Saturday, August 19, 2017


By Juan Montoya
The short answer is yes.

If you are ever pulled over by the University of Texas RGV (or whatever) anywhere in the state, don't argue jurisdiction. They can not only stop you in Brownsville even though you're miles removed from the campus next to Texas Southmost College downtown, they actually have more jurisdiction than the Brownsville Police Department or the Cameron County Sheriff's Dept.

In fact, they have even more jurisdiction than do constables, whose jurisdiction extends over to a neighboring county from the one where they were elected.

They have primary jurisdiction on at least 85 Texas counties where there is a UT System facility and another 30 or adjoining counties where they have secondary jurisdiction. This includes all of Cameron, Willacy, Hidalgo and Starr counties, among others. (See graphic)

They just added Comal County in July this year.

The University of Texas Policy and Procedure Manual states that "the primary function of peace officers commissioned by the University of Texas System Police includes all counties in which property is owned, leased, rented, or otherwise under the control of the University of Texas System."

Given the reach and breadth of the UT Megasystem, this would include virtually every corner of the state. And their role is not merely to protect UT System property, their jurisdiction very nearly approaches that of their sister law enforcement entity the Texas Department of Public Safety.

UT System Police are vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities of peace officers, may arrest without a warrant any person who commits a crime, and may enforce all traffic laws on streets and highways within those counties.

But that is not all.

These guys can also can render assistance to other agencies if they are summoned in accordance with Chapter 14, Code of Criminal Procedure. That means that they can be there with the Border Patrol or Customs if they are called to help.

So if you see the U Cops black-and-whites turn on his lights in your rear view mirror, don't even think of making the lack-of-jurisdiction argument. You'd almost have to go all the way to the checkpoint in Sarita before they run out of their turf.


Anonymous said...

If you didn't know that you probably never went to college.

Anonymous said...

Pinche rentacop. I'm thinking there's not much going on the campus itself.

Anonymous said...

There happens to be, more than normal, accidents by the old bridge near UTRGV; the UCops,rent-a-Cop, normally stop anybody at all times in Brownsville and Edinburgh area.

Anonymous said...

Constable Solis working at the port doing pipeline security, being paid cash using our cars and gas why?

Anonymous said...

How do they follow through with the tickets they issue to the mojado trucks who don't comply to anything. Where is that bridge to get them out of the city? Remember the one Eddie Jr. promised us way back? Instead of running around the city, the UTRGV cops should be patrolling the campus where all the problems occur in the parking lots and keep an eye on trouble makers. They think like Minerva Pena who still thinks she can give tickets or fail all who took the driver's test under her. Everyone would not show up when she was on duty porque era in perra!!!!

tom landrie said...

They are only patrolling around campus and I've seen them stop trucks that have committed the crime around the campus and they just follow them

Anonymous said...

So who is protecting our college students whom are attending on the otherside of the city while UTRGV Police are running traffic??????? If they wanted to work traffic they should of chosen another Department to work for..........................

Anonymous said...

One them is a marimacha and she has the shitiest attitude out of all of them.Respecting the badge is ok but when you act like a total shit head dont expect the public to bow down.My kids go their and you better be doing you job around campus when school starts all it takes is one call to Austin.Us parents will be watching.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine told me she was driving towards her house by the light at Hanna HS when she was ticketed by a BISD police.
I never saw the ticket (to see if she had to pay to BISD or the city)but I do know that she went before the city municipal judge to contest the ticket. Don't know if she paid it or what but she did tell me that the police officer told her he did have the authority to issue her a ticket.

Anonymous said...

Pinche B I S D cops cruise by shennanigans and the bar on the weekends looking for a piece of ASS. F T P.

Anonymous said...

They can also fingerbang college bitches on the reg.

Anonymous said...

Hey toughboy, go play criminal anywhere around these "rentacops" and Let us know How it went. They are perhaps some of the better trained along with DPS and other state cops.

Anonymous said...

Lol... It's "should have"... But It's okay, you fit the profile.
