Wednesday, July 20, 2016


(Ed.'s Note: See that  bird on the lower right hand corner of the photo above? It' not a sand piper, a sparrow or a similar species. It's, we are told by one of our readers who contributed this shot, a duckling. We were intrigued when they wrote that the bird had made its way from the resaca side of Central Blvd., crossed five lanes of traffic, and safely made it to the other side and onto the grassy property of the old motel across from Media Luna Dr. So how, the reader asked us, did this duckling decide it could safely cross the wide thoroughfare at high noon when traffic is at one of its peak hours? Was it just bird luck that it wasn't struck by a driver rushing to stretch his or her lunch hour? Or was it old enough to have learned how to time the traffic light well enough to make it across safely? Whether it was dumb luck or learned behavior, the duckling waddled across the boulevard unmolested during the time the light was red for the north and southbound lanes. Keep an eye out for this little guy when you're near this intersection. He may not be a lucky ducky next time.)


Anonymous said...

Most people in Brownsville are a few feathers short of a whole duck.

Anonymous said...

Lol must be a slow news day

Anonymous said...

In your headline, who's "Jay." Jaywalking is one word.
