Saturday, September 23, 2017


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Did you hear about the bounty yielded by the sea during the annual Beach Cleanup at Boca Chica Beach today?

It seems that the organizers dropped off kids and participants all along the beach from the mouth of the Rio Grande to the jetties with their plastic trash bags and set about collecting the trash accumulated by beachgoers and ships that dump their trash off the side.

Usually, the trash includes medical waste, plastic fishing netting and lines that endanger fish and wildlife and is the bane of ecologists.

Well, everything was going along swimmingly and the bags started filling when they noticed a couple of kids that had been left far out near the jetties. At fist they thought the kids were just slacking off until they saw them carrying some bundles wrapped in plastic and running toward the main group.

It tuned out that they had stumbled across four kilos of cocaine among the sand dunes that had apparently washed up from the water. That's a cool $40,000 in anyone's book.

When Pct. 1 Commissioner Sofie Benavides found out she was horrified and called the Texas Department of Public Safety troopers and they promptly confiscated the stash. We hope that it didn't belong to a cartel or  drug gang because they'll probably be looking for someone to recover it from. We're lucky those kids didn't do a nasal field test to determine if the coke was real.

Hopefully, this will make the organizers do a look-see survey before they leave the kids out there on their own next time around.

One of the workers helping with the cleanup said the coke was prime. "Pura escama, bro."


Diego lee rot said...

Sound bout rite

Anonymous said...

I heard they also found about 400 kilos of barbacoa stashed out there, with some mysterious Tahoe tracks leading to the site.

Anonymous said...

Y'all need to keep an eye on that county worker. How I the hell does he know it's uncut cocaine not unless he is an expert in the matter.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the work of the "beef chief" and "Carne Estrada".

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they put the children of BISD in this danger, they took them for this event to teach them about community services but they are risking their life.

Anonymous said...

Those nicknames will take on whole new meanings when they go to jail.

V. Tinker Shaysg said...

bet the constable and D.A.'s offices will be patroling Boca Chica beach heavily.....for our "safety" i'm sure!😉

Anonymous said...

Next trash pick-up should be the "New" Lieutenant on Engine 9, C shift, eh Carlos?

Anonymous said...

Damn, there must be chingos de raza, looking for more right now

Anonymous said...

Come on, nobody is putting kids in danger. Things can happen anywhere. I applaud these kids for wanting to help clean our beaches. If you don't like it, get your fat ass and clean our beaches instead of being a critic and eating a double meat.

Anonymous said...

Blimp is into feltching. Hijole!

Anonymous said...

YEILDS? Try "Yields," you fucking idiot. GOD DAMN YOU, MONTOYA. Lazy-ass Mexican!

Anonymous said...

The border IS secure! Uhu!
