No sooner did the downtown denizens who feast on crack and the occasional joint in the alleys hear that the City of Brownsville Chief of Police Orlando Rodriguez was out patrolling the town that a half dozen of them renounced their life of crime.
Rodriguez, who rolled along with two other burly officers in cute matching yellow vests, police blue shorts, helmets, and mountain bikes, told the local daily that the Tour De Browntown was a welcome break from his daily routine of fighting crime and pushing back the frontiers of ignorance and injustice.

For example, city attorney Mark Sossi was said not to have driven his vehicles without a current registration or inspection as he was wont to do and was seen instead walking from the Municipal Court to City Hall in the old federal building on Elizabeth St. And, in contrast to his usual dour demeanor, Sossi was actually seen greeting and shaking hands with a local resident.
And some new businessmen who were at the permitting department on the second floor of the Municipal Court on Levee St. say that the inspectors suddenly stopped insinuating that their permits would be processed a lot faster if the applicants contributed to the Christmas Party fund in their department when the trio made their pass.
Mayor Tony Martinez, who was eyeing a piece of downtown real estate for potential purchase using millions of dollars in Certificates of Obligation was said to have put a stop to the negotiations when he spotted the Three Yellowjackets slowly pedaling by.

And the legion of car washers who ignore the "Don't Wash Cars here" signs on the city parking lots took a sudden break from their brazen lawbreaking to seek concealment at local second-hand stores. We heard that Miriam (not her real name), a local crack queen, put away her pipe as she was about to light up in the alley behind La Movida Bar and coaxed the other heads to join her at the misa at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral as a preemptive penance to the sin they were about to commit.
One look at the mobile crime-fighting team and a shoplifter at the downtown HEB thought twice about it and hurried back to pay for the bag of adobado potato chips he had just stolen and was about to munch on the steps of the old federal courthouse as Sossi whizzed by.
Such was the feeling of security and comfort that the chief (and his guaruras) cast over the area that even some coyotes from Matamoros' Maña who were about to ferry their pollitos near Hope Park slithered back into the thick cane across the river and postponed their dastardly deeds until he was out of sight.
George Gavito, the new owner of the El Barril Lounge, said that when the chief was making his pass near the old Jardin Hotel, a homeless man who customarily relieves his bodily needs between the Dumpsters in the alley next to his business apologized to him and ran down the alley to an alternate spot.
"That in itself is a testament to the impact of what the chief is doing by example," Gavito was overheard telling one of his early customers. "Downtown just got a breath of fresh air, and not the dank stench of the usual smells. Things are looking up."
About the only ones complaining were the crack dealers who said that yesterday will be known as Black Tuesday because their business dried up and their horrified customers stayed away in droves because of the heat.
"It's getting to the point a man can't make an honest buck in this town," said a disgusted dealer whose height has earned him the name of La Escalera. "I may have to look for another gig."
Will the chief continue striking fear into the hearts of downtown evil doers? He has hinted that these patrols may not be limited to the daylight hours and that nighttime cruising may be instituted depending on the results of the test ride.
"The crackheads are on tenterhooks," said a local barfly. "The chief's ride may have permanently altered their daily routine. It's keeping these criminals off balance."
YOU CANNOT GET RID OF THE SMELL OF STENCH DOWNTOWN, GAVITO, YOU IDIOT! That's what makes Brownsville Brownsville. Tourists are not going to come if it smells like Peoria, Illinois. When are you going to acknowledge that outsiders love ugly, fat, dirty Brownsville, a bordertown?
Always good to have a couple extra bikes laying around in case your main vehicle breaks down. If you're not sure where the bike came from you can give it a once over with some good dollar store spray paint. I usually paint my bikes gold
Mark Sossi for mayor!
"It's keeping the criminals off-balance."
THE WHOLE FREAKIN' TOWN'S OFF-BALANCE, JUAN! Residents are making a life, some working their asses off and others on the couch in their trailer homes in the RV park. Off-balance? I'll show you off-balance!
Balance your life with a job, Duardo! How long has it been dude? Go to the Texas Workforce. Tell them you're a go-getter. Lie if you have to. . ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja!
A que pinche Juan! Stop being a complaining - little shit. You complain if the cops are not out there and then you complain when they are out working! Go drink a beer....and get a life while you are at it!
Mark Sossi for mayor is probably the biggest joke of a comment i've ever witnessed. That guy is a sack of shit. Just look at all the photos of him. Obviously he hates his job and more than likely his life.
The chief should ride around Tetreau's house. Maybe she'll stop getting drunk and beating her elderly sugar daddy.
Yesterday she went downtown to distribute 99 cent burgers to the homeless and to "poor" kids, like Mitt Romney calls them, and then the idiot posted pictures of them sitting on the dirty sidewalks eating a flat burger. She had no consent from any of their parents yet she made sure to post it on her Facebook and she made sure the media was there to cover the story of her generosity. Pay your damn employees is what she should do. She's a fucking joke and she thinks handing out burgers will get people to like her and overlook all her shortfalls as a commissioner.
You fucking ingrate! At least Tetreau is doing something. What are you doing for anyone else. I mean, aside from breathing our air into those diseased lungs of yours.
Chief Rodriguez being criticized by Juan Montoya is like Eric Clapton being criticized by a monkey with a banjo.
Doing something? How about doing what an elected official should be doing like looking for grants for sustainable feeding programs which provide healthy food? How about working with non profits to make sure those homeless children find adequate housing so they have a good learning environment and have a chance of being successful someday? A fucking 99 cent piece of shit burger isn't going to solve anything and that doesn't amount to her doing something like you claim she is.
Tetreau doesn't care about kids or the homeless. She cares about getting more Facebook likes than her whale twin Erasmo. That's all.
Tetreau is trying to make everyone fat so she, Sylvia, erasmo and Erin will blend in and look average instead of having triple chins and arms as flabby as their asses.
She's the one breathing all our air with that crooked ass nose of hers. And those teeth make it look like she wants to eat the air too.
I'd call her the Hamburglar but she looks more like the purple character from McDonald's.
Such vulgar hate Torwards a random act of kindness. Your comments about a woman and nice thing are the reason Brownsville is all Cheezmeh and pendejos. Grow some balls and respect the lady you worthless keyboard warrior. What have you done for Brownsville?
Doing good things for the needy is great, but why does it have to be with pictures, postings ,etc? The good deeds you do should be enough. Try it, many people do.
The true test of a man's character is what good things he does when no one is watching. -John Wooden
Shut up Jessica
Random acts of kindness are wonderful, but why publicize them ? Stop tooting your own horns and be humble about it.
A qué hora van a repartir las hamburguesas en el centro. Yo quiero pero del Whataburger.
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