Saturday, August 10, 2024


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Brownsville Independent School District does it.

The City of Brownsville did it.

Now it's the Brownsville Navigation District's turn.

The Port of Brownsville hired a new port director on Wednesday. Well, kind of.

In the end, they – like the other governmental entities above – spent $10,000s in taxpayer dollars for payments to "head hunters" and played along with the charade of candidate interviews to seek qualified applicants to be either the city manager, superintendent, and port director, only to choose the interim manager, super, and port director they had appointed earlier.


William Dietrich – a former City of Brownsville Police Department commander and former port police department commander – will stay as the now-permanent port director and CEO of the Port of Brownsville, according to a news release. Dietrich had been named interim port director and CEO in December.

Since then, the port – just like the city did with Helen Ramirez and the school district with Jesus H. Chavez – had been paying a company to align potential port directors, scheduling  interviews, conducting a national search, bringing down candidates from their different locations, and just playing along, as they say in Spanish, dandonos atole con el dedo.
"I am honored to continue serving the Port of Brownsville and would like to thank our Brownsville Navigation District Board of Commissioners for their confidence," Dietrich said. "Alongside our port staff and under the guidance of the BND Board we will continue to carry out the port’s mission to bring economic opportunities for the benefit of our communities."

Dietrich first joined the port as chief of police in July 2022. Before that, he served the Brownsville Police Department for 26 years, according to the news release. Past prosecutors and law enforcement colleagues say Dietrch has a mercurial temper, explodes into fits of  rage when confronted with facts that don't conform to his views, and has almost no people skills required to nurture unity of purpose in an organization. 

“I would like to congratulate Mr. Dietrich and commend him on the progress happening at the Port of Brownsville,” said Brownsville Navigation District Chairman Esteban Guerra. “The unprecedented achievements at the port in recent years have positioned us for continued success. I am certain under Mr. Dietrich’s leadership the port will advance as a beacon of prosperity for the future.”

But aside from the flowery language and Guerra's hyperbolic utopian vision, the open secret is that chairman Guerra has a personal relationship with Dietrich, who has a close personal relationship with one of his female relatives. To BND chairman Guerra, who now holds a majority on the board, the choice must have been easy.  Blood's thicker than mud.

And what makes him the best choice for port director? Look at his employment record.

Dietrich is a graduate of the Canadian Police College, and his training includes certification from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Bomb Technician School and the FBI’s Hazardous Devices School.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in science from the University of Texas at Brownsville, now University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and a master’s degree in leadership management from Western Governor’s University.

Anything on international trade? Anything on international commerce and relations, on container supply-side logistics, on in any of the other requirements and qualifications to run an international port?  

The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) recommends that candidates to port directorship have "an unparalleled understanding of port and supply chain disciplines focused on maritime core competencies, as well as Port and Terminal Operations Management Training and by applying these  credential towards a graduate degree in port management or an International Association of Maritime and Port Executives (IAMPE) certificate.

Dietrich has none of those. He's a cop in the tradition of Andy Vega, Charlie Cabler, Felix Sauceda, etc.. But he' a quick learner, the port commissioners assert. But even more important, he also has a compadre on the BND board. 

What do taxpayers to all these entities get in return? A guaranteed mediocrity by design. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Anonymous said...

The secretaries run the port. They know the rules, the law, the procedures and have a good networking system. They have copies of documents, get signatures in a second and have lunch in their desk while working. Everybody knows this: secretaries rule. The Top Management knows this too. Give the secretaries a salary increase, a parking space and a free cellular phone for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Does that surprise anyone? They had to do it. Quick analogy: its like having a sports team having the same coach and players for several yrs. You don’t want to bring in a new/ foreign coach to” disrupt “ your gameplan and strategies. You want to make sure everything stays the same and with no “ outsiders “ looking in. My friend says: Hidden agendas work better when everyone is on the same page! Its business as usual down at the port!! Compadres stick together . Only in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

The politicians with the city of Brownsville, Cameron County and B.I.S.D. need to do away with all this Compadrismo. We the tax payers need to take lead at the polls and start electing individuals who are intelligent and willing to work. Let's get rid of all these corrupt politicians. They increase our taxes only to benefit themselves.

