Thursday, January 14, 2010


By Juan Montoya

We hear now that the Texas Southmost College Board of Trustees held a special meeting
where they discussed altering the existing
"Partnership Agreement" between the college district and the University of Texas System.

The UT System has been a deadbeat about paying the college district for the lease outlined in the 1991 document and updated several times. In fact, the oil and gas-rich UT System is some $10.8 million in arrears to the local taxpayers.

It's interesting that now the trustees want to "alter" the agreement. It has taken them this long to realize that the original "partnership" was nothing more that an academics' generated scam on local college district taxpayers.

As part of the original agreement, the UT System does not have to share any of its revenues from the state's Permanent University Fund (PUF) that it gets from oil and gas royalties.

In turn, any new building that gets constructed and has the UT label stamped on the front door is paid by college district taxpayers in the form of bonds that amount to nothing more than future debt for local people.

Some observers find it interesting that the meeting was not held at Gorgas Hall, where the taxpayers could view the proceedings on the local cable channel. Instead, it was held at the Young House. Could it be that the meeting place was there because of the absence of cameras?

TSC and UTB signed the partnership agreement in 1991, which allows the schools to pool resources, sharing administrative costs and campus buildings.

The issue has come to a head because the original agreement stated that the Texas Legislature would pay rent to TSC for the lands and buildings and share in administrative costs. But after running in arrears to the tune of $10.8 million in unpaid rent, the local yokels went begging for their money to the UT System instead. Apparently, the state was too broke to pay TSC a thin dime of that $10.8 million to TSC.

So, what to do? Create a "joint task force," of course.

That committee was formed not only to resolve the issue of the deadbeat UT System, but also to make changes in the the overall partnership agreement.

"The committee has met more than half a dozen times," board Chairman David Oliveira told the local daily. "We’ve discussed ways to strengthen the partnership so it would survive any new administration. We have a great chancellor and president right now, but 20 years from now we don’t know what the administration will look like.

"One of TSC’s main objectives in the renegotiation's will be improving the school’s revenue stream, Oliveira said.

Already there's been talk of a barter system that would see the transfer of software and other intellectual property materials to the college instead of hard, cold cash. If Oliveira really wanted to renegotiate the agreement and get bucks at the same time, he should ask help from his cousin, Texas Rep. Rene Oliveira, who was there at the origins of the agreement.

And the affable milquetoast chairman should demand that any new agreement should:

1. Make the UT System pay for its buildings.

2. Make the state include UTB-TSC in the Permanent University Fund from oil and gas.

3. Include late charges on the $10.8 million in rent arrears.

4. Have local taxpayers pay only for the junior college functions, not for the construction of monuments to Juliet Garcia and the Cardenas clan.

5. If UT wants its name on buildings paid for by future debt by the poorest people in the state, the system should shoulder half the cost or chip in for construction costs and professional services.

6. Have the salaries and benefits extended to the administration paid for by the UT System, not by local residents. When the income level of the average South Texas resident hovers in the low $30,000s why should they bear the burden of carrying bureaucrats earning $100,000(plus)? And besides, the once-respected junior college has become nothing more than a high-school remedial facility and the UTB graduates only 16 percent of those that register over a six-year period. That kind of performance justifies these inflated salaries?

Yes. Let's revisit this "agreement." But this time don't lay over and play dead and get bamboozled by the slick flatlanders from Austin. After 18 years of sticking it to the local residents, it's time for our trustees and state legislators to demonstrate a little spine and defend us, their constituents.
At least one trustee has had enough. Rene Torres, when contacted by El Rrun-Rrun said: "The system admitted they owed us the money, but they simply refused to pay. We will continue ask for payment."


Anonymous said...

Back in 2003, with a BBA and fifteen years of experience, UTB/TSC was willing to hire me as staff, but only if I accepted the entry level pay of $26,000 per year. Ain't that a bitch?

I wonder if I would be surprised, if I were to have access to the wages UTB/TSC pays its staff/faculty/administration.

I think I would be surprised, enraged and pissed.

Anonymous said...

Fucking whiners. If it isn't the goddamned veterans, its Brownsville people thinking they are owed jobs. Bola de despoplados.

Anonymous said...

That's not the point 2nd anonymous...There is something called being a critical is are duty to criticize public institutions...

3rd anonymous;)

Anonymous said...

we need to elect Trey Mendez, Kiko Rendon and anybody running against Pee Wee. It's our college they claim? Let's take it back then!

freddie said...

Anonymous 2 sounds like a "oreo" since we are in the calling name mode.
It's people like him, that gives the administrative dept. at UTB and TSC an engine to offer good local qualified people, cookie crums for salaries.
Anonymous 2 you don't owe anyone your position if you are an employee at UTB or TSC. Those days are over.
The G I forum from Corpus Christi through law suits, stopped much of the abuse to minorities. Oops I just forgot you are enjoying a benefit fought by veterans, how said.

Freddie said...

There are too many individuals in the Valley, that feel they owe the jobs to the patron, Mr. Anonymous 2 sounds like one of them. The performance of the work should be merited by the quality of work, not loyalty to the board, because they gave you, a relative, a spouse, a friend or someone related a position.
Besides this are entities supported by tax payers funds, and that my good friends require accountability.
