Saturday, August 19, 2017


(Ed.'s Note: This scene is from Veterans Memorial Park on Central Blvd. and shows kids playing soccer behind the sculpture of the Veterans Females United which depicts a woman soldier standing at the ready on watch. One of our readers said this depicts the role of female soldiers in the United States Armed Forces, kind of looking over the safety of the kids as they play. It's a bit romantic, but it does convey a sense of safety.

On the other side of the park is the sculpture to Jose Lopez, the Congressional Medal of Honor winner who lived in Brownsville as a young man. We are honored to have men and women in this town who have been willing to give their all for our country. Have a good time, kids!

Our reader also sent us this one on the bottom which is a kind of "Can you find Waldo?" snapshot. Can you see the ball in the picture below? Hint. It is yellow. Click on graphic below to enlarge.)


Anonymous said...

Drop Rene Oliveira like the confederate statues. He has done nothing for We the Mexican American People

Anonymous said...

Forever grateful to our past, present and future Veterans.

Anonymous said...

Since I do not believe guns have any place around kids, should I demand this statue be taken down, so that it does not make kids want to play with guns.

Anonymous said...

Easy, the ball is on the ground in the upper picture and is in the air to the right of the monument. In this case, it is a statue of an American Soldier/Veteran....who happens to be a female.

Anonymous said...

I have always been under the belief that the Veteran's Park is a solemn part for us to quietly visit and sit and give thanks for all those who served our country from our fair city. Many did not come back and we owe all of them our respect. So where and why have parents failed to teach this to their children who can not find another spot of play. I know it says "the pursuit of happiness" but I am sure is was never intended for child play. Where are their parents? What a shame and perhaps that is something that we teachers should also encourage in our students - patriotic respect and reverence. All the skateboards should also be banned and there should be enforcement of the rules once set. Scram, kids! Go wash you parent's cars and cut the grass for the exercise.

Anonymous said...

Bitch with a gun, how offensive and scary.Tear it down!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know what? I am not scared of a man with a gun what I am scared of is pissed off woman.

Anonymous said...

Kids playing soccer.
Our veterans fought for America
Teach the kids an American sport
Make them assimilate and save their roots behind. That's why we live in a backwards town. They can't forget their or even try to leave Mexico. Besides soccer tears up the turf. You see the damage throughout the city where these soccer players have left their mark.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kids playing soccer.
Our veterans fought for America
Teach the kids an American sport

I HOPE you know that American football evolved from rugby which then became soccer in England. Soccer is as American as hot dogs or hamburgers. Just because we live in a border with Mexico STOP associating the sport with Mexico. It's not Mexico's fault if little WHITE ANGLO KIDS play soccer from kinder to university and some of them even play the sport in Germany or Italy.
Stop the hate.

Anonymous said...

Don't treat women like shit if you are scared of a pissed off one coming back at'cha. Stay outta kitchen if you can't take the heat! Comeuppance is what you're afraid of, itty bitty shrinking raisin balls
