By CareBrownsville
We believe that it is time for Joe Rodriguez to go.
Most recently, he filed a petition to depose Catalina Presas Garcia to determine whether or not to proceed with a lawsuit.
He argues that Ms. Presas gave the reports to Acción America.
We would like to set the record straight and would like to thank the many Brownsville Independent School District staff who are fed up with the abuse and political intimidation going on at the district. Acción America has received numerous reports and documents from employees who are disgusted with what is going on at BISD, but who regretfully cannot come out of the dark and into the light for fear of political and financial retaliation.
The attempt by Rodriguez to intimidate Catalina Presas by filing a harassment lawsuit against her is quite disturbing, but will be responded to without reservation and with tenacity by Ms. Presas.
The petition, I would like to add, was prepared by Joe Rodriguez's son or little brother costing Joe Rodriguez nothing and Ms. Presas the cost of retaining legal counsel.
We believe the failure of the current majority on the board (Joe Colunga, Rick Zayas, Ruben Cortez and Rolando Aguilar) to refer this matter to local law enforcement is offensive to the taxpayers of Brownsville, who in the end are the one most affected by this type of behavior.
You will also end up paying for legal fees, lose public funds and face potential criminal investigations.
We also believe that the actions of these four board members are just cause for removal under the Texas Constitution.
Catalina Presas did the right thing in calling for an independent investigation to determine if there was any wrongdoing. Why suppress it? Why sue the AG? Why depose her?
The answers are very simple: they must be hiding something that they do not want you to know.
Please join all of us in speaking out and letting our voices be heard. We want to get "Back to Broad and Not To Broke". We are calling on all residents, parents, students, teachers, employees and administrators to join us in calling for the immediate resignation of Joe Rodriguez and for the removal of the $4 (Colunga, Zayas, Cortez and Aguilar) under the Texas Constitution or through their voluntary resignations.
Our children deserve better. So do the residents of Brownsville.
carebrownsville organizing committee
NOVEMBER 17, 2009
5:30pm-7:30pm or longer
BISD Administration Building
1900 Price Road
1. a medieval glove, as of mail or plate, worn by a knight in armor to protect the hand.
Take up the gauntlet, a. to accept a challenge to fight.
Also, take up the glove.
--throw down the gauntlet,
-- to defy.
both to defy and to fight
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