Tuesday, February 9, 2010


By Juan Montoya
Did you see who J.M. Lozano, the challenger to Texas State Rep. Tara Rios Ybarra Rios Ybarra's re-election for Texas House District 43, had as a campaign supporter when he arrived to attend Democratic candidate for governor of Texas?
Would you believe Sabrena Brashear, the former wife of South Padre Island millionaire developer Clayton Brashear who divorced him after she caught him fooling around with Ybarra-Rios?
The Lozano entourage not only included Brashear, but also a group of five or six aides and legislative wonks who are on the Lozano team. While not overtly campaigning for Lozano, Sabrena, a St. Joseph Academy teacher, worked the crowd on his behalf.
"I shook her hand and she told me her name was Sabrena Brashear," said one of those attending the White campaign stop. "At first it didn't dawn on me why a school teacher would be interested in a political race. Only later did I realize that something was happening there."
Lozano, a Kingsville restaurant owner and businessman, will have to have deep pockets to unseat Ybarra-Rios, who defeated the incumbent Juan Escobar after she received $100,000 from Texans for Lawsuit Reform. Even now, her campaign chest is bulging with contributions from conservative groups.
She said that she first met Brashear while she was an alderwoman at South Padre Island, and that he was a supporter and contributor to her re-election campaigns. She estimated that he donated between $20,000 and $25,000 for her state election campaign and raised thousands from other contributors.
Even though scores of local elected officials have already pledged their support for the 29-year-old Kingsville businessman, he has a tough row to hoe because while the southern part of the district is growing, the northern part where he lives, is not.
Still, no one can say what effect the Brashear divorce will have on the race. South Texas has been historically conservative on moral issues, and this one has generated reams of juicy gossip in the area. The district includes Cameron, Willacy, Jim Hogg, Brooks, Kenedy and Kleberg counties. She told the daily she doesn’t expect that the publicity generated by her deposition will hurt her chances of re-election.
Rios Ybarra admitting in a deposition to being “intimately involved” with the wealthy land developer from South Padre Island while he was still married. At the time of Rios Ybarra’s deposition, she said that while she and Brashear had jetted to Disney World and Cabo San Lucas, they did not sleep together when her children were present.
Sabrena Brashear is an eighth-grade history teacher at St. Joseph Academy in Brownsville. She filed her divorce petition on Oct. 10, 2008. The marriage had lasted 22 years. Besides being a against real estate developer, Brashear is also the town’s Planning and Zoning commissioner. Court records indicate that the land developer owns property in Brownsville and on the Island appraised at $11.3 million. The flagship property is a parcel at 7200 Padre Blvd. valued at $6.6 million.
Rios Ybarra is a dentist with a practice in Brownsville. She said in her Aug. 7, 2009 deposition that she and Clayton Brashear began an intimate relationship last February after she had filed for divorce Dec. 17, 2008 from her husband, Richard Joe Ybarra, a doctor.
The recrimination from the couple’s mates has already begun. Dr. Ybarra, the solon’s disgruntled mate, told the daily that he won’t vote for her when she seeks re-election to the Texas House and will actively support a challenger "with integrity."
Dr. Ybarra was not with the Lozano entourage when they attended the White visit.
Sabrina Brashear told the Valley Morning Star that throughout her 22-year-marriage to the developer she helped him to become successful. She said his sudden change in political philosophy took her by surprise, "This woman doesn’t deserve to be a representative," she said. "He went on trips to Mexico (with Rios Ybarra) while I taught summer school to pay our daughter’s (college) tuition because he wouldn’t pay it," she said.
With less than a month left in this election, it'll be interesting to see what effect the Brashear-Ybarra Rios affair will have in the March 2 primary election.


Anonymous said...

he has a tough row to how because while the southern part of the district is growing, the northern part where he lives, is not.

That should be "tough row to hoe." Have you lost yur farmworker wiles, Juan? Tsk Tsk, vato.

Moon goddess said...

Wow!!! hanky panky, who would have thought, Tara who represents herself above the fray is really just very ordinary.
She isn't getting my vote, I lost a husband to a flussy.

Anonymous said...

Juan, even your readers are Estupid. It's "floosie," Mon Goddess! Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, los pinches pecadores.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that Lozano, a candidate for District 43, went to campaign in Brownsville, which happens to be District 37 or 38, to meet and greet folks at Bill White event... The dude is banking on smear campaign to win the election, real classy and full of "integrity" that guy, huh.

Anonymous said...

Vote based on political stances, not bed-room style ....

Who will be best for the regular folk of Deep South Texas?

Who will halt TXDot's love of roads?

Who will examine state-prison conditions?

Who will back women's and children's health?

Who will back public education?

The list goes on ....

Moon goddess said...

Actually, Mr. Anonymous, she committed adultery, which was similiar if not equal to what my husband did: Which is define as: The act of sexual intercourse between a married person other than her husband and or wife.
Anonymous, mispelling or not she still committed adultery, como dicen en el barrio, brinca la cerca.

Anonymous said...

Moon Goddess, you need to learn to express yourself a tad better, and we do not mean Tad Hasse. Buck up and get your life in order. Suggestion: go to the Valentine's Day Bash at the 1-2-3 Lounge and meet DP-M, the Most Interesting Man in town. We'll leave a ticket for you at the door. Formal attire, of course.

Anonymous said...

