as the sun peeked through the treetop son the far shore. A large thunder cloud was also reflected on the surface of the resaca as were the palm trees and buildings in the distance. In retrospect, this is one of those everyday scenes here that makes visitors to our area return for a second look. We are just so used to it we hardly notice.)


Anonymous said...

"We see but yet we don't see" . An old Naco proverb.

Anonymous said...

Give the "naco" line a rest you annoying idiot.

Anonymous said...

(Give the "naco" line a rest you annoying idiot)

Buahahaha! Plus, I agree.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is fugly.

Anonymous said...

It's feels good to be an annoying Naco idiot. It gives one a more perspective on the philosopher of Güemes views. Example: es mejor ser Pendejo en la vida que aún más Pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Well, you certainly have the "pendejo " part down pat.....regardless of Guemes or anyone else ' s views .

Anonymous said...

El Pendejo que se casa con una Pendeja, a los hijos les llaman Pendejitos . Son dichos de un Naco ilustrado y erudito .

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Juan, ninguno de estos pendejos conoce nada sobre el Filósofo de Güemes

Anonymous said...

El filósofo de Güemes descubrió lo que sigue de la Muerte. En la lotería Mexicana después de la Muerte sigue el reloj .

Anonymous said...

No, Naco pendejo. Lo que sigue de la muerte es la pera.
