Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Is it all a matter of interpretation? Or is it a matter of territory?

Or is it deteriorating into a pissing match?

The interpretation to these questions are but two that are in contention as the Brownsville Independent School District reconsiders its decision to stop giving free meals to district students at district campuses.

Just yesterday, during a meeting of the board of the BISD, Superintendent Rene Gutierrez said the district expected to restart the delivery of meals to the 10 designated school campuses. Gutierrez said that the only obstacle was for the district to reach an agreement with the City of Brownsville and Cameron County so they can modify the Stay at Home and Shelter in Place declarations.
Trey Mendez, Author at Rio Grande Guardian

This follows the disaster declaration by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that effectively closes the schools. That, plus the travel restrictions in the county and city declarations, effectively put a crimp on the BISD's delivery of meals to the campuses and students.

But now, we have BISD's legal eagle, board counsel Baltazar Salazar, who claims outright that what Mayor Trey Mendez (and County Judge Eddie Trevino) say is of no consequence.

"The Mayor’s Amended Order which states that “School campuses shall be closed to students for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year” should be considered void and unenforceable as the Mayor has no jurisdiction over the Brownsville Independent School District.

EL RRUN RRUN: BISD'S BALTAZAR SALAZAR'S PAWPRINTS ALL OVER T.E.C. ...Only the Governor of the State of Texas or the Commissioner of Education has jurisdiction over the BISD. Earlier this week the BISD reminded the Mayor of his lack of jurisdiction over BISD to no avail."

Toward that end, Salazar states that Abbott specifically excluded BISD personnel implementing the district's meal program.

"The Texas Governor on March 31, 2020 issued an Executive Order, GA-14, under Tex.Govt.Code §418.014 relating to the statewide continuity of essential services and activities during the COVID-19 disaster...

"Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce (ECIW), Version 2.0, which provides an advisory list of critical-infrastructure sectors, workers, and functions which should continue during the COVID-19 disaster."

In reviewing the ECIW it specifically defines essential workers as "FOOD AND AGRICULTURE-Government, private, and non-governmental organizations' workers essential for food assistance programs (including school lunch programs) and governmental programs."

Thus, all BISD employees and support personnel providing school lunch to our students are categorized as Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce under the CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency)."

Salazar, in effect, says that BISD does not have to follow the order by th order by Mendez - and Trevino - to close the schools and school functions through the Stay at Home orders. He's been wrong plenty times before. Is he wrong now?

There seems to be precedent in a Texas Attorney General's Office Opinion issued October 2009, for the mayor to order the closing of the schools or control the movement of people to prevent further contagion of the public.

BISD to resume meal distributions - Brownsville Herald: Local NewsEducators and educational administrators caught in the building upward curve of the virus of CODIV-19 contagion have faced this before in school communities similar in socio-economic characteristics similar to the BISD. With a high percentage of disadvantaged students, needs in transportation and no existing contingency plan for this novel kind of event, each has has to face and deal with the issue.

Chicago Public Schools, for example, dealt with it this way.

Who will blink? 

That should prove irrelevant since the critical issue at the crux of the territorial dispute - the safe feeding of hungry school kids - should take priority in everyone's agenda.


Anonymous said...

$31k a month Superintendent Brownsville Raza.
Remember that! Parents DEMAND more for your children and dont back down!!! Health over anything else.

Anonymous said...

What about the furniture store the coffee congal by pd the pizza joint downtown? BISD is serving meals for the children not selling it for profit like los mamones political ass-kissers that get privilege from their politicians.

Anonymous said...

