No sooner did the media publish a report about a Mexican woman charging a deputy

The incident allegedly occurred November 18 on Military Highway near Villanueva Elementary and involved an unidentified deputy constable who had stopped a 26-year-old undocumented immigrant after she had dropped off her children at school.
She charged that the deputy constable stopped her and then went on to insult her and call her a "wetback," among other things before he punched her in the chest.
The incident allegedly took place at 7 a.m. and was reported to the sheriff's department three hours later at 10:15 a.m.
From there on, things get murky. Inside sources indicate that the woman was stopped by a deputy constable after he noticed that a child in the car wasn't wearing a safety belt. Upon further questioning, she failed to produce a driver's license or insurance for the vehicle. She pleaded with the deputy constable not to tow away the car because she was a home health provider and was driving her employer's car.
The deputy allegedly let her go without giving her a citation for any of the infractions. Then hours later, she filed the report with the sheriff's department alleging the deputy constable insulted and assaulted her.
This version raises several interesting questions, deputies say.
If the woman never got off the car, how is it possible that the deputy could have punched her in the chest from outside the car?
Additionally, she told a news reporter that the name tag on the deputy's uniform was either "Guerra" or "Garcia." However, when she was given a picture lineup of deputy constables, she picked one whose name began with the letter "R."
That deputy denied that he ever touched the woman or insulted her. He did say that he had told her he wouldn't tow the car away if she went straight home after the stop.
When asked by sheriff department investigators asked him whether he was willing to submit to a polygraph test, the deputy readily assented. The woman, when asked if she would come in for the same examination, has yet to show up at the department to take one.
"Something doesn't add up here," said one of the deputy's co-workers. "Now, as a result of the charges she's raised against a law enforcement officer, she can't be processed or deported until the case is settled. It sound like someone coached her on what to do so that immigration can't touch her."
"If the woman never got off the car...."
Was she riding on the roof, hood, or trunk?
Possibly "out of the car"
"Off the car" and "down from the car" are Valleyisms that cost most people $2.00 per hour in the workforce.
BISD Board President, Members & Legal Counsel
We the citizens of Brownsville are voicing a concern regarding the Public Audience at BISD Board Meetings.
We are requesting that the Board President, Members and Legal Counsel respect and listen when a citizen or individual signs up to speak during Public Audience.
We also request that the Public Audience not be moved around without prior notice and consideration to the public in order to circumvent your own interests.
By law the public has a time allotted to speak and this time should not any way shape or form be changed.
On several occasions the Board President and Legal Counsel have violated the citizen’s constitutional rights regarding freedom of speech by not allowing the citizens to speak or finish their speech.
We would like to remind the Board President, Board Members and Legal Counsel that all of you are elected officials and were elected to serve and respect the citizens of this community.
Each of you took an Oath in which each one of you should abide by.
Through this notice we are advising you that we the citizens will take appropriate action should our Freedom of Speech Rights and the time of Public Audience continue to be violated.
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