Saturday, November 14, 2015


(Ed.'s Note: No one can condone the attack on civilians in Paris last night for which ISIS took credit. But neither can anyone condone the indiscriminate bombing on civilians in Syrian cities by the French and coalition air forces. Both involved killing of innocent people. In the case of the Paris attacks, it was at street level and done dispassionately by radicalized Muslims. In the case of the French bombing of Syrian cities, a pilot who never saw his victims pushed a button and flew away. He never saw the death and destruction or the snuffing out of innocent lives below. Is one right and another wrong?
France’s policy towards the war in Syria has been more forward than any other western country. It was early in calling for President Bashar al-Assad to step down, still insists he must go, and recently joined airstrikes inside Syria against the Islamic State – unlike the UK, which has not taken that step.
The Isis claim of responsibility for Friday’s Paris attacks referred directly to French aircraft “striking Muslims in the lands of the caliphate”.
Sadly, with both sides intransigent in their positions, the killing of the innocent will most likely continue.)


Anonymous said...

Typical liberal/progressive bullshit. The drone strikes were not indiscriminate, but targeted high value evil people. The evil people live close of innocent people for protection, so you can spout this bullshit.

In Paris the ISIS savages were just killing any non-Muslim at random. There are not comparable events in any way.

When ISIS comes to a neighborhood near you, they won't give a fig if you are a liberal mouthpiece criticizing those who are fighting them. You will get your bullet or bomb along with everybody else for you are a target also.

Ben said...

We need to get them Isis boys laid. Let's make it so they can meet them 72 Virgins real soon.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you prefer US "boots on the ground" to fight ISIS. The French joined the US led coalition....and Obama has not yet grown a pair to be able to deal with ISIS. Remember, 10,000 Syrian refugees landed in the U.S. this week. Several of the suicide terrorists in Paris were refugees in Greece last month. Simple, improvised weapons with devastating results. Will we see it in the US???????????????

Anonymous said...

this is the dumbest article ever written just justifying violence. The air forces attack and yes, kill but there is purpose behind and mainly is to save millions of Syrians. Innocents will die in the process but is not intentional like the planned attacks to the French. In which moronic world do you live?

Anonymous said...

Islam is now living in its 15th century. Accordingly, Muslims operate from a 15th century mindset. Furthermore, it is clear that mainstream Islam fuels jihadi attacks, such as the one recently seen in Paris. For those who take the Koran literally, slavery, the persecution of non-Muslims, the abuse of women and the extermination of homosexuals are not only permitted but are actively encouraged. You are far off the mark when you allege that Western efforts to displace such abominations as ISIS have been an impetus to terrorism. Rather, the failed policies of Western nations such as the U.S. in being unable to distinguish between Shias and Sunnis on a long-term basis has led to the rise of the extreme jihadists. Essentially, we are now paying the price for allowing third-stringers under Obama to shape foreign policy. We cannot afford polyanna types who miss the big picture, viz. that, whether we like it or not, Islam is at war with Western civilization. I know, for I lived for several years in a Muslim country and personally witnessed the bigotry, oppression and closed-mindedness Islam spawns. Please, sir, resist the urge to write on a subject you obviously know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

These criminals mus be eliminated from the face of the Eaeth.

Anonymous said...

neither is justified, one of the commandments is you "you should not kill", but we do it everyday, we kill our own dreams, our own hopes, our own body, and our own?

Anonymous said...

Japan has been at peace with the United States and pretty much everyone else in the world since Nagasaki and Hiroshima; lets allow the caliphate to be at peace now as well.

unknown said...

Isis is a fake group run by our Government. A lot of you won't understand that but no one died in the Paris attach. Juanito if you were a real journalist, you would not be so easily deceived.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People who have sold their souls to an ideology either right or left, are blind and deaf to the world in which thy lives. They must bend, twist world events to fit their ideology, or else just deny them all together. Suck ideologies can be right or left, religious or political.

In the case at hand, Obama governs and JM writes from their blind and deaf radical left wing ideologies and not from any real world understanding.

Anonymous said...

Hey Juanito, KILLARY BENGHAZI CLINTON, and ISLAMIC MOLE PENCIL DICK obammie this is a reality check for you loosers:

Islam is at war with THE WEST!
FYI In 110 countries, since 1970, over 27,000 attacks worldwide. This includes the sixteen Jews stabbed since 3 Oct and the attack in Ankara. Here is the VERY short list:
Israeli Olympic Team attackers were Muslims
Pan-Am flight #93 bombers were Muslims
Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
Iranian Embassy Takeover in 1979, was by Muslims
Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
First World Trade Center bombers were Muslims
Bombay & Mumbai India attackers were Muslims
Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
Khobar Tower bombers were Muslims
USS Cole bombers were Muslims
Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims
Beltway Snipers were Muslims
Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
Numerous terrorist attacks in the Philippines since the 80s? Muslims.
Fort Hood Shooter IS a Muslim
Underwear Bomber was a Muslim
Bali Nightclub bombers were Muslims
Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims
Kenya US Embassy bombers were Muslims
Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims (Hezbollah)
Besian Russian School attackers were Muslims
Madrid Train bombers were Muslims
London Subway and Bus bombers were Muslims
Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims AND REFUGEES
Beheading of nuns in early 2015 were by Muslims
Humanitarian worker Ms. Mueller sent to help muslims was raped/killed by Muslims
Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
James Foley and Steven Sotloff were beheaded by Emwazi, a Muslim
David Haines and Alan Henning were beheaded by Emwazi, a Muslim
September 11, 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
Charlie Hebdo, Paris cartoonists, murderers were Muslims
Suicide bombers in Egyptian monument targeting tourists were Muslims
Egyptian shooters of German tourists were Muslims
Car bombers at Egyptian traffic light targeting bystanders were Muslims
Temple shrine bombers of Thailand targeting tourists were Muslims
The train shooter in France was a refugee with Spanish ID and was a Muslim
A 15 years old boy who shot police Curtis Cheng at Parramatta is a Muslim
Anzac Day terror plotters in Melbourne Australia were Muslims
Ankara peace rally massacre murderers were Muslims
Russian A321 airbus was shot down over Egyptian desert by Muslims
Paris football stadium shooting and suicide bombing Nov 13, 2015 was by Muslims
Paris Cambodian Eatery shooting Nov 13, 2015 was by Muslims

Not at war with Islam? It appears that THEY are at war and have been for some time, like, since the 7th Century and the Democrats and the UN are their enablers!
