Saturday, February 13, 2010


By Juan Montoya
There is a family grieving a dead soldier in La Paloma.
Before that, it was Los Fresnos. And before that it was Brownsville, San Benito, Rio Hondo, Mission, McAllen, etc.,
Since the war began in March 2003, 30 service members from the Rio Grande Valley have been killed in Iraq.
The latest is Adriana Alvarez, 20, of San Benito, who became the Rio Grande Valley’s first servicewoman to be killed in that war. She was the third soldier from San Benito to die there.
Staff Sgt. Hector Leija, of Raymondville was the 22nd to die, and shop teacher Richard Garcia commented at the time: "Why is everyone in Raymondville going into the service?”’ Garcia said. “I guess that has to go with the economy. They think they’re going to get educated. They didn’t count on this happening. Instead of easing up, it’s getting worse.”
Leija was the second native of this town of about 9,700 people to die in Iraq. Leija, 27, died in Baghdad of wounds suffered during combat.
On June 20, 2006, military sources reported that Kristian Menchaca, of Brownsville, was found in Youssifiyah along with the body of a companion. The bodies of the two soldiers were mutilated and booby-trapped,
The fact is that the Rio Grande Valley's contribution to the casualty lists is abnormally high, leading one surprised state representative to complain that his district had the most people to die in the nation's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than any other district in Texas.
But why should that surprise us?
Menchaca's relatives, before the military command's spin control flaks muzzled them, criticized the government for allowing him and his companion to be held captive and heard about the news from Iraqi media before the military contacted them.
His aunt said that Menchaca had been working at a fast-food restaurant but that the lure of a sign-up bonus and promise of an education had proved irresistible to the low-income youth.
In the case of the latest casualty, her parents said that she entered the military hoping to pay for her education and then become a law enforcement officer.
"She wanted to pursue a career in the criminal justice department and she decided the best way was to get into the military," said a sister.
After the Army limited comments on their son's death, Menchaca was made out to be defending our freedom and that of the Iraqi people. Suddenly, it's not economic need that drove these kids into military service, but rather the patriotic motivation to help our Arab brothers from tyranny.
Likewise, expect that to happen in the case of the unfortunate young soldier from San Benito.
We really don't know what happened to Alvarez, yet.
The U.S. Army policewoman was found Wednesday in Baghdad with a gunshot wound.
Was it the Iraqis? Was it a crime by her fellow soldiers?
No one knows, her sister said, adding that military officials were investigating her death.
"The family’s overwhelmed," Lydia Caballero, a spokeswoman for America’s Last Patrol, who said the organization was speaking on the family’s behalf, told a local daily.
"The family is very confused," Caballero told reporters early Friday evening. "In the last two or three hours everything began to sink in."
It didn't take long for State Rep. Eddie Lucio III to start the campaign rolling by hailing Alvarez as a hometown hero.
"The Rio Grande Valley, as Texas, has lost many — too many — like Pfc. Alvarez. She is unique, however, because she is the first young woman from our community to lose her life in this war," Lucio said in a news release. "While we grieve for our tremendous loss today, we also honor those that continue to fight tomorrow."
A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz, D-Corpus Christi chimed in saying Ortiz was asking for prayers for Alvarez’s family.
"I know that this is a difficult time for the Alvarez family but I know how proud our nation and the community of San Benito are of Pfc. Adriana Alvarez’s selfless service in defense of the United States," Ortiz said in a news release.
How about working to provide a meaningful education and employment opportunities here instead of crying over our dead kids when they take the only avenue they can see to better their situation Messrs. Lucio and Ortiz?
Pretty words and crocodile tears won't stop the carnage that is yet to come. And in the case of Ortiz, he's asking us to send him back to Washington after being there for more than 26 years in office. What has he done to give our youth a hand up instead of running off to join the military and to have our families confront this often inevitable consequence?
Pull out of Iraq now. And stop trying to continue a war against the people of Afghanistan. Fine tune our search for Osama Bin Laden (remember him?) and avenge our 3,000 dead in the Twin Towers and get out. That's all the American people want, not to invade and occupy inoffensive countries and then have our poor families in South Texas grieve a lifetime over the results.
(Update: News reports indicate that tgere are efforts underway to request U.S. Department of State permission to allow the girl's parents to come into the United States from Mexico and attend her funeral. This indicates the complexity of the U.S.-Mexico relationship where ties of blood and culture bind us in an inextricable embrace.)


Anonymous said...

...and when the band played "Hail To The Chief, " oooooh, the cannons pointed at you.


Fandango said...

Come on Eddie Lucio lll, and Salomon Oritz Jr. let the family grieve, don't make political crap out of peoples misery. You people have no shame.

The power of the people said...

To Ortiz, and Lucio,
All you guys are doing is benefiting yourselves from this family's pain. How dare you!! I know how painfull this is..My nephew Pedro Contreras, a US Marine was killed in action on June 21, 2004.
Now, back to Ortiz and Lucio:
What about helping the ones that already served who are STILL ALIVE and need your help? I asked BOTH, Ortiz and Lucio for their help over a year ago, and to this day they have not done a damn thing for my son (a veteran) or his kids.
My family and I, rather vote for the "wayno" who asks for spare change at the corner store. At least, he is being honest!

The power of the people said...

Thank you Mr. Montoya, thank you for the great service you provide to our community.
Please keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Very astute on the recent series of wars, wars that have NOT made the US and World safer ....

The young woman, a tragic piece of a wrong foreign and military policy, one that shows no sign of changing ....

Fred D said...

I dispise war as only someone who lived through one can. I was there and did thatand relive it frequently in my dreams.
I also made use of Government benefits of GI Bill a Bachelors Degree and Grad School as well. I also got 5 points added to my federal exam when I applied for gov't. With my test score it gave me 99 points and no one could be hired off the list until I was. That was good!
I would do it again and still hate the perceived need for war.
What needs to be done is we must vote for representatives that will find solutions that do not include war. We the people never know the whole story - we have to trust Congress. But the biggest problem is that they don't do the job either. The war powers act allows the president make the decision and we go to war as long as Congress agrees to it by providing funding.
The war powers act must be voted out and the entire Congress must vote for each military action, thereby taking responsibility. Now no one is responsible and most folks here at home don't even vote. If you like seeing relatives and neighbors going off to rediculous wars support a Congressman that has been there and will vote to end the War powers act.

Fandango USA said...

Salomon Ortiz, you have no dignity, your comments are shallow, as for Jr, Eddie Lucio 111, I find this man dispicable, who will do anything for a vote. Both you are an embarressment to South Texas.

The power of the people said...

This Congressman will never vote NO to any war, and our children and grandchildren would continue to die. Just think about it, he has been sitting in the same seat for over 26 years. Go figure! and Representative Lucio...Just a repetition of his father, Sen Lucio.
No wonder why they call them the "sucios"

The power of the people said...

Once again thanks to Mr. Montoya.
It is people like, you that makes me proud of my heritage.

Fandango USA said...

The time to clean house is now!!! next Tuesday go out and vote, and send the stagnant politicians to earn a real living.
