One of the liveliest race in Cameron County has t be the one between incumbent 138th District Judge Arturo Nelson and challenger Veronica Farias.
In a series of ads running the last two weeks, a Political Action Committee named Citizens for a Better Judiciary, has run a series of ads calling Farias a "troubled attorney" and listing details of previous charges against her.
This was preceded by an ad run by Farias taking Nelson to task questioning Nelson's judicial performance in the case of a child molester that she claimed the judge allowed to go free on probation only to have the defendant engage in sexual abusive criminal cond

uct with a minor.
This drew the heated response of Nelson's supporters such as former district judge Robert Garza and others who defended their colleague and accused Farias of misstating the record.
But it was the PAC – Citizens for a Better Judiciary – that listed at least two previous charges filed against Farias in 2008 and 2011 in newspaper ads and listed the specifics of the cases.
There was only one problem, however.
According to Farias, both charges listed prominently in the PAC's ads were expunged from her record by a court order last July. The order prohibits anyone (whether a PAC, law enforcement official, or any individual) from opening the files or the expunged records of the arrests and are "not open for inspect6ion by anyone..."
When Farias approached the Brownsville Herald, which ran the PAC's ads, the editors there went back to their files and made a notation tat the charges arising from the police reports had been expunged from the public records by a court.
But there is more.
Apparently, the principals in the PAC (and the search is on to find out who it is) may not only have viola

ted the court order, but also broken the law contained in Title I, Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. And what's more, not only did the PAC apparently break the law, but in not clearing its ads with Nelson may have violated yet another criminal statute.
The law states that: "the release, maintenance, dissemination, or use of the expunged records and files for any purpose is prohibited..
"A person who acquires knowledge of an arrest while an officer or employee of the state or any agency or other entity of the state or any political subdivision of the state and who knows of an order expunging the records and files relating to that arrest commits and offense if he knowingly releases, disseminates or otherwise uses the records or files...
"An offense under this article is a Class B misdemeanor."
This comes into play, according to Farias supporters, because the PAC lists its address as 855 W. Price Rd., the same building that houses the offices of Roreig, Oliveira and Fisher, principals with State Rep. Rene Oliveira in the law firm.
It is also the same address listed for the Cameron County Bar Association. Should the investigation reveal that Oliveira or his law firm were involved in the preparation of the ads and the dissemination of the expunged files, it could result in sanctions applied to whoever is found to have been involved. Oliveria falls under the definition of an officer or employee of the state.
So far, the Brownsville Police Dept. has looked into the complaint and has forwarded the evidence it uncovered to the Cameron County District Attorney's Office.
But Farias is not stopping there. She says she will to journey to Austin to speak personally to officials with the State Ethics Commission and file a complaint against the PAC, and Nelson, if necessary.
"I will be there eat 8 the doors of the Ethic Commission," she said.
Farias said that under the Texas Election Code, all candidates must follow the Code of Fair Campaign Practices that states that: "I will not permit the use of character defamation, whispering campaigns, libel, slander, or scurrilous attacks on any candidate or the candidate's personal life....
"I will not use campaign material of any sort that misrepresents, distorts, or otherwise falsifies the facts, nor will I sue malicious or unfounded accusations that aim at creating or exploiting doubts without justification, as to the personal integrity or patriotism of any opponent...
The code that every candidate signs with the state also states that a candidate "will immediately and publicly repudiate methods and tactics that may come from others that I have pledged not to use or condone. I shall take firm actions against any subordinate who violates any provision of this code..."
Now the question becomes: Did Judge Nelson authorize the ads using expunged records and files? And if he did not, will he disavow the ads? Farias said that all candidates' who have signed the code have their pledges on file with the Ethics Commission.
"If Judge Nelson didn't sign the code of fair campaign practices, why didn't he?" she asked. "He may just try to wash his hands of responsibility by saying it was a committee that did it, but that is not very credible. The Ethics Commission requires any "committee" acting on a candidate's behalf to get the candidate's authorization for an ad."
With election day coming on Tuesday and word spreads of the Farias-Nelson controversy, there's no telling whether the result will be a backlash against the PAC's tactics in support of the incumbent.
This is why a never vote early. Some of the best stuff comes out after early voting is over.
This is ridiculous...Obviously Judge Nelson doesn't know the law he should not be re-elected period!!!!!
Nelson and the FBI ?
Nelson and the corruption in Cameron County ?
Why are the Federal Investigators not letting the voters know the names of those Officials under investigation before we go and vote ?