Anonymous said...

you rip what you ??? something like that, a gringo famous saying. what, no meskin allowed at the port only if they got feria???
90% of the property tax payers are meskins and no representation at the port SHAME and the beat goes on and on and on and...

Anonymous said...

even las secres son gringas!!!

Anonymous said...

Dietrich of all people? I guess no one really looked into the closet? Dietrich has a history of doing what he's not supposed to do? He should have been investigated but never happened because of the wrong DA!

Anonymous said...

. . . and this is why we can't have nice things. The thing is that then these unqualified go around doing their job with an ugly disposition because they don't want people to know how ignorant and inept they are.

I worked with many of these bafoons.

Anonymous said...

Como siempre, es puro pinche Pedo en Browntown

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Mr Montoya, the real leader at the Port , is Jose Herrera, he was overlooked in the interview process and was the number one candidate. Mr Herrera speaks for all of the little people, and knows business and would have been a better choice , Mr Jose Herrera and Tony Rodriguez, are the best .

Anonymous said...

Interesting thought since 3 of the 5 commissioners are of Mexican heritage. But of course they are of relatively recent birth of the US. They are 1st generation US having all parents from Mexico. In fact many of their parents still live in Mexico. Go figure??

Anonymous said...

Oh great. The wife beater is in charge of the port.

Anonymous said...

business as usual thats why the brownsville never moves forward always backwards, oh well chuy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Police "Chief" el Chapo Sauceda is as worthless as his little minion, Louie. Hey Louie your wife posted Facebook pictures of you drunk, passed out on the bathroom floor, now your "assistant" chief? Not sure what's worse, el Chapo for assigning officers to spend time watching movies and finger painting or the fact that you don't realize how most officers feel about you. Sauceda, have you asked your officers how they really feel about being "asked" to participate in your silly functions outside of real police work? Do you think that given a choice, the officers would volunteer on their own to participate in your voluntold shenanigans?

Anonymous said...

good idea oil the finger!

Anonymous said...

No Pos Wow and many folks point the finger at Mexico and el dedazo, what about here? locally? VIVA EL PRI.

Anonymous said...

What? Have you seen the Ports year over year metrics? I can understand the negative campaign, but not a negative campaign hablando a lo pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Not shure wtf he learned With all that education in leadership dude is a joke as a commander in BPD all he did was sweep shit under the rug never held some of his Patrol officers accountable.

Anonymous said...

I never read your comments on El Chapo Sauceda because you sound like a nag. What really happened between you and El Chapo Sauceda te tumbo la vieja o no te la metio? Did he turn you down or did he steal your woman? Nag, nag, nag that is all you do. Como pones gorro.

Anonymous said...

Word around the Port, the Port Police Sergeant and Lieutenant are cousins, against Port Policy. Both newly promoted. Dietrich (former Police Chief) and the New HR Director Yessenia Gonzalez (former Port Police Secretary) know but they all scratch their backs. The Sergeant micromanages but is incompetent by appeasing other departments but his own and the Lieutenant is just plain Lazy, all day on his office on his phone. The Sergeant has been suspended before but hasnt' been demoted. Senior Police Officers and Security guards have quit or planning to quit due to those two bozos. Officers and Guards now in fear of questioning department because both Port higher-ups have been promoted from that Department.

Anonymous said...

Security officers leaving because of Space X paying $32 An hour dude, and the two guys who left are because you filed a complaint on him, remember the one you said weird. The other one left because he was doing the nasty with Jose Herrera’s chic. The one he paid the mommy make over for

Anonymous said...

its very common in public agencies, specially here, to hire your family, cousins, friends, girl-friends, voters and they sometimes hire their dogs, the port is the worst. somebody needs to come down here from some law enforcement agency and investigate the port of brownsville...