Let President Trump decide what to do. Then once he decides say he's wrong and a racist and start hating and insulting him. Then you can say he's dividing the country and hurl insults at him and all people that support him and voted for him. You've been doing it for 3 1/2 years so why change now. And I forgot you can blame him for whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

How can Mayor Mendez bow down and kiss erasmo castro’s rear? It is so apparent that Mayor Mendez really worships the ground that erasmo castro walks. It is so disappointing that a man with a law degree and a job allows his reputation to be permanently tarnished by an unemployed, leach of a human being like erasmo castro. It is very apparent that erasmo castro is nothing but a lazy human being who is always begging for food invitations on his facebook page. He supposedly is a pastor at a church, then he trashes people on social media! Seriously Juan, how can this person erasmo castro claim time be a pastor of a church then get on social media and trash people to cause division in our community. That is true evidence of a false/fake person serving God. It appears that erasmo castro is pure evil. To see all the people who support him on his post is evident that those people do not know God. To condone evil makes you an evil person, no ifs, ands or buts! Que Triste!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Around the world, leaders who are doing something about the pandemic are uniting their countries. Trump sees it as another opportunity for " us vs. them" divisiveness.

[for comparison: Boris Johnson in the UK is up 16 points, French President Emanuel Macron 13 points higher, German Chancellor Angela Merkel up 11 points, Giuseppe Conte of Italy 27 points higher.

Trump is temporarily up about 2% ]

I must admit the Trump briefings are entertaining, especially when the bouffant buffoon strays off topic

Anonymous said...

Don’t blame me. I voted for Cascos. He would have handled this crisis a lot better.

Anonymous said...

Pinche mente huevona... se les hace más fácil llevar a el guerco por un free lunch que hacerle de comer en casa! Viejas irresponsables! Pónganse a amasar... cosan frijoles, guisen papas para sus hijos! En vez de ponerlos en peligro y handar con ellos en la calle! Y los de el BISD están pero bien pendejos por ofrecer comida para llevar.... nadamas para que el estado lea siga pagando! Que se los lleve la chingada los niños... páguenos estado! Para seguir dándole el chequesote a Baltazat y todos los otros huevones corruptos de el distrito! Bola de ineptos!






Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Parents drive up in Cadillacs, Range Rovers, Mercedes, Intrigues, and other luxuary cars. But they can't afford to buy food for brats they have as tax dependents. Let them wait for the stimulus money.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Como dicen en el basketball court...TAPÓN! BISD Taponeo al mayor chiquito.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lets forget this whole happened and get back to work!

Anonymous said...

Bisd is gon get it

Anonymous said...

Mayor Méndez is doing an extraordinary job. He is trying to keep his community safe. He doesn’t care of petty nonsense. It’s not a pissing contest for him. The mayor is doing what is best for the community. If children go back to school and virus spreads, who will be at fault? The superintendent and the board. This should be about not spreading this virus even more. Why is it so hard to understand? Let campuses stay closed. The teachers are getting trained in distance/ remote learning. They have to be Apple Teacher, Google Classroom or other online platform Certified by the end of the week. Instruction will go on.
(Montoya, post this- you’ve stated you don’t like Mendez but that’s only because Neece and Galonsky are paying you)

Anonymous said...

Our mayor has the common sense to act out of an abundance of caution when it comes to the health of the citizens of Brownsville and especially, Brownsville‘s children. Distance-learning can be done and teachers are learning on the job as they go. It’s not often that we get a chance to reinvent our self for a good cause and I for one don’t mind learning some new skills so that I can continue to teach my students better.

Our superintendent has more brains in his back pocket then several lawyers combined. I hope that he doesn’t pay too much attention to our legal counsel but instead also acts out of an abundance of caution in regard to discontinuing school for the rest of the semester.

Anonymous said...

April 8, 2020 at 7:22 PM


Anonymous said...

"Mayor Méndez is doing an extraordinary job."
What? maybe at his pizza place but not at city hall... and if were a pissing contest he lacks equipment to even hit the bucket!

Anonymous said...

