Monday, November 23, 2009


By Juan Montoya
Once in a while it's good to step back and give thanks for the good things that happen to those close to us.

I take this opportunity to congratulate my son Miguel Angel Montoya for a job well done in this Saturday's UIL competition. About 400 students from five middle schools (including Oliveira Middle School where he attends) were in competition in different subjects.

I am proud to say that Miguel won first place in graphs, charts and maps among sixth graders in the competition. I wish I could take credit for this achievement, but Miguelito is just a natural in the subject.

And to all the other winners and competitors, good work.

Congratulations son! Job well done.


Anonymous said...

Nothing, but NOTHING matters more in this world than to see the eyes of the youth and you know in your heart that they get it. God Bless your son Juan, just know this is one of the first signs that he will also rage against the machine. I wonder where he got that from.

Anonymous said...

I say it's the foundation he got in elementary school! :)

Fred D said...

I say it is the foundation he got at home especially the skills learned from dad - situational analysis, verifying new ideas presented, probably the biggie curiosity and drive to reach the best answer for today's understanding.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Miguelito and of course his parents, but let us not forget his academic coach and teachers. It is correct that it starts at home, so why is it so hard to get parents to realize this?
