Saturday, June 25, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: Lest we be blamed again for disrespecting women, let us say from the get-go that we were sent the photo on the bottom by one of out seven readers (we lost one to the mchalereport) who noticed a certain resemblance of the veiled sculpture of a female U.S. vet erected at the Veterans Memorial Park on Central Boulevard  by the Veteran Females United chapter here. No, it's not a sculpture to honor Islamic female terrorists, although we have to agree that with the black body-length sheet it does bear a striking resemblance to a burka. The cord tied around her legs may symbolize the restrictions on women in the Arab world, too. Nah. We waited until the same reader sent us a photo of the unveiled female vet sculpture to reveal the real sculpture underneath, a depiction of an American woman soldier on patrol. The central library parking lot was crammed to overflowing and dignitaries from the school district, the city, state, and federal government also were present at the unveiling. A salute to the ladies in green. As if on cue, right after the unveiling, a rain shower pelted the crowd. Our reader really should change the settings on his camera.)


Anonymous said...

Juan, the woman in statue has no Mexican facial features! WTF! They could have easily taken a caricature by Nena Barton and worked with that. Nena herself would have been good, too. She has to be the city's top warrior, what with that battle it must be to walk alongside shitty blogger Jim Barton. ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Que chingados tiene que estar bisd ahi? Oh yeah they fail to prepare our cHildreth for college leaving them no alternative but to join the military. Thanks BISD board members. But at least the board is making their friends money, right Coach?

Anonymous said...

From an Air Force vet: What's next...a homosexual memorial...a transvestite memorial. When will this divisive mindset stop? Ladies, if you really want equal time then it is time women started registering for the DRAFT, and no whining please. I am surprised Charlie didn't make a statue of himself.

Anonymous said...

3:27 What's with all your phobias towards anyone that is different from you ? The male and female memorials represent anyone who has ever served our country. Those statues represent any race , as well or are you mad about that too ? All I can say is that by looking at military memorials, I can feel honor in my fathers military service to our country as he also felt.

Anonymous said...

1:11 PM..Have you lost your fucking mind? will we need a statue with Negro, Native American, Asian or whatever features?

Diego lee rot said...

The statue has microcephaly
