That's my friend Felipe "Pito" Castañeda's name in the bottom of the middle column at the Veterans' Park off Central Boulevard.
Like others who have gone on before us, Fito came back from the Vietnam War and enrolled at Texas Southmost College and sought a degree in education.
He's been wounded in the 'Nam and to his death was convinced that the numerous dousings of Agent Orange defoliant he and his Airborne unit buddies got there contributed to his many kidney and liver ailments that weakened him over time.
In a sense, a lot of our soldiers who didn't die immediately in the jungles and hospitals of that country came back to die a slow one here.
But Fito wasn't one to complain. He was drafted to go serve and – like many other Rio Grande Valley patriot soldiers – he did. Felipe and the Castañeda family lived on Fronton Street, the gateway to La Muralla barrio, as tough a neighborhood as they come in Browntown.
Throughout our history this country has seen its young go off to fight the wars of this nation on foreign soil. Sometimes it is a clearcut threat to our national security or
our interests. Sometimes, unfortunately, it is because the politicians failed at diplomacy and a blood quotient was required of the new generation.
Since the start of this country, the flower of freedom and democracy has been watered by the renewing force of its patriots' blood.
The Civil War cost the young nation more than 625,000 dead. WWII took 405,399. WWI took another 116,316. Vietnam followed with 58,209. Korea took 36,516 (conflicts also kill). The American Revolutionary War took 25,000. The War of 1812 took 20,000. The Mexican-American War took 13,283 mostly to disease and unsanitary conditions. The War of Terror continues to take our young, now at 6,280 and counting.
And so we go on.
When old men fail at getting along, their young must often be called upon to settle their scores.
Like my friend Felipe, they accepted their duty and performed their responsibilities ungrudgingly.
Whether we agree with the justifications for the wars (Vietnam, Iraq, etc.) or we don't, there is no denying the courage and valor of those that served and our respect for the memory and courage of those that fell. We remember them on this Memorial Day.
Thank goodness the honor of the soldiers is held in high esteem nationally these days. These young men and women who serve this natiion reflect the honor of our citizens in general. It is those who hold elective office...most of whom have not served in the military....make decisions that start and continue wars. Those of us who served in Vietnam were not received well when we returned...we were spit at, called "baby killers", blamed for a war that we didn't start or perpetuate.
Thank you for this nice article. That is my Tio Pito you are talking about. My mom was his only sister. My other 2 uncles' names are in your picture as well. Armando Castaneda and Cesar Castaneda(+)
que pasa montoya!!! PITO!!!
Thank you to all Veterans who served our country of all Generations for allowing me the freedom that i enjoy these days of my life and for my family and kids, amd future generations of this Great Nation. Many did not make it back, those who did Thank you for serving our Great Country from the bottom of my heart, El southmost kid .
Saw my friend Cesar Castaneda name on the memorial, he was a Great friend RIP my friend, jo
Jmontoya, you made my day with this article about my dad.Thank-You! My dad was as strong as you described him in your article.He never complained.. Even when he was in so much pain.He was very proud to have served in the Vietnam War.
To all family members of our American soldiers and local police force. My respect to all and the men and women who have put their lives on the line for our safety. All of you deserve more respect but unfortunately there are many people who take it for granted. I can't speak for everyone, but if I could , this is what I would say. I AM SORRY FOR taking you for granted, for critizing your motives, for judging you without knowing the facts and if there is ever a time I need you I know you will be there and without you our lives would be chaos. I salute all offers you for your bravery.
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