Wednesday, October 14, 2009


By Juan Montoya

Just days after the sign on the right was placed in a vacant lot across the street from St. Luke's Catholic Church on E. Price Road, it has disappeared.
All that was left were the lumber pegs that it had been nailed onto, and these, too, were splintered on the ground.
We asked people at about the missing signs and they said the story was the same all over town. Apparently, they discounted the theory that recent storms have singled out the bright yellow and red (with some blue) yard signs and blew them down.
"We don' know who's doing it,"said a careBrownsville organizer. "But apparently what they state didn't please someone. I don't know what to tell you."
The signs go after the "Gang of $4" – the majority on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District (Rick Zayas, Joe Colunga, Ruben Cortez, and Rolando Aguilar) and ask the reader to "Demand their resignations!" There were four such signs in the area between Price Road and FM 802 along Old Port Isabel Road. Now none are visible in their old locations.
There is, apparently, some dirty work afoot. As was reported in previous posts, this is not the only dirty trick involving the whole mess at the BISD. Organizers for Accion America reported that Cortez filed a complaint in Travis County with the Texas Ethics Commission, complaining that Accion America was a Political Action Committee (PAC) and had not filed the appropriate reports.
AA replied that it was not a PAC.
Secondly, AA contended that confidential and protected financial information was solicited by Cortez illegally. They say it was provided to him and was submitted as part of the supporting documentation presented by Cortez.
The person whom made the request, they said, was Jeffrey Millar, representative of a local advertising firm.
Millar, AA alleges, was acting on behalf of Cortez. AA said a lawsuit will be filed this week in Dallas County against Cortez and Millar as well as the latter's advertising agency.
Meanwhile, enjoy the careBrownsville sign in this post. It may be the last one you see if the vandals on the other side continue to play their little games.


Anonymous said...

Could be a sign ordinance , or the city removing them,, check it out. Or could be the cucuy .

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, we just ordered more signs.

Plus radio and television commercial, this time we are adding Joe Rods pic to the sign

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Plus we have crews distributing Truth Flyers all over Brownsville and we are getting overwhelming high fives everywhere our crews go.

People ask for bumper stickers and tshirts.

Time for citizens of Brownsville to Demand an end to corrupt behavior.

Now Cortez and Zayas are saying that maybe Accion America may have violated the penal code in releasing the two audit reports that say point blank that there were violations of laws in misappropiating funds, falsifing timesheets and other disturbing wrongdoing.

Why are Cortez and Zayas suppressing this report and critical of Accion America for working in the public interest.

Our hats off to Ms. Presas and Ms. Pena for turning over these reports to the District Attorney.

It is my understanding that both reports and other information has been sent to THe AG and the US Attorney's Office.

There will be no peace in the valley until justice is served, for its citizens and for its children.

Good job Mr. RRUN RRUN.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem when people from out of town show up to tell us what to believe and what to do about it. These guys want to invalidate the vote. Maybe it does need invalidating but isn't that for us to do and not crusaders from out of town. There is little difference between these guys and the Minutemen who come into a town and tell us what we should think about immigration and what we should do about it. The only real difference is the point of view. The other thing that bugs me about this is that while this group is spending a lot of money and doing a lot of talking all they seem to be saying is get rid of a few board members because they are bad. Why are they bad? Because they fired someone? Isn't that within the purview of the board? Did they break the law? If they did, why not say how and what the consequence was to the city? I mean, maybe I missed it, but I hear a lot of generalities and few, if any, facts. So, if you can back up what you say, do it. If not, go back where you came from. Oh, yeah, saying "we got lawyers on it" isn't backing up your words. Before I get slammed for trying to offer an objective comment let me say that I am not convinced that there are many politicians in Brownsville that has not been touched by coruption at one level or the other and I think most of them should go but I freely admit I couldn't prove much if my life depended on it. And I also admit that just because I don't like them and would be happy to see them go, that isn't reason enough to kick them out of office.
Where's the beef?

Anonymous said...

We will tell you why

1. Accepting 10 years of gross neglgence against children with special needs, dilluting reports, accumulating excessive legal fees. Culprit, MiguelSaldana with the support of the Gang of 4.

2. Suppressing criminal activity as in the case outline by Internal Auditors for BISD, Mr. RRUN RRUN can you reprint the Joe Rod reports so that this gentleman, may I calll you Otis, gets the picture.


4. Firing Hector Gonzales because he was against corruption and would not play dirty politics with the boys.

5. Excessive legal fees charged by that same guy, former Board Member, who fired the BISD Attorney, then got the job himself and has earned closed to a million bucks.

6. Hiring of relatives, wifes and wives of allies, like a poltical patronange army, you scratch my back and I give your wife a job.

Thank God that all of this is happening and Mr. Quintanilla and Accion America are welcome in my home, as a matter of fact he did come to my home and ate great mole.

Anonymous said...

Mescalero, I think this group has done a very effective job in pointing out specific cases of corruption and malfeasance. Whether or not you want to accept that, the mere fact that you are commenting indicates that you are hearing all that talk.

Anonymous said...

A Mescalero,

You are in denial Bro:

I am not convinced that there are many politicians in Brownsville that has not been touched by coruption at one level or the other and I think most of them should go but I freely admit I couldn't prove much if my life depended on it. And I also admit that just because I don't like them and would be happy to see them go, that isn't reason enough to kick them out of office.
Where's the beef?

The beef is:
---In the commissary with out a contract and Zayas and Cortez making a killing at our expanse.

--In The 21+Million Bridge to NO where.....

--In BISD hiring all its primos,
cousin's cousins, el esposo de la tia, la novia del cuñado, the lover's cousin, the son's liv-in girlfriend, the friends

this can be interpreted femenine or masculine, such as el primo de mi novia, or la prima de mi novio get it wink wink

-The Brownsville Navigation that take our taxes AND ARE WORTH LESS (in spaninglish Y NO HACEN NADA).

--EL PUB where they executives have their movidas in the payroll at taxpayers expanse.

Quiere mas???
