Thursday, May 20, 2010


By Juan Montoya
It's not often that I get a chance to gloat and act like a proud Dad. But when I get an opportunity I make the best of it.
This past Thursday Oliveira Middle School had its choir awards ceremony, an event which I attended since my son Jose Enrique is a member of the group.
I had expected a long drawn-out affair with the perfunctory performances by the varsity and junior groups and for the most part they were.
But imagine my surprise as I sat there in the gym on the cute wooden benches when my son was named Most Valuable Person (MVP) of the non-varsity (8th Grade) choir, winner in the regional choir, First Place in Solo Competition, a member in the All-City choir, and a winner in the UIL competition.
(Sorry about the grainy picture. The cell phone we used outside the Oliveira Gym doesn't have the best resolution.)
Personally, I find it hard to hold a tune unless my vocal chords are well lubricated and even then, I'm not sure that listeners would agree with my version of well-known tunes. So it must come from the other side of the genetic chain.
When they were handing out the awards I felt like screaming, "Hey, that's my dog!," but held myself back for decorum's sake.
Congratulations son. Now I realize the drives to Oliveira at 3:30 a.m. for the trip to San Antonio (and picking you up at the same time the next morning) were all worth it.
And congratulations to the Oliveira choir members who went to SA and cleaned up in statewide competition. Go Dolphins. Next year, the Hanna Golden Eagles!


Anonymous said...

("Hey, that's my dog! but held myself back)

I'm glad you could do that, cause I know I wouldn'ta been able to. Especially since I got 3 dogs. Great looking kid, Juan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats to your son Juan. Few people give chior the recognition it deserves. It is one of our most beautiful arts.

Anonymous said...

Good for him,congratulations are in order.