Why not release the allegations and the special case files the Adult Probation is holding and spoke to the Federal Investigators before we vote for the Judges ?
people are
Go Veronica Farias!
Yay!!! Vote for Vero!!! You go girl!!! Say no to the crooked officials and YES to Veronica Farias!!! ~LD~
Seriously, Nelson should be thrown out!
Vote Veronica!
With the dirty politics in Brownsville, being charged is almost a badge of honor that you are doing something to piss somebody off. All that counts are convictions.
Arturo Cisneros-Nelson used to be Art Nelson, another gringo kid in school. Michael Jackson went from black to white. Nelson went from white to brown. Hard to keep track of this stuff, folks change so fast these days.
I despise dirty politics....Why can't we have a simply election...Tired of all confusion,
makes me want to stop voting all together.
But I'm all for Ms Farias.......I think she will make a difference.
Jugde Nelson is an excellent judge, who is wise and fair, his court demeanor is above reproach. The Valley is fortunate to have him on the bench.
I've been in Judge Nelson's courtroom, he is the real deal. Veronica is a wannabee, but the Brownsville electorite is stupid enough to remove proven leadership and performance, for the promise of something that at best, could be mediocre.(based on Veronica dismall display of capabilities)
I voted for Veronica Farias.
Now I'm really glad I did.
This is all Bullshit!! Arturo Cisneros Nelson is an exemplary Judge, this woman doesn't have the credentials to pass judgement on him. Not as an individual, or an attorney, much less as a Judge.
Everybody seems to be missing the point...if Ms Farias had not made all these bad choices, she wouldn't be expunging her records. She is not the brightest if she keeps getting herself arrested and thinks she is special, all those arrests make her a criminal, period! Even if she had those records expunged and sealed.
Ha ha! Thats funny you say that but it's so true. Before elections all that was seen or heard was puro 'Art Nelson' and then all of a sudden the 'Arturo Cisneros' mexican part came out...Lol...puro 'face painting' going on cuando les conviene
So, there is no denying her wrongdoing. Expunged? How long was she on probation. Did she actually pay her dues or did she use her political ties to have record expunged? They should both be ineligible! Shame on our system!
Can I hear an 'Amen!' Thats why I dont jump up to go vote for the same backstabbing reasons. Theyre all 'saints' when running and 'want good for the community' and backstab each other any moment they can to win votes. And they win and they forget what they said theyd do....cuz things change.
I approve of and support this comment. White to brown? Judge Nelson will be re.-elected.
Just because someone is arrested doesnt potentially make anyone a criminal. These Brownsville police officers arrest people first and ask questions later and by then you're in the can while the real offenders are free-meanwhile the officers that arrested are bien monos, gone for the day. Half of the reasons Mrs. Farias was arrested was because of inadequate police to citizen communication skills. Theyre aprovechados. Just because they carry a badge and a gun they believe they are above the law and can do whatever they want. And because of their sorry ex Chief Carlos Garcia who never did a good job but PR, never bothered to go one on one with his staff and pinpoint issues, but great on covering up officers messes. And BIG deal...IF Mrs Farias was arrested. They are minor things insignificant and having to do with her own personal matters. Unlike Judge Nelson...he may NOT have been arrested but he did a great job in letting a 23yo previously convicted & not registered sex offender go free to go lure a 10yo girl at the mall and numerously molest her at her own home. Being an unregistered previous sex offender and that of a child should have set light bulbs of not letting him go and put him away. Now, only God knows where hes been hiding and how many other little girls hes ruined forever. Thanx to Judge Arturo Cisneros-Nelson...
So Nelson's people now breaking the law to get him re-elected. Uh, aren't judges supposed to KNOW and ENFORCE the law? Not break it for self-serving political purposes.... Another Limas?!
Judge Nelson is not the greatest but Farias has problems twice arrested, twice resisting the police. Just Cuz u get the charges dismissed doesn't mean it didn't happen it only means u have money and connections.
Please, Veronica Farias is going to lose and she is going out kicking and screaming just like when she got arrested!
If all the cases are illegal to talk about why are they on the Herald? Heresay is wrong but fact whether it is expunged or not is still a fact! Vote Arturo Cisneros Nelson!!!
Oh yea, Veronica Farias threw rocks and forgot she live in a glass house? That flyer sent out about her was on point! The only part they left out was that alleged "nose candy" episode of hers? She can't deny that at all! Veronica Farias started in the DA office when Armando Villalobos was first elected. Veronica Farias quit (shortly after)(confirm with county HR) when she found out that she would have to work and didn't get that supervisory position. Veronica Farias in nothing more than a fake!