I dont blame clayton for divorcing sabrina,she thinks she is a white queen.Shes a dem. who wont learn spanish after living here for 20+ years. I know her and she spent his money as if she made it herself but in fact she never made anymore than $40,000 or worked more than 180 days a year while clayton busted his ass for the last 30 years makeing a life for his family and with no formal education. I know that marrige was over long before he looked outside the bedroom for love that he was not getting at home. I apploud both of them for speaking their truth. If only more people would, the world would be a better place.If your not in love at home GET OUT now life is short.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that, Tara. It doesn't clean-up your act, however. And you remain just another Mejicana Pendeja.

El espectro

Moon goddess said...

Anonymous, please, duhhh, I don't do dancing, and why are you sending me to the 1-2--3 lounge, who in the world is DP-M???
Okay, so I was a little hard on Tara, but hey girls like to tell it like it is. Soooo, sorryyy!!!

Valley girl said...

Moon goddess, quit misleading people, you are not all that saintly, I have heard some stories from friends about your partying habbits. And some of those guys that go to the Medusa bar, are married, yes like the one you danced untill 1:00 am last saturday. Duhhhhhh, thank youuu, don't be so hard on Tara, helloooo, girls stick toghether...........

Moon goddess said...


Anonymous said...

I saw Sabrina and lazano together last week. I think she is looking to maybe have herself a taste of south texas mexican dark meat after only haveing white meat. Somebody better tell Lazano's wife another womans playing in her baby's crib.

Moon goddesssss said...

Valley girl, I think I know who you're, you have stain my reputation as a woman, you have questioned my integrity, I was only dancing, nothing else. Duhhhhhhhhhh, excuse me!!!!why are you attacking me?? Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Valley Girl said...

Anonymous, you don't squeal on people, although, I had set Moon goddesss, straight, that girl attacks and attacks, and I know she has skeletons on her closet. Going back to brown or white meat, big deal, but telling the wife about her hubbys escapedes, is simply unacceptable. Don't worry she will find out. Duhhhhhh!!!!

Anonymous said...

Moon Goddess, you ask who is DP-M? Por favor. He is the Most Interesting Man in town. Ask around. You'll go crazy not knowing what everyone else knows.

Moon (good bye)goddessssss said...

Duh!!!!!!!!!!I am finish with this blog, good bye!!!!!!!!! Attacking me for simply making a comment on a politico, uuuugggg!!!! I hope 1000 fleas from Iraq find there way to valley girls bed tonight, helloooo, v.g. your a fink in disguise, that red lipstick you were is probably from the dollar store.
Anonymous, you must be a tara supporter and the 1-2-3 lounge fits more your life style than mine, EEEEwwwwww!!!!!!

Moon (good by )goddessss said...

Anonymous, you and valley girl can kiss my grits, eeewww!!! why do I feel you deliberately cajole together to attack me and my good reputation, may 5.000 iraqui fleas attack your bed sheets as well.
1-2-3 lounge is a low down run down joint and no one wears formal attire you moron, I have been told by good friends is a dump, just right up valley girls alley. A WOMAN WHO HAS THE MORALS OF AN ALLEY CAT.

Anonymous said...

But, my dear Moon Goddess, this you must know: A night with DP-M in a City Dump would surely be the highlight of your life. You know it, and I know it.

Valley Girl said...

Moon goddess so does that mean I don't ride your lexus anymore, and no I did not cajole with anyone, I am not attacking you, just the facts ??? However, I wouldn't be throwing stones to anyone if I were you. The article was about Tara and her personal problems or escapades whateverrr!!!, as for my lipstick, please,,, is that all you can come up with??? Duh!! so where did you purchase the short, short skirt, at, "toys or us?""
I will be at the Medussa lounge in Harlingen Friday night, lets have a drink and forget all this crap. I still consider you a friend.

The Moon goddesssssss!!! said...

Mr. Anonymous, I hate you and Valley Girl, EEEwwww!!!!!!!!!!! uuugggghhhh!!!!! Excuse meeeeee!!! It wasn't me who was bouncing around on someone else hubbyyy, duuuuhhhh!!!
It was goodie, goodie to shoes, who is running for re-lection, helloooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Moon goddesssss said...

Mr. Anonymous, I have noticed you speak eloquently of the 1-2-3 lounge, in addition to DP-M a character you have identified as "interesting."
Is it possible that this is where you and your friends hang-out???
Or do you patrionize el dime on 14th street?? Just wondering, or maybe you have a thing with Valley Girl!!! (A woman with no morals)
Whateverrrr the case maybe, but lets keep things in pespective. It wasn't me who was rolling in the hay with another person. I just thought you might want to know.
Thank Youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Moon goddeesssss!!! said...

I would like to thank Mr. Montoya for allowing me to use the blog. I believe you have a real professional format. Sometimes, the language gets out of hand. Unfortunately, poeple like "anonymous", a frequent client of the 1-2-3 bar who promotes this lounge on the blog feverishly will make his unwelcome comments. By implying a night out at a dump with one of his alcholic friends will be the highlite of my life. How proposterous. Oh well, he to is forgiven and forgotten, like a pesky little fly on a window that after awhile becomes annoying. Mr. Anonymous, may your nights be restless with flies and ticks from iraq invading your space. EEEWWWW, I am so mad.

Fandango USA said...

Mr. Montoya, it is funny, but some of us learn a lot from this blogs, good work and moon goddess, chill out, the 1-2-3 bar is for the neighborhood drunks.
But keep blogging, most of your comments make a lot of sense. By the way, what s this I heard you are carrying a 3.7 average. Wow, pretty good con papas as they say at the rest.

Jerry said...

Tara will be re-elected, I am convienced.

Sweet billie said...

Sorry Boom goddess, but I am voting for Tara.
