Tuesday, February 16, 2010


By Juan Montoya
We love our counselor’s what?
His or her good sense of humor? Dedication? Good taste?
Or perhaps their command of the English language?
The folks over at Oliveira Middle School, already reeling from a sexual assault “incident” involving a deaf and a mentally- impaired student on school grounds, now show their mastery of the Queen’s English with their message of affection to their “counselor’s” something.
That basic error confusing a singular possessive for a plural is spread all over town. Over at a shoe-repair shop on Old Port Isabel Rd., they fix “ladie’s” heels in five minutes. Undoubtedly, our readers will remember other examples of this same error.
But while that might be excused coming from an English-limited cobbler, this is inexcusable in a place of learning where teachers and administrators with bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhDs labor untiringly to instill academic scholarship on the young impressionable minds of our children. In fact, Egly Elementary is situated just across the street, and no one there seems to have noticed the gaffe either. They spelled counselors correctly on their marquee.
Did any of the English teachers notice? Or doesn’t anyone read the messages there?
And we’re sure that Rick Longoria, a city commissioner who flaunts his bilingualism for the cameras at city hall, probably drove his scooter right under the marquee without noticing the misspelling on the way to his job at Oliveira.
But then again, Rick is probably too busy nurturing his dreams of replacing Mayor Pat Ahumada in the mayor’s seat to think about too much else.
Will someone tell the staff at Oliveira to take care of this embarrassing display of bad grammar?


Anonymous said...



The quality of elected officials we have says something about how we vote.

The majority of us do not vote and we let special interest groups determine who will get elected.

In the March 2010 primaries we again have the opportunity and obligation to vote.

Some of the candidates are incumbents who have faced allegations and criticism.

Some are former office holders and you should remember how they misused your tax-payer dollars.

They could not get free perks from the City and now they want and elected position with the County to get the free perks.

Others are challengers with political ties to political officials, who want to maintain control of your money.

Some of them are lawyers and doctors who have a full time position in their office. Are they going to close their office?
How are they going to find time to serve the public for the thousands of dollars they will be receiving from the Cameron County Tax-payer.

If you care for the future of Cameron County,
If you want to change the political machine, and
Tell the politicians that occupy our tax-funded positions of authority
That the game is over,


Brownsville Good Government League



Why would anyone want, to be an elected official in Cameron County is my question??? Ans; PERKS.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, no wonder only 16% of the students graduate from college. Let me see, you think they could solve a very simple equation: Like
5X-Y=10, never mind the answer is 2.Oh boy!!Only in Browsnville.

Anonymous said...

Juan, you're a better man if you post material critical of your work. This post was laughable because you make a ton of Grammar mistakes yourself. Nothing wrong with looking fallible (look it up, vato).

El Espectro

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want, to be an elected official in Cameron County is my question???

Influence peddling. Once elected, if not sooner, the candidate is approached by special interest groups to vote their way in any issue affecting their bottom line. Once elected, the elected officials sole concern will be to remain entrenched in his position. He achieves this by selling his influence to special influence groups who will in turn reward him with cash, vacations, jobs for relatives, re-election funding, etc.

A politician, once tainted by corruption, begins to only be concerned with getting re-elected, and concentrates his efforts on filling his re-election campaign coffers, thus losing focus on his job of looking out for the public's interests.

El Chris

El Zorro said...

WEll said, anonymous, very well, line their pockets, that is what is all about.

Bambi said...

Anonymous, Juan Montoya is not in the education business, the schools are, surely any language arts teacher should have looked at the markee. Oliveira middle school, can I ask one question??? Was your campus a recognized school?? God save the future,

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya,
Thank you for your informative posts.I have seen so much of these kinds of mistakes from our local schools and that is so sad.
The responsibility falls on the principal----too bad some are there just to collect a paycheck.

El Zorro said...

All of them just collect their big fat pay checks.
