Monday, October 31, 2011


By Juan Montoya
The rumors are swirling all over the Cameron County courthouse that former City of Brownsville commissioner Anthony Troiani will jump into the quest for the new congressional District 34 that Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos has coyly hinted he wants.
Although Villalobos says that he has not decided if he'll run for the posuition or remain as DA, all evidence points to him vying for the Washington seat. While not openly endorsing Asst. DA Maria DeFord, it is common knowledge that he is supporter her in her bid for her position.
Luis Saenz, a former DA and a magistrate at Carrizales-Rucker, has announced he will also run for the DA's position.
But now that Troiani is said to be eyeing the congressional seat, the situation just got muddied. Don De Leon, who ran for port commissioner in the past, is now telling people that he wants to run for the same seat as an Independent. And there are even rumors that defeated Solomon Ortiz might also jump into the race to contend with Villlobos and Troiani on the Democratic side.
On the Republican slate, Rusty Faulk has already announced his candidacy. And many of TSC trustee Adela Garza's friends have urged her to run. They say that she has a respectable following in the northern parts of the district and enjoys widespread respect for her work on the board that pulled off the separation of the UT System and TSC.
Garza is the field representative for the Rio Grande Valley for U.S. Rep. Blake Farenthold, who defeated Ortiz after 28 years in power. So far, no announcement has been made. The Texas Secretary of State website cites Dec. 12 as the cutoff date for candidates for the march primary. 
Troiani, a Modesto, Calif. native, has been in private law practice here for 10 years. Prior to that, he was employed at the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office. He served for one term on the city commission at-large A seat. Currently, he assists the Gladys Porter Zoo as an unpaid "ambassador" for that tourist magnet.  
"His main platform seems to be that Mando will get indicted for his involvement in the Abel Limas corruption and racketeering cases," said a courthouse maven. "And his supporters are going around saying that they have ample financial support. There's word going around that an oil company who wants to drill offshore of South Pare Island has committed to donate $85,000 if he should announce."
Troiani was for the most part, a laid back commissioner in the turmoil-wracked city commission under the Pat Ahuamda regime. However, some of his detractors say that once he throws his hat in the ring, there will be no holds barred. If he thinks that the wild animals are only at Gladys Porter, he'll find out it's a zoo out there.
There are dark hints about his father-in-law's troubles with the federal government, a messy divorce that is still not over, and what effect that might have on the district's conservative electorate.
"Who knows how the people will take that," said our source. "Remember Tara Ybarra-Rios and her domestic troubles that got that Kingsville's J.M. Lozano elected. The people don't seem to like any hint of hanky-panky. We'll see how he handles it if he announces."


Anonymous said...

Troiani is a bland candidate and a blander person. He is considered an asshole by his friends and fellow lawyers. What was his legacy as city commissioner? Bland, bland, bland and the people he served nothing the better for it.

Anonymous said...

The diffrence in Troiani and Tara Rios is that Troiani didn't cheat on his wife. She cheated on him. Dumb ass!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Troini runs. Villalobos is a relic of the Gilberto Hinojosa and Conrado Cantu and he continues to crawl on his slimey belly along with Aurora de la Garza and leaves a dirty trail whereever he crawls.

Anonymous said...

What a waste he was ineffective as City Commissioner even Charlie Atkinson wa smore proactive. What is wrong with us here in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Don De Leon and his Pikey whore can't even solve their own problems let alone ours! Now, the functioning illiterate and his carnie bitch want to go around deep South Texas with his dumbfuck Dad passing the hat in the hopes that a few meager campaign contributions can solve his mortgage woes. What a fucking scumbag.

Rene Gonzalez said...

Anthony is a good family man who is the victim of an adulterous spouse. He does nothing but spend quality time with his children. He is by far the best candidate for the congressional seat. He is a former Marine who lives by a code of honor to his country and service above self. I'll vote for Anthony anytime.

Anonymous said...

Go Anthony! Kick their balls hard!

Anonymous said...

I've already committed to Hector Uribe for Congress, a far more likeable and experienced legislator, who has devoted his career to defending the working class and fighting corruption. would consider Troiani only if Uribe decides not to run.

Former county employee said...

Come on??? A possible choice of Mandito and Troiani for Congress??? Well, we all know about Mandito and his lack of seeking justice or bringing justice to its victims and those who elected him to that office. But to elect Troiani, hell no!!! Troiani isn't a victim of spousal infidelity??? Troiani brought it upon himself by pleasing everyone else but his first priority, his wife. I am not condoning what she did but he had it coming. Or is it, that Troiani got caught with the same sex partner that pissed off his wife in the first place??? Really who cares at all??? Troiani for Congress is like sending a Simon, Jennifer Lopez, that Clinton bitch type person to Washington. Troiani is about Troiani, just like Mandito but a bigger AHOLE!!!

Anonymous said...

at least Mando doesn't pose with the motherfucker like this fucking dumbass

Anonymous said...

Troiani's wife caught him with same sex partner??!! Oh please do tell, we heard about Troianis child molestation secret rumors but not gay sex partner... This is just getting better

Anonymous said...

Troiani never took a stand on any issue as a city commish. He basically voted "PRESENT" like the MARXIST/COMMUNIST b HUSSEIN (A TERRORIST NAME) obamie!!!!!

need i say more

Anonymous said...

Troiani is an asshole. Hector Uribe is an asshole,....the guy just comes around every time a position comes up in hopes that people forget his past and elect the por sap. Don de Leon is the biggest asshole of them all,...figuerative and literaly! I guess its Mando by default.

Anonymous said...

Rusty Faulk would get my vote, but I don't vote in the Republican primary, and he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning as a Republican in the Democrat-dominated RGV in the general election. Regardless of how the district lines are drawn. Cameron County reliably delivers the Democrat palanca vote when the Presidential race is being decided, has for decades. Uribe's page already published some voter turnout and charts on it

Anonymous said...

Mando es otra quacha or mohoney like luis saenz, will the real turd please stand up? Cameron county folks take your pick here huh? or duh?
