Friday, February 26, 2010


To: Whom It May Concern
Last week my colleagues and I attended a meeting with the special services interim director (Kathleen Jimenez) and as a matter of professional ethics I am compelled to report the following: As a licensed professional, I was directed by the interim director to produce student psychological and autism reports with less data and to produce more evaluations at any cost because we were so far behind.
As professionals we are questioned as to why BISD students were receiving Cadillac evaluations. The fact is that we are producing reports that meet federal standards as well as the guidelines set forth by the Commissioner of Texas Education Agency.
During the meeting LSSP Cindy Hickman TreviƱo advised and warned the interim director that to produce a report with less than what we were doing would be in violation of our code of ethics and also reminded her of why the district and our department was in trouble for not following the rules.
It is clear to me and others at special services that Mrs. Jimenez does not understand her role, much less that of an LSSP. She has no credentials or experience to be in her current role. Yelling and making outrageous demands of professionals who know their job is uncalled for.
Only three years ago BISD had only three LSSP for nearly 50,000 students, no instruments to properly evaluate students and needed to outsource to external professionals to get the job done. Although we lost our Lead LSSP, Dr. De Alba (PhD from Texas A&M), we now have eight LSSPs who are trying to do what’s right for our students and our district.
(It is obvious that professionals at Special Services do not respect the credentials of interim Director Kathleen Jimemez. The latest revelations from that little shop of horrors is that Jimenez took four Special Services personnel to watch an HBO movie in Dallas at a cost of about $2,000. The movie (Temple Grandin, a movie about childhood autism) could have been watched by these folks on cable. Are we witnessing the birth of yet another bureaucrat who spends the district taxpayers’ money as if it were hers? More on this later as more details emerge).


Anonymous said...

So Accion America was right when it went public calling Special Services a disgrace. fatally flawed and defective in its core.

It is obvious that the reports commissioned by Supt. Gonzales were right on target and for that he was fired, we need to fire Zayas, Cortez, Colunga and Aguilar for Malfesance and Neglgence towrds our Children. They are disgusting.

Anonymous said...