You morons voted for Treviño and this is what you get: a kiddy, whining little bitch who is so busy trying to appear he knows what he is doing with his personalized and embroidered little Juanito Cash shirts to cover up for his complete and utter lack of even the most basic preparedness that he hasn’t noticed what competent county judges in other parts of the state are doing to be ready. Despite all of the interviews, multiple emergency planning meetings a week, and jerk off sessions trotting out hospital administrators to talk about how ready he is, the imposter judge got caught with his sloppy fitting pants down when simply asked many weeks into this pandemic event how many ventilators, beds, and ICU provisions our county can support. You know, the basic shit every halfway competent leader in the world has been able to rattle off without a second thought for weeks now in every interview, press release, and publication. But no- he’s too busy starting critical meetings with leadership from across the county whining about how he can’t bully state and federal departments into doing his bidding the same way he bullies the random skirts on the county’s payroll. But that won’t happen. He’s already playing the blame game before it’s even really show time. Like Cascos said: you need somebody who can work with people at many levels regardless of what party they’re from to do what’s best for your constituents. Treviño can’t even resist pudding matches with members of his own party and staff which is why they’re bitching to whoever will listen.

chuy southmost said...

Folks, lets be positive here, A HUGE THANK YOU to all the BISD employees in the front line, cooking and serving these meals for the kids and cleaning up the schools and all the departments still open and working period.

Anonymous said...

All it takes is for one person at BISD to go to work preparing meals with this virus and many, many children and their parents and employees will get this virus! Based on the picture you posted on this article a sick parent or child can contaminate the ladies gloves and every bag from then on touched by this lady will carry the virus and who is going to be held responsible! How about the employ contamination during after the cooking process? Many comments on this post are correct! Prepare the food for your family! Stay home! Caddy's, Beamer's, Mercede's, Suburban's! All is true! Though the Governor has opened the door, local authority can be stricter than his order! So! Is the Superintendent or the school board and their attorney going to accept responsibility if my scenario comes to fruition? I bet they won't and our electorate will reelect them again and again and again! Let's pray it doesn't happen!

Anonymous said...

Sorry BISD. You are making many mistakes in handling this virus issue. I have not heard the superintendent speak or get on television to give his side of the story. As employees we have not received much communication from him. If this was happening a few years back, as employees we would be in the loop of things. Does the superintendent know how to speak and deliver the message? Why always send your second and third in command. Get with it board, why are you allowing only makes your all look so disorganized and dysfunctional.

Anonymous said...

@April 9, 2020 at 12:31 AM

Juanito are you report those incomes to the IRS? Must be really really BIG BIG pay, for some idiota to complain...

Anonymous said...

Mendez looks lost. He and Bernal are the ones responsible for having city workers working while they are working from home.

Anonymous said...

People are you really that hungry to get a sandwich a milk and a juice...!, people you are exposing your kids when you go to get those meals. USDA has stated that food can be given but they’d should be no kids in the car, now bisd is demanding for kids to be in car to get the meal!! , for what purpose??! For attendance =s $$$$$$. It’s all about the $$$$ and teachers are being dogged to death with logs, meetings, paperwork, phone calls..etc, ...not ending the year =s $$$$$$ for the big fat bonus the board will give the lack luster sup...parents demand for the school year yo come to an end!!!...stand up for the safety of your children and the community....

Anonymous said...

Mexicans...the state and federal government do not exist to feed your fucking kids. Brownsville Mexicans...get a fucking backbone and take responsibility...oh never heard of that word huh?!

Anonymous said...

So all the gringos up north waiting in line for hand-outs from the federal government! They are giving away some apples, a strawberry and one potato (spelling by bush) and the line is about 10 miles long. MUST BE HILLBILLYS

Anonymous said...

Texas Educators Code of Ethics states:
(B) Standard 3.2. The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly treat a student or minor in a manner that adversely affects or endangers the learning, physical health, mental health, or safety of the student or minor.

Anonymous said...

April 9 don’t live “up north” moron; you live in Mexicanland. Focus on the problem in the immediate area you live idiot. Your comparisons are that of a typical uneducated Mexican who constantly makes excuses for the Neanderthals of Brownsville. Any questions....

Anonymous said...

April 10, 2020 at 4:20 AM

uuy hillbilly got a BIG red ass. Hand-outs are hand-outs estupido Homo habilis now called hillbillies pendejo idiota

Anonymous said...

Pinche hillbilly joto refuses to wipe his ass at least do it with your fingers culo @April 10, 2020 at 4:20 AM
