Monday, February 1, 2010


By Juan Montoya
What's happening to Migdalia Lopez's signs?

At first glance it appears that the paint is coming off Her Honor's black robe. But on closer inspection it appears that the signs are merely showing the signs of age. Apparently, after Migdalia found out that former Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra was going to run against her for the 197th District Court race she dusted off and pulled out her old signs from four years ago and is having them put up around the district.

You remember Guerra, he's the maverick DA who sued just about everyone from Willacy County to the White House in the course of his investigation of a beating death at a local prison run by a private outfit.

Before that, he had sued (and been sued) by just about every public official in Willacy County over sometimes intensely personal matters. So far we have seen little evidence that Guerra is putting any effort (or money) into the race.
Even if Migdalia's signs may seem faded, they are noticeable because of the absence of her competitor's own signs. A worker with another campaign said that Migdalia's signs lacked a date and that the judge looks younger than she really is because the photo dates back to 2006.
With so many candidates in the Democratic primary, it must be getting difficult to raise contributions. That perhaps could be the reason Midgdalia is using her old signs.


Anonymous said...

Times are hard for everyone. And with all the candidates, you are right Juan, donations are way down. Good luck to all candidates.

Anonymous said...

I encourage all candidates to be more financial frugile and do the same as Migdalia, as far as reusing old political signs. People usually pull them down and later use them to make "Garage Sale" signs, so she may as well use them. To begin with, campaign monies spent are outragious and should not be necessary in order to fill a position where you are to serve the public. Look at the financial reports of all the candidates and compare the cost of the campaign to what they will lawfully "make" as a salary. Doesn't it make you wonder how many of these people are actually out running for the good of the people?

Anonymous said...

With the rescession, right now, I feel sorry for all the candidates. The advertising is outrageous. Everyone wants a piece of the pie.
