Friday, December 23, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: It's Friday, Dec. 23, in Brownsville, Texas. The temperature hovers between the upper 70s and 80s and a southeast wind is blowing. In the resacas, ancient beds of the Rio Grande before it changed course with the spring floods, numerous species of wildlife flourish. This photo was taken on Coria Street before it intersects with Los Ebanos Blvd. Sometimes those of us who live here don't see the beauty before us because it has become hum drum and expected. Some who have lived in the Midwest or up north remember that on this day people are usually huddled indoors as winter rages outside. The balmy weather is expected to remain with us over the weekend before it plummets to the mid-60s (brrrrr) next week. Enjoy!)


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Juanito!

Anonymous said...

We're with you and against Blimp!

Anonymous said...

Yea, such a great place to live this brownsville shit hole. The mid west actually has seasons and is not dealing with Zika mosquitoes in December. Just wait till this summer when all the Zika babies are born.

Anonymous said...

Excellent piece. The weather is the Valley's winning hand when combined with its natural wonders such as the resacas, the palm groves and its native plants. Nothing like this region in this nation and few other places like it in the world.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for gorgeous weather

Anonymous said...

You jinxed it Juanito, ya llego el frio y con aguita