The Herald was not ordered to expunge anything and the public has not been ordered to forget her drug/alcohol related tantrums. Veronica has no place in the judiciary. Do your homework Juanito.
you can expunge your criminal. arrests.from the law enforcement computers but you.can not. against.public.record (newspaper tv radio). The truth one to blame but yourself for.the choices made in the.past. Judge.nelson is a fair judge. lag
Veronica Farias is a abuses drugs...seriously.
I voted for Judge Nelson!
As this article indicates....Veronica Farias is a "troubled attorney". She apparently can't make a living as an attorney because she is a "flake", so now she wants to grab on the public tit for a free ride and to give us yet another "flakey" judge. Veronica Farias is a "flake"!
The fact that those issues were "expunged" seems to indicate that was some question as to her professional ability and her ethics.
Verinica Farias is a total waste of space, a soulless succubus who stole money from clients when she was not even supposed to be practicing law. She is horrid under normal circumstances, and there are plenty of people who know her professionally who dodge her at every chance because of her commitment to being a total bitch. And there is no amount of legal circumvention that will delete the stories written in the Herald and on the news and in the bar documents (public record) to change the truth: that the woman is batshit crazy. I would choose Charlie Sheen as a more sane and stable candidate over this nasty and abusive person named Veronica Farias.
Those of you who think "expunged" means it should never again be spoken of should read George Orwell's book 1984. In it Orwell recounts a future world in which Big Brother controls all and does, in fact, expunge history. There is a whole section of government that does nothing but delete all written reference to the expunged item. All books and newspapers that mentioned the item are rewritten to exclude the item and the originals are all destroyed. Expunged doesn't mean that, yet.
These days expunged means that legally it never happened. It does not erase history. And it does not come with a Men In Black deneuralizer that erases and replaces peoples memories. If that information is in newspaper files or any other available place including a persons memory it is fair game. The real question is whether or not it's right to reveal the legally obtained/retained information. I think that previous bad acts are important. Especially if the are in the recent past. They tell us something about the person's character and ethics. Doesn't the FBI say that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior?
I wish there was a like button here.
Horse Shit! Farias is not trustworthy and she has proven that!
Wah wah wah... What a little cry baby bitch!!! Seems like at the first sign of trouble "Vero La Nessya Farias" wants to run to mommy to say she wasn't treated fair! Just like a looser to take that road! Let's not forget that Veronica cast the first stone ladies and gentleman. It's politics mama... In the words of Gekko:"Don’t whine when it hurts. It’s like the first grade, nobody likes a cry-baby..." And for all the posts that are so obviously from Veronica or her family; the truth stings HARD!!! Doesn’t it?
Hope you have that concession speech ready Veronica!
-Stay thirsty my friends!!!
For anyone who knew Judge Nelson prior to him being elected would know that "Cisneros" was part of the name in his law firm. Google A.C.Nelson law firm and see what comes up. Ignorance is bliss, I guess?
art nelson is very honest would never make this stuff up, yeah right, he is as crooked as a mesquite tree, out with the old guys and in with the new people vote all th eincumbents out fresh start get the rats outta of the courthouse orale charlie
Horse shit is that you nieto
Whatever... The fact is SHE IS a "Troubled Attorney" The article said when they found out the Herald said the cases have been expunged.
There are plenty of other places like the State Bar which has the information available.
You can't run fast enough to outrun the truth.
Farias is the exact example of inept and unprepared people thinking they can act like the trash they are if they don't get their way.
Did she or did she no get arrested? Not asking about if it was expunged.
She would be the next Abel Limas if she got in.
Waa Waa Waa. Farias should just go away and quit wasting everyone's time.
So the truth came out. Just pack up your toys and go home.
She shouldn't be elected dog catcher.
Pobresita pero ya... deja que los adultos hablen. duermese... al roo roo. Por favor mujer deje de estar jodiendo.
If she shows up at 8:00 am in Austin that will the first time she has been on time on anything. Just ask her clients, attys and courthouse personnel.
violation of the law so whats next? arrest?
bottom line, the most concerning issue is a candidate who is a lawyer who knowingly and intentionally expunges her criminal record to run for public office and not be quesitoned? GIVE ME A BREAK. The issue is why does a candidate have to expunge her record, to mislead the voters? and now because she lost, try to turn it around on Judge Nelson? GIVE ME A BREAK. Farias needs to get over it, because who wants to vote for somebody who expunged her records for some reason? I sure as heck wouldn't give her my vote, thats why I voted for Judge Nelson.
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