Monday, October 31, 2011


By Juan Montoya
Carlos Masso has passed out school supplies and hurricane survival kits around the county. So has Cameron County D.A. Armando Villalobos. Both men are running hard to try to get the nod from Democratic voters. Masso wants to be our new DA, and even though Viollalobos won't utter the words like a shy bride, it is obvious that he wants the nod from the Democrats for new congressional district.
And just this past Saturday, we were invited (and attended) a bowling tournament held by Masso and his supoprters at the Galaxy Bowling lanes. It's only fair that I disclose that I tried my had at bowling and , after a gutter-filled run in the first gaem, lagged scores of points behind dad Papi and Papi II, my unlucky mates on the lanes.
However, all was not lost. When we entered the tourney, we were handed tickets for a raffle. Between games, Masso and his aides called out the numbers drawn from a glass jar by a little boy.
Wouldn't you know it? Our table won three times.
Later, after an amazing run of beginner's luck, I actually won the second game.
For those of you who have missed out on the campaign events hosted by Yolanda Begum, once to announce her candidacy at the Brownsville Art Museum, a style show/raffle at Rancho Viejo, and at Juan carlos Torre's Carino adult Day Care, she is inviting everyone to her home on 802 (next to the old Elks Lodge) for candy. The ladies are going to dress to the nines as they usually do ad they say they will have the place decorated to fit the holiday.
'We're going to have fun," said Bebe Gutierrez, has assistant and also her cousin. "Bring the kids along. We'll have plenty of candy on hand."


Anonymous said...

Masso is not doing himself any favors by having Evelon (Sperm Whale) Dale as his poitical consultant. He also has the Andrades helping him out. Those people are bad news and will surely only hurt him.

Anonymous said...

Giving free "stuff" to kids is the new political free fajita plate. For years, the best fajita or chicken plate paid for votes of those who are easliy bought. Its easier than educating people....a process that even BISD can't manage. "Read" is a four letter word in Cameron County, but free "stuff" salves the vote of the natives especially the Demokrats.

Anonymous said...

Send this mongrelized camel jockey and pint-sized prick Ernesto "This ain't Iraq" Gamez to Meccos where they can shake their flat white asses when they march on hajj!
Nurith Aziz

Anonymous said...

we're live! uuuuuyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

it is halloween. stupid!!! even having a fun halloween night giving candy to children like everybody else draws snide comments and criticism!!!!

Fred Rendon Jr. said...

("This ain't Iraq" Gamez to Meccos where)

Damn Hanoi Jane wannabe!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, the biggest detriment to Sophie's, Carlos's, and Yolanda's campaign is Evelon Dale.

Anonymous said...

Find fault with everything. Evelon has been working managing campaigns for many years, she has lost some and won many. The one making this comment is probably an opponent of either of the three, that wish he or she had Evelon on her team. She knows her stuff

Anonymous said...

They did that because it is illegal to give them beer.

Anonymous said...

sold to the highest bidder evelon is out making money it is not for doing it free or the right stuff or the right thing or for the people? its for momma, verda Evelon? nadan la brinka sin hurache
