Thursday, May 20, 2010


By Juan Montoya
Everyone was pleasantly surprised at the showing made by the Porter High School Girls' Fastpitch Softball team this year.
Under the tutelage of coach Luis Guevara, the girls' nine managed to reach the regional playoffs this year until they feel before the Harlingen South Hawks squad in the final.
"But how did these girls get so good?" some wondered.
Now some parents and players are speaking out. Apparently, they may have skirted the rules just a tad.
Some parents have indicated that there were UIL-prohibited illegal practices held Saturdays and Sunday at the Rancho Viejo home of a team supporter. According to the rrun-rrun, Guevara arranged to have the girls play at the booster's home which also had the benefit of a batting cage. At first some of the parents were against the arrangement, but their daughters convinced them to keep quiet.
The UIL prohibits these types of practices, said a spokesman from the main office. If they find out, she said, the teams that participated in these practices could forfeit their games and – in Porter's case a second-place in regional – lose their recognition.
"Valley coaches have traditionally been very creative in getting around the UIL practice rules," said a longtime fastpitch enthusiast. "One high school basketball coach even had a smoked Plexiglas window built in his home in front of a basketball court so he could watch his team practice without being seen. Hi son happened to play for the team. When someone asked him what was happening, he could say that the boys had gotten together to play and cook some meat and no one would be the wiser."
In the case of the Porter girls' team, Guevara also was not present during the practices, the parent said. The owner of the property at Rancho Viejo would relay to him the areas that he had to concentrate on with individual players.
But, ask Richard Nixon, with every secret plot, leaks occur. This time, disaffected players and parents mad at their kids not being played are not keeping the lid on the scheme.
"Something always happens when things like these go on," said a fan. "If they find out that this is not the first time this coach has done this, there might be trouble up the road."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Como todo Mexicano! Hechan a perder todo! Here is a person setting the example for our future generations. No wonder "estamos como estamos!"
The girls are good enough to do their job the legitimate way and one more practice is not going to make a difference. If the coach needs someone else to tell him what is wrong with his team, he needs to step down and let someone else take over his position and huge stipend. Let us see how this is covered up? Or maybe because it is Porter, it won"t be?
