Thursday, February 25, 2010


By Juan Montoya
A Matamoros man was shot down in cold blood in Waco last Saturday after mistakenly opening a bathroom door in a restaurant and a young girl complained to her father.
The bathroom was reportedly unisex and the lock was said to have been broken.
Even though Jose de la Paz Rico Barna, 50, did not enter the bathroom and tried to apologize to the girl's father, police suspect that the man followed him on Interstate 35 and shot him to death from his car.
At the time he was shot, Rico was driving on the northbound Interstate 35 access road in Waco.
Witnesses said it happened suddenly. After he was shot, his van drifted into the guardrail near the 11th Street overpass.
The witnesses told police that they had turned left onto the access road from 18th Street behind a black four-door sedan and a white Ford Econoline van. According to their report, the late-1980-model sedan accelerated to pull even with the van as they neared 15th Street.
Then a man in a black jacket extended a semiautomatic pistol out the sedan’s window and fired three or four rounds into the van’s driver’s side window, they said.
The witness pulled up next to the van and saw Rico slumped over the steering wheel, covered in blood, he said.
He had been shot in the head and torso, according to a police report. A justice of then peace pronounced Rico dead at 12:26 p.m. Relatives of the man in Matamoros transferred his body to Mexico with the aid of a local community group.
Perhaps more disturbing that the murder of an innocent man was the comments made in the Waco Tribune Herald by its readers. More than one commentator insinuated that Rico had been running illegal aliens and that the shoot ting was a result of a drug deal gone bad.
The man's family disputed these assertions and said Rico was working there to send money to his family in Matamoros.
Numerous anonymous writers stated that Mexicans should stay at home and have their babies.
The comment below is typical of the others:
"Let me guess. the driver had no drivers license, no insurance, no legal papers, and no business here as well. Everyone needs to arm themselves in vehicle and home environment. educate yourself and you'll see that the Mexicans have crossed into Texas with their drug selling cartels and are killing each other, police, and bystanders with this stupid fighting over drug territory . They have found that they can't pay people off as easy in America but they can dam sure blend in well here now with half of Mexico now here and also get free health care while there here killing each other. Well I gotta go to work now to pay taxes for the new Hillcrest hospital and 500 illegal alien mothers there tonight. There's probably 20 illegals there tonight having babies on our tax dollars."
And we thought the days of closet racists were over, hey?
Our condolences to the Matamoros family of Mr. Rico Barna. Out thoughts are with you.


Truth said...

That is Waco for you, you ought to read the Denton Record Chronicle letters to the editor, they are just as vile.
They keep forgetting, they crossed the ocean and took land from Mexico. And look what they did to the Indians, took away their land, put them in reservations, gave them infected blankets, put the children in American schools, beat the hell out of them and made them give up their beliefs.
And then they wonder why no one likes them.

Anonymous said...

El comentario racista del susodicho es solamente el resultado de la estupidez e ignorancia que los medios de comunicación derechistas propagan en Estados Unidos. Fox News ha creado en la mente de muchos americanos el miedo al mexicano. Al inmigrante se le ha puesto una careta de abusivo y sinvergüenza por, según ellos, abusar de los programas médicos o sociales. Sin embargo, probablemente el indocumentado es el último en usar estos servicios. El miedo a la migra y a las preguntas los hacen buscar auxilio en hospitales o clínicas clandestinas.
Sin embargo, el si es víctima del abuso. La mayoría de ellos trabajan en compañías que los amenazan con llamar a inmigración si no se trabaja más horas. A veces ni siquiera reciben su pago por cualquier excusa que el patrón invente. Si se lesionan en el trabajo, no reciben ningún beneficio medico. Dime tu si esto es abuso?
Lo que tenemos que empezar a entender, es que ellos no son la culpa de nuestros problemas o del estado de la economía. El inmigrante no ha venido a robarnos los empleos, nunca hemos querido esos empleos. La culpa de que no existan trabajos es de las compañías que por aumentar sus ganancias trasladan sus fábricas e industrias a lugares como China en donde la mano de obra es más barata. El estado de nuestra economía es solo el resultado del excesivo privilegio que se la ha dado a la clase rica por la pasada administración. El déficit comercial y la falta de divisas es consecuencia de la abusivo beneficio a las compañías que hacen negocio con el gobierno, especialmente en el ámbito militar.
Tenemos que pensar en que el inmigrante solamente es el producto de una necesidad de trabajo, tanto de él como del país. No se viene aquí de indocumentado para romper las leyes por que la consecuencia es la deportación. Ellos tienen que ser ciudadanos modelos para poder permanecer aquí; Cualquier roce con la ley los devuelve. Tenemos que culpar a quien tiene la culpa y muchas veces, aunque nos duela, somos nosotros mismos.


Anonymous said...

Good thing the Spainards were so kind to the Aztecs.

Fred D said...

I moved here in 1984 when the New York area became intolerable in my profession.
I am now much more comfortable here than I am when I visit my original home town, thanks to the folks I met here including the grand author! I was even referred to as a "Brownsville Native" in the press when my daughter got married. -A comment that I cherish.

Truth said...

Two wrongs don't make a right, so the Europeans followed the Spaniards methods. Steal other peoples land, kill them if you have to, beat the hell out of them, bring slavery to land wasn't theirs, work the hell out of them, give them shacks to live, steal from them and than say we did it for their own good. Yea, yea, I heard that sad story before. Today, we call people like that, "thiefs."

Anonymous said...

Oh so the indigenous people Aztec, Mayan, etc., were peace loving people who never hurt a fly.

Valley Girl said...

That's right it was the Europeans (Spaniard) who came here to steal their goods, their wealth, rape their women, kill their leaders, laugh at their culture, change their beliefs, and on and on and on. Just like in America, trinkets for a state like New York, tell me Anomymous what do you call that???, "good business," I call it stealing.

Anonymous said...

To the victor go the spoils. Again didn't the indigenous people war with each other and commit the same atrocities? If you answer is no then you are in denial.

Valley gril said...

Thiefs, rapest, killer, murders, adulters, I think when the British sent them to Australia they ended up in America, and there sieblings are following their footsteps.

valley girl said...

Your logic doesn't merry a response. (Anynomous)

Anonymous said...

Lock up all Tea Party members....


The Valley Girl said...

The Tea party goers are nothing but a bunch of trailer park trash, overweight loosers, who get their jollies by going out and marching and getting there 15 minutes of fame, I saw some in progresso buying Viagra, (lla ni se les para) bola de cabrones, pinche gringos se de vian de ir back to england, or wherever, they came from.
