Tuesday, February 9, 2010


By Juan Montoya
If you have ever been dragged to attend one of the "Promise Keeper" confabs, you would have felt right at home at last night's Valley Interfaith "Accountability Session" held at St. Joseph's Parish just a stone's throw from Brownville's El Ramireño barrio.
Candidates in the March 2 Democratic primary election for Cameron County offices were asked prepared questions and were limited to a "yes" or "no" answer on most issues important to the group.
When they were given a chance to amplify their answers, they were limited to 30 seconds to explain their views.
Valley Interfaith's agenda on offstreet lighting, waste water services, drainage, living wages, Health Care, the West Loop toll Road, and Jail Conditions was summarily supported by all the candidates present.
They included all the candidates for commissioner of Precinct 2 – Victor Alvarez, Ernesto de Leon, Enrique Escobedo, Ernie Hernandez, Gerry Linana and Ruben Peña. Also present were all the candidates for commissioner of Pct. 4 – Juan Jose Ortega, Dan Sanchez and Eladio "Lyle" Garza.
The candidates for county judge – Rebbecca Gomez, Eddie Treviño Jr., and John Wood – also attended.
To a man and woman they all assented to VI's agenda on all questions, including doing away6 with the West toll Road.
The warm-up question was framed in this way:
"The proposed W Loop, as it is called now, construction cost is projected to be over $179 million. Forty two percent of the cost will come from private investment while 58 percent ($103 million) will be paid by taxpayers. Over 5,00 signatures from across the county have been collected in the opposition to this road. If elected, will you vote to oppose the proposed toll road by passing a resolution?"
Since all the candidates answered in the affirmative, this means that the commissioners from precincts 2 and 4 are already opposing votes to the West Loop. Since we know that Wood exercises undue influence over Sofie Benavides of Precint 1, does this mean that the Loop is – for all practical purposes – dead in the water?
As far as the 300 parishioners that attended the accountability session, they had a majority against the road to counter Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos' support for the thoroughfare Cameron County's Regional Mobility Authority is the main proponent of what the members call the West Parkway project. That project calls for the abandoned Union Pacific Railroad's right-of-way to be converted into a toll road which will stretch from the B&M International Bridge, near downtown Brownsville to U.S. Expressway 77/83.
Hernandez went so far as to say that the only way to ensure there’s no toll road was to "change out the members of the CCRMA" which came up with the toll road idea.
Alavrez, who was a member of the CCRMA which is behind the project, could only say that he would "sing a resolution" against the toll road.


Anonymous said...

Valley Interfaith forums are an opportunity for priests and their manipulated flock to ask for tax money to fund their self-serving agenda as if tax money grows on trees. As reported by Laura Martinez, they are not satisfied with the living wage increase government employees just got. No. They want another increase as if tax money just falls out the sky. If these religious leaders were at all interested in informing their lemmings, they would give candidates more time to respond. Instead the 30 second response time almost requires a yes answer to all Reverend Jerry Frank and his fellow priests ask. Their rules for every one of their forums is that no campaigning will take place during an answer or the candidate will be called out of order. How can they expect a candidate NOT to campaign? Their "accountability session" is nothing more than an attempt by tax-exempt Catholic Churches to account for funding their pet projects such as Project VIDA. In a just world, they would realize how useless their forumns are and would stop holding such forums that many call a timewarp trip to the inquisition. It wastes people's time and the candidate's time from attending legitimate forums. I'd be more willing to attend others that are more informative and substantive than Father Jerry's World.

Anonymous said...

...good job on the road; thanks.

Anonymous said...

These people are the Hoi Polloi, Juan. Why should we care what Valley Interfaith wants and doesn't want? No news here.

capt. hook said...

Well let me see, they have the birthiers, tea party goers,now we have Valley Interfaith, what they ought to do, is hold Eddie Lucio and his clone accountable for the last 20 years we have heard , the same old platforms from this charcters: water for colonias,drainage, sewer, etc. and here we are again we are hearing the same old bull shit. Only this time from someone else.

Anonymous said...

Eh, pinche Capt. Hook, que te pasa, Masa? You can't use the word BULLSHIT here! Eres un maleducado, un pantuflas, un cangrejo, un amortizado, un enflojado, un facundo, un osiquero, un gargajo, un desfrojinado, un bandolon, un puerco! Afloja, hermano!

CAPT. HOOK said...


Anonymous said...

OK, the Democratic candidates for Cameron County offices have said they do not support the West Loop Parkway, Tollway, Porkway ...and now they need to say, "No!" to any road, "No!"

The soon-to-be abandoned eight-mile of railroad tracks should be converted to a bike, hike and nature trail, a wonderful slice of serenity that would not divide neighborhoods or add to noise and pollution.

Be creative planners, and if wed to motor vehicles:

- Promote the use of the soon-to-open Flor de Mayo Bridge.

- Adjust traffic lights for smoother vehicular movement.

- Imagine better-utilized Central Boulevard, Elizabeth Street, Military Highway and Boca Chica.

And planners, consider the need for open space, exercise, wild life and contemplation. The road idea promotes none of those quality of life concerns.

Eugene "Gene" Novogrodsky

Anonymous said...

Capt. Hook, you ignorant slimebucket. What have youe ever done for Humanity, you waddling shitbag. Nothing, digo yo. Y si no te gusta pues vente, puto. Brinca la cerca y te envio a la pinche lona, mugroso. Ya, ya, ya me canse de tus estupideses. Me entiendes, Apestoso? Sal, cabron. Sal de la falda de tu Mama, jediondo. eres un cobarde, lambiscon. COBARDE!

Noon delight said...

I think the bike trail is a great idea, people need a place where they can feel safe. Riding a bike on the busy streets in Brownsville is hazardous to you health.
Good idea, promote health habits, not just eating, eating, and more eating. There is too much fat people in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

Eh, Captain Hook. Que paso? Donde estas, pinche mofle fronterizo. Te chingue en dos rounds?! Sal, maflor. Sal para darte mas chingasos. Que, ya no quieres? Pues que pinche mamon. Captain Hook es un cobarde, un frijolero, un caldo rancio, una chuleta imolada, un bofe canceroso, una trip fructosa, un par de nalgas abiertas. sal, Buey! Te voy a coger!

El Espectro

Anonymous said...

Capt. Hook and El Expectro, settle down and stay on topic if not just get a room, you know you want to.

El Referee
